Myroslava Dykun
Olena Zelikovska
language is constantly developing its internal structure and resources. It is
adapting to ever changing circumstances of social, cultural, political and
scientific life, generating new forms and content and abandoning old ones,
improving its expressive means and devices through their structural
complication or simplification. Language is one or those spheres of human
activity that is the first to respond to social and other kinds of changes in
our life and activities.
space is ontological condition of human being and an integral determinant of
culture. In this case culture space acts as a set of ways of human activities and its results, which are based
on language and affect on it, creating a spatial system, implemented in the
language and cultural situations. The process of interaction of languages
and cultures in the historical cultural regions and the social
linguistic space influence on the development of national culture, being its integral factor.
language division induced by society and features of social interaction of human groups through their
communication, cultural value, the interaction of
linguistic, ethnic, cultural, sociopsychological factors of functioning and
evolution of speech, and
creates a language space that produces a dual or multiple ethnic identity and leads to the
creation of new highly-ethnical community [1].
The social
transformation of society contributes to national revival that is specifically affected the
characteristics of sub-ethnic groups, the development and redistribution of functions of language of titular nation.
Characteristics of the language space is determined by the interaction of language of titular nation with ethnonational languages, which
requires correlation of historical and national consciousness, mentality and
traditions of national culture, and manifests itself through ethnic and
national identity and self-identification. Ethnicizing, that is reflected in the
linguistic space, is
developed as an aspect of socialization, communication style, a particular
perception of the world, which is inherent in the culture of the ethnic group.
of national and international in language space is possible through dialogue
and conflict of national (ethnic) doctrines and analysis of the foundations of
communication between people in the community, so intercultural communication determines the language space. Display of the national and
international in language space occurs unconsciousness, through linguistic picture of
the world (national), which is reflected by the mentality that, in turn,
determines the appropriate changes in the speech space [2].
determined by national
consciousness, serves as the current condition of the individual personal
perception of the surrounding world and affect the choice of ways and forms of
entry into the world of national culture, he plays the integrative nature of
ethnic culture, which is created in figurative and emotional and conceptual-semantic
patterns. Language space, based on a critical knowledge, allows a person to experience
and accept the new reality, to reflect it in your native language.
of both two languages
and two cultures (sometimes three or more) facilitates deeper
penetration into the language of " ethnic groups, helps to identify
topological, national-specific features, which creates conditions for the
perception of others as well as their native culture and language, explains their psychology, character,
customs, rituals, and history. People, their language and culture should be the basis of formation of the nation, national identity and cultural space.
Ovcharenko Z.P. The language of international communication / Z.P. Ovcharenko. – Access mode:]
Балашенко И.В. Социальная
природа происхождения и развития языка / Балашенко И.В. // Перспективи. – 2001. – №
1(13). – С. 94–101.