Ph. D. in Physics and Maths Mezhyeva T.I.
Amur State University (Birobidzhan Branch),
The models of long-term
forecasting of economic processes and complex systems
science-prognostics in recent decades, uses a great number of methods,
procedures, techniques of forecasting, unequal in its application.
According to
the assessments of foreign and domestic scientists of prognostics, there are
over a hundred methods of forecasting, so professionals need to use methods
that will be adequate for the studied economic phenomena, processes or systems.
In the
literature there are a large number of classificatory schemes of forecasting
techniques. Most of these techniques are not acceptable or have insufficient
cognitive value. The basic inaccuracy of existing classificatory schemes is a
violation of the principles of classification.
If a
researcher is not an expert in applied mathematics, statistics, econometrics,
difficulties will appear in using most methods of forecasting while
implementing them in order to obtain high qualitative and exact forecasts. The
most simple and widespread methods of forecasting are classic adaptive models
forecasting in MS Excel. More complex methods are classical non-linear
multifactorial models and neuron network methods of forecasting.
non-linear multifactorial models cannot be calculated manually, so it is
recommended to use the package Statistica.
understand what benefits give the offered methods of data analysis and
forecasting, it is important to note three fundamental problems occurring while
1. Defining
of the necessary and sufficient parameters to assess the condition of the
researched subject area.
2. The large
dimension of the model. The desire to take into account indicators and
evaluation criteria in the model as much as possible leads to the fact that the
model cannot be calculated.
3. The
interaction of systems. Interacting systems form the system of higher level
which has its own properties and this fact makes it absolutely impossible to
analyze systems, included in the “abovesystem”.
To overcome
these problems, attempts are made to apply such sections of modern fundamental
and calculus mathematics as neuron computers, the theory of stochastic modeling
(chaos theory), risk theory, catastrophe theory, synergetics theory and theory
of self-organizing systems (including genetic algorithms).
methods will increase the depth of forecast by identifying hidden regularities
and relationships among macroeconomic, political and global financial
indicators badly formalized by the usual methods.
According to
the degree of formalization all the predictive methods are divided into
intuitive and formalized. The intuitive prediction is applied when an object of
prediction either too simple or complex so it is nearly impossible to consider
the influence of many factors analytically. In these cases, the expert analysis
is applied. The given individual and collective expert estimations are used as
final predictions or as raw data in complex systems of forecasting.
following models are used:
integrated matrixes system of financial flows according to the estimations’
outcomes of the previous year.
The system of
inter-branch balances in comparable and current prices.
The models of
medium-term forecasting.
The models of medium-term forecasting are:
the model of
time series analysis and making of inertia forecasts, which allows preprocessing of data and determines the trajectory
of the inertial development;
medium-term econometric model of macroeconomic parameters of socio-economic
development in the structure of the system of national accounts.
balanced-econometric multibranch dynamic model, intended to build scenery
forecasts for 15 years.
The model includes the
following interrelated contours: production of goods, the income turnover, the
payment balance, the monetary sphere of inflation, the workforce [10].
The long-term model lets:
to describe
the possibilities of development and basic risks connected with microeconomic
development, technological development;
to reveal
arising in the forecasting period (15 years) risks and the threats to progress
connected both with changes in the world markets, and with internal structural
to estimate
possible consequences of accepted administrative decisions as in the sphere of
macroregulation (for example, the policy of the exchange rate), and in the
sphere of branch progress (dynamics of the prices for production of natural
monopolies, the results of realization of progress strategy, etc.);
to provide
the coordination of macroeconomic and structural (branch) indices of the
macroeconomic forecast.
The model is based on the
developed information bases of various spheres of economics (microeconomics,
industry and its branches, state finance, monetary bank credit investment
external economic spheres, domestic sectors). This base includes about three
thousand dynamic numbers of monthly, quarterly and annual statistics indices.
The simplest task of optimal management. One of the methods, applied at solving extreme
problems, is identifying of some problem supposing rather simple decision. We
shall consider the elementary problem of management. It looks like:
(1) |
The general idea of the
problem’s solution is the function of management quality reduces to its
"splitting" on subtasks for each separately taken period of time, and
the assumption, that they can be successfully solved. [8]. We shall construct Lagrange function for the task:
(2) |
Where vectors of Lagrange multiplies Contingencies which bring a common character
are not included in the target function in this case.
Write down the task in another form:
(3) |
Necessary conditions of
function extremum on a
set of vectors in the system are carried out by the
recurrent way in the reverse order. The extremum’s conditions on a set of vectors
are as the results of task solution:
(4) |
Thus, the task of searching for
optimum management comes down to searching for managements, suspicious at
optimality, specifically to finding such satisfied the system of conditions which are
called a discrete principle of Pontryagin maximum. [7].
Finding a maximum profit of a company. As an example, consider the problem of optimal
production firm, the function of profits can be modeled on the relation:
(5) |
1. Find the derivative of this function:
(6) |
2. Equate the derivative to zero:
(7) |
Is the volume of outputs equal
to four optimus for the company? To answer this question, it is necessary to
analyze the nature of the change the sign of the derivative in passing through
the point of the extremum
3. Analyze the nature of the change of the sign of the
At and profit decreases, At and profit increases. |
(8) |
Therefore, at the point of the
extremum profit takes a minimum value, and, thus, the
production volume is not optimal for the company
4. Taking a decision.
The goals of economic
mathematical models are varied: they are built for an analysis of those or
other conditions and regulations of the economic theory, logic grounds of
economic laws, processing and actuation to the system of empirical data. In
practical terms, the economic mathematical models are used as a tool for
forecasting, planning and management of the national economy and other economic
activities of the society.
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