Kairova N.I. - a candidate of the legal sciences,
assistant professor Kazakh-Russian
The President of the country
N.A.NAZARBAEV, has specifically indicated that "education of children - a
special civic duty of the parents", but, regrettably, many parents not to
the full realize their responsiblity. The increasing family dug in education
child was discussed on Republican pedagogical forum "Family, school,
society - in good future" together. [1]
The Main reason of the growing to
criminality among growing generation is concluded in parent. What has the
practice shown, in most cases crimes are made by children, about which parents
do not take care or carelessly pertain to their education. Wrong education
child in household condition brings about development of the criminal
inclinations to as far back as infancies, and liquidate these inclinations
subsequently not easily.
If parents carelessly pertain to education
their own children, the last go on street and become the criminal cases. In household criminology is designed different
categorizations criminal family.
When child goes on crime, is usually
realized that this teenager was áðîøåí on arbitrariness of the fate, about he did not take care, on he
rendered the evil influence conflicts between parent, drunkenness, violence and
the other actions, occurring in family. Broad spreading the divorce, tension in
relations between parent, absence of the reasonable conditions, cares and
control and the other deflections in household relations have occasionally
inconvertible consequences, reflecting on psyche of the child, and bring to
completion of the public dangerous children subsequently.
The Family is called provide adapting the
teenager to the life in complex external environments and protect from
destructor stimulus developments. In
sphere of the preventive maintenance teenager to criminality role to families
at present particularly increases in connection with obvious inability of the
state structures to obtain here any observable success.
By degree of the participation in
protection of the teenager from criminal behaviour or, other word, on degree of
importance of the preventive potential possible conditionally to separate all
families on five following types:
1) protecting family, active participant
of the preventive maintenance - is oriented on active systematic preventive
work. In these family of the parents will die to interact with child. The
question is expansion of the themes for dialogue, enabling the criminal
behaviour, drug addictions alongside with drunkenness, sexual by laxity,
laziness etc. in category informed and realized contempts.
2) immunizing family, consolidating - underrates
the risk of completion child crimes revalues his(its) stability a temptation,
pressure. The parents in such family will not add the person of importance
warning enlightenment teenager, but then they are oriented on maintenance of
the harmonious relations in family, close-fitting emotional relationship. The parents
as they were consciously reduce its authority, retreat in shade, sure of that
that at age of the teenager on the first place without fall must be a company
person of the same age.
3) neutral family, returning their own
duties on protection of the teenager from criminal behaviour - emotional
disassociated, with formal relationship. The Parents practically closes the eye
to problem, neglect that risk, which is subjected to the child, not having
reliable full tilts in family. The Parents believe in positive public influence
and own power.
4) giperward family - practices all-out
checking for vital activity child, breaking his(its) right on development and
self-determination. The parents in family of this type try to reproduce the
style and relations in family, where they grew, disregarding individual child,
changed circumstance and conditions of his(its) development.
At, the parents strive personally to check
the child, but, on essences, manipulate them, obtruding him "into the name
of their good" certain tastes, stereotypes of the behaviour, priorities,
jealous to keep the child from stranger of the influence, directing his(its)
interests on itself and family. Hereunder quite often s the special artificial
ambience of the residence child. Exactly for such family typical wrong parental
strategy trusteeships and dictate, bring teenager to protest in behaviour, to
destruction of valuables to street company , to diversionary emancipation.
5) family, not capable to execute the
defensive function - presents itself example typical "incomplete parental
correspondence to". In such family of the parents ungrounded increase the
borders of the liberty child (sometimes from ýãîèñòè÷åñêèõ of the considerations: "let grows
independent", "what with him to nurse") and neglect many their
own duty on care for child and provision to him behooving conditions for
unbringing and developments. [2]
Criminality minor grows disproportionately
quickly. Practically get exact given it is difficult since in criminality child
very big level to secretiveness, when crime is made, but law-enforcement organ
about this unknown. For instance, not all victims violence, pocket and housing
thefts, fraud declare about made in respect of their fact criminal
encroachment. The Reasons miscellaneouses, hanging from nature of the made
crime. For decision of the problem to youth criminality necessary to turn
paramount attention a state on social side of this problem. However, find the
way of the decision given problems without study factor impossible, bring about
growing of criminality amongst minor. They are:
1. Economic
and social badly. The Child from social disadvantage family, for which typical
social insulation, unsatisfactory housing conditions, which parents have little
prestigious sorts occupation or are unemployed, have a greater chances to be a
constant participant of the offenses and often abuse the alcohol and drug.
Economic (social) lacking amenities
condition can be determined by social workman, social teacher and noted in card
of the observations as one of the possible factor of the risk. In this instance
follows to promote social adaptation a family with low level social badly by
means of realization possible legal or economic measures (the separation mat.
help, assistance in device of the parents and able-bodied child on work,
determination child in sanitarium, baby camp, social hotels and etc.). However,
children from successful ñåìüåé also quite often make
the crimes. This is connected with that that parents anxious its material and
social position, forget about education child (that can not be not reflected on
psychological welfare child).
2. The
Disadvantage encirclement. The Regions, differing high level to criminality,
with often changing occupant, do not promote origin a feeling associations and
generalities amongst people, inhabitting them, which exists in more successful
region with smaller density of the occupying and low level to criminality. The
Foul proximity and public lackung amenities give the basis to expect
wide-spread abuses by alcohol and drug amongst youth.
3. Neumelosti
and inconsequence in education. In family, in which parents do not install the
clear rates of the behaviour, in which children remain to be given to
themselves and where disciplinary practice excessively severe and
inconsequential, teenager are subjected to the greater risk of completion of
the offenses and frequent using the alcohol and drug.
4. The
Aptitude to àíòèñîöèàëüíîìó to
behaviour. This factor of the risk is mainly connected with boy from five
before seed of the years. The Boys of the younger classes of the grade school,
unsociability and insulation amongst classmate which is explained by their
aggressiveness (for instance, boys, which will not die well to hit it off with
the other child during plays), in alike measure subject to risk offenses and
abuses drug in youth age. If aggressive behaviour is accompanied the activity
in infancies, also exists the pain-sewing probability that that beside youths
will be a problems with abuse by alcohol and drug.
5. The
Protest and risk in youth age. Podrostkovyy age known as age of the increase
the protest against existing in society of the adult people of the moral rates
and principle. Since negative attitude exists uniquely in society adult to drug
and drug addict, teenager of one of the forms of the protest choose use a drug,
completion of the crime. [3]
The Analysis to criminality in our country
is indicative of that that established alarm situation with youth criminality
to aggravate-sya that that total number of the young population in Republic
Kazakhstan lasts to decrease.
To example at the average annually make
the crimes: at age 14-15 years - 2,7%, 16-17 years - 6,9%, 18-29 - 51% and
adult population senior 30 years - 38, 5 %, what see the main part forms the
youth. [4]
Annually grows the number a child,
residing in difficult life situation, needing for help and protection state,
increases the factor social orphanhood. Regrettably, ïîäðîñòêîâàÿ criminality gets younger, but crimes made minor,
become more cruel since violence and cruelty, emonstrated with screen
television set, become for child by rate to everyday life. The Parents forget
about child, replacing their own duties upon their education on school. But
children, given to itself, conduct the most of time for street, in circle
doubtful friends, easy go on crimes.
The State and society necessary: intensify
checking for activity organ, concerning with questions to families and child;
develop and realize the program, directed on employment minor (after all, when
children by occupied sport or visit the mugs, beside they do not remain time to
be going to on street, use the alcohol a drink, gaining money on drinks by
criminal way).
So, either as was noted on Republican
pedagogical forum, in Kazakhstan necessary to create the holistic system of the
household enlightenment, education teacher, psychologist, household doctor,
district surveyor to police bodies on work with parent.
The List of the used literature:
1. B.T.ZHumagulov.
"Family, school, society - in good future" together. The Material of
the Republican pedagogical forum. Astana, August 25 2011.
2. SHestakov D.
A.Semeynaya criminology: criminofamily. 2-e èçä. SPB.: Izdatelistvo"yuridicheskiy centre press", 2003. S.
3. The
Criminology. The Textbook under editing
Rogova I.I., Alauhanova E.O. Almaty. "International centre of the
scientific studies and legal expert operation RK". 2008.ñ.361.
4. The Women (woman)s and
men Kazakhstan (the statistical collection), - Astana: Agency of the Republic
Kazakhstan on statistics, 2011. - 124 c.
The given article is opened the role to
families and its behavioural influence upon shaping the criminal behaviour
minor. It is described factors, which bring about growing of criminality among
minor, which making necessary to take into account the holistic system of the
household enlightenment.