Smaznoy V. V., Khadzhynov D. V.
Donetsk national university of economic and trade
named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
When the Soviet Union launched the first
space and satellites and humans, during the so-called "cold war" of
the U.S. worried about their safety, and then developed a system of communication
between computers, which did not have a single governing body. Advanced
Research Projects Agency in the Defense (DARPA), which was under the Ministry
of Defense has developed a network of ARPANET. One of the first developers of
the system in 1964 was a scientist Paul Baran, a point was that the computers
were integrated single network, where the data packets transmitted to the
ultimate goal independently.
Initially, in 1969, joined the network four computers,
then began to think about a common protocol for data transmission and the first
of them was the Network Control Protocol NCP, and in 1971-1972, it implemented
in the ARPANET. Already in 1972, there was a kind of e-mail. Initially the
ARPANET would be used for defense purposes, to be able to communicate and use
computers and the Institute of the Ministry of Defense for joint research. The
ARPANET grew rapidly and began to work routers, enabling networked more
computers. In 1977, the network has already been hosting more than a hundred,
as more and more universities connects to the ARPA Internet, in the end she
gave a system of multiple networks, which, in the final analysis, was used for
data transfer protocol TCP / IP. Then came the division on ARPANET and DDN
(Defense Data Network, it was only open part - MILNET).
ARPANET ceased to operate in 1990, by that time, the
network has already made a significant contribution to the development of the
Internet, which was already funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) -
the network is to use a single protocol TCP / IP, but the idea was to bring
together regional university centers throughout country. All universities offer
access five supercomputers, which were based on the NSF network speed to 56 kb
/ s. The term Internet is used, the more since 1983, as a designation of
networks. By that time, had formed the main provisions on the Internet, namely,
the fact that all the networks connected to the Internet must remain individual
or remodel. Gateways and routers do not have to store the information about the
data that are in the network, but they have to link these networks, with all
this single, global management system should not be.
But the government did not want to deal with this
system, a network of universities and architecture has been changed radically,
that is given the opportunity to interact with each other to anyone through
commercial private network via access points in the network of NAP. Already in
1994, was built four such points NAP, in fact, the beginning of 1995 is NSF
backbone was closed, while the NAP architecture and has become the Internet.
The basis of the Internet is an open protocol that is a unified standard for
the switching conditions and the system control data transfer or internet
protocol was TCP / IP and he can not be used in all computer systems.
As a result, the Internet began to grow from the
mid-1990s with incredible speed, at first interaction was between universities,
government agencies, the military, but later joined a variety of organizations
and individuals. All networks on the Internet are connected by routers, bridges
and switches. Routers send data - send all packets to the right place, as if marshrutiziruya
data in the right direction, so that these data packets gathered together again
in the desired computer. Bridges connect any network segments and switches make
and break the circuit.
The World Wide Web was originally focused on the text,
but in the early 1990s, she used only the scientists, researchers and
interested enthusiasts, however, with the advent of operating systems windows,
which was available to ordinary users and the growth of computerization of
public Internet are also gaining popularity. The first Internet browser capable
of displaying not only text but graphics by a group of students from the state
of Illinois in the spring of 1993 and it was called Mosaic (Mosaic). Of course,
the visual display capabilities interested many ordinary people and the more
perfect and inexpensive computers become, the more homeowners find themselves
in the "World Wide Web".
In Russia, the Internet has also started to develop in
the universities in the early 1990s. Federal Public Research Network RUNNet
began work in 1995 via satellite, but gradually the inhabitants of large
cities, due to joint-stock companies have also begun to connect to Runet, so
early as 1996 there was Rambler, and a year later, Yandex, which now the
leading search engines LESBIAN. It is noteworthy that in the same 1996 appeared
and ICQ, and in 1998 was made the first translation of the money on the
internet, but then came the term "e-commerce". In 2000, the number of
sites around the world were already more than 20 million in 2001, 10% of the
world's population to users of the Internet. More and more people without any
specific knowledge began to use the Internet as well as access to a more
simplified, and easy to use improved and in 2003, the network was already more
than 100 million sites.
Thus, the Internet is a telecommunication network that
has become global and is the basis for the World Wide Web, and in 2008,
Internet users were more than 1.4 billion people, or about a quarter of the
world population. Internet is not free, but it is entirely possible to exchange
information attracts everyone, because many pay money for access to the
Internet, through intermediaries, service providers. Internet has no owner and
the general can not be shut down because there is no single point of control,
because it is now relatively free network, in which many of them have their own
interests, but they are, in any case, based on the exchange of all kinds of
information flows in the form of text audio, video, etc.
Internet contributes to the development of various
subcultures and communication of people from around the world, it has long had
a social dimension and nature of development and it is directly connected with
the popular communication protocols on the Internet, such as Skype. Also popular
file-sharing protocols such as BitTorrent, but with this many problems of
plagiarism, since the information on the Internet is transferred instantly and
relatively unchecked. Actually XXI century - a new information era and new
possibilities for communication, thanks largely to the Internet.