The Laws of Composition and Psychology in the Visual Merchandising.
Galun D., Ph.D.


           Local merchandising is of great importance for effective visual presentation. Let us define its basic types: facing presentation, profile presentation of products hanging on racks and presentation of folded products. 

          ‘Front’ (facing) is from the French ‘front’- the forehead, the front side. The front presentation is considered to be presentation of the product in the plane paralleled to the forehead. This is the most advantageous product presentation, as you can see all the parts of the product, finishing, overall shape and silhouette in this position.

          ‘Profile’ is from the Frenchprofil’ - side view of the subject. Profile (lateral or side) presentation is a product placement sideways to the consumer. This method is the most economical in terms of capacity, as allows you to place the visible product in more per square meter. This method is standard. It does not give a full idea of the product for the consumer and it requires further stimulation methods of his attention in contrast to the facing presentation. The profile presentation is a line, the facing one is a point in respect of composition. The point is a pause, rest and the line is movable tension [1]. Both of these elements form by its crossbreeding its own language, the language of product presentation. The presentation of folded products is displayed on the tables and shelves, as already noted. Products are formed by piles of different types and sizes. Typically, there are two characteristic types of stacks for the category of masmarket: folded and laid out. Merchandiser should decide how much of the profile, the front brackets and shelves to use when applying the mobile shop equipment. It is worth to mention that the facing presentation is the emphasis that should be used for the purpose of attracting attention. The presentation cannot consist of accents merely, such as facing presentations, otherwise it will be hard to perceive visually. Attention stability is determined by the duration of maintaining the concentration. To maintain the concentration it needs to alternate tension and relaxation through an appropriate placement of elements different in charging, i.e. facing and profile bars.

          Besides, you should remember that capacity of the brain to process a large amount of information is very limited when using only the facing or only the profile presentation. According to the observations of Miller, "the magic number” of seven can be used as a limit for making absolute judgments. [2] So, it is not recommended to place the profile or facing bar over seven item. Despite this feature of perception, there are stores with ubiquitous facing hanging of at least two, often three levels of height. Such a presentation is characteristic for Asian countries. As for Russia, its most striking example can be seen at the commodity markets.

          Short-term memory is a working tool of consciousness and its size is limited. We are able to process some amount of information for some time. The size of short-term memory is often measured by bits of information, which are data groups that can be processed as a unit. As a fact, the volume of short-term memory is limited by four to seven bit of information. It should be considered in creating a facing presentation row, placing the profile hanging bars one after another and the forming of themes in a store in general. Merchandiser has to decide in what order to place each item or color model on the separately taken wall bar after the product is sorted by groups up its volume and degree of importance. A scheme of organizing incentives in a meaningful whole - the tendency to complete the picture in case of loss of some elements [3] is used in merchandising within the Gestalt psychology. The following methods are based on this consumer's ability.

1. In the case of hanging by the range, a group of products formed by length looks more attractive. Hanging should start with short pieces and finish by the longest. For example, in order to place some dresses on one bar, it is necessary to hang the items of a short length at the beginning and length of all the next items should be increased to the end of the bar. The products are sorted by the tone and color within each group.

2. Tone sorting involves placing a product or family of colors from light to dark. Luminosity or tone is the degree of deviation of the color from black, measured by the number of thresholds in the practice of colorimetry. This is one of the most primitive methods of local presentations. It can be applied to any product in any condition whether it be grouping by the range or capsule grouping.This method assumes placing items of colors and tones together, then placing the product of the same color but darker in tone and thereupon are products of the darkest tone.The sequence can be both vertical in the case of double-deck hanging and shelf placement and horizontal as well when use a usual profile hanging or laying out of two and more stacks on one shelf. The sequence can be vertical, in the case of double-deck hanging and shelf placement, and horizontal as well, if use an ordinary profile hanging or laying out of two and more stacks on one shelf. Why are these two? Everyone knows that the force of gravity affects the world of objects in our environment. The direction of effect on the body or objects is at a right angle to the surface. If a geometric form is gaugible, it can be represented in the form of plane Cartesian coordinate of two-dimensional space - both horizontally and vertically.

3. Color sorting involves placing items in the color sequence defined by color spectrum. Primitively painters express this sequence by proverb: "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain”. Reading from left to right or top to bottom simplifies memorizing the sequence of six color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. The black color is very popular in the clothes. As it's also the most commercial, it is added logically as the latest after violet in a color stretch and white is the first. This principle is often used in assortment grouping, but it may also be applied in grouping by capsules. Besides, this principle is suitable for hanging and laying-out both vertically and horizontally. Color sorting can be facilitated to a simple placement of one model in all available colors within the range. In this case, the colors are sorted in the order given. Grouping approach in tone and color can not be considered fully harmonious as there may be no proportionality of excitator (color , as example) of human stimulus-receiving abilitiy in a case of a large quantity of goods of the same color and tone. For instance, an arm of 150 cm length , fully hung with black trousers, affects eyesight destructively. In the case of grouping by themes you can use one of the two principles of hanging and laying-out: symmetry and rhythm.

4. Symmetry. They borrowed the principles of bilateral symmetry for the visual merchandising from the nature. In the case of mirror symmetry the object has a single plane of symmetry relative to which his two half are mirror symmetric. Bilateral symmetry (from "bi" - two and a Latin "lateralis" - side), bilateral (doublesided) symmetry among organisms is expressed in the fact that their bodies are divided by the median plane to the right and left halves appeared as a mirror image of each other [4 ]. The appearance of bilateral symmetry among the animals during the evolution is connected with crawling along the substrate (across the bottom of pond). That's why there are dorsal and ventral, right and left halves of the body. In the case of product presentation bar is halved exactly in the middle and its left and right sides are symmetric. Vertical symmetry is considered as the most effective in terms of psychology. The symmetry may be divided into color and assortment at the local hanging. Color symmetry means similarity in the disposing of products of the same color at the opposite sides from the middle of the bar or shelf. Assortment symmetry implies the same similarity in the same locating not by color, but by the assortment. As for human perception color is more important, first of all it is recommended to follow the color symmetry, and the assortment could not be adhered.

5. Rhythm is an alternating of geometric shapes, spots and lines, which is more or less harmonious and thus attractive for the eye. Rhythm sets the motion of product presentation and makes it an artwork. It turns out that a plot can be developed by creating a movement within a closed product composition in the context of one ordinary bar. This is accomplished by such means of movement initiation as reflections, repetitions, internal loops, rhythmization of compositional elements. In this case, the eyes of the consumer are in charge of timebase function of the plot. It is exactly rhythmic shivering of pupils and look moving cyclically on plane of hanging or laying-out provides to the viewer the necessary induction and, ultimately, mental relaxation. Certainly, it is possible only when the viewer is interested in the capsule and will switch his internal attention to the rhythm of composition. Rhythm of product presentation is repetitive contrasting changes inside the composite structure. In this case, the term of the composite structure includes bar or shelf, and contrast changes are expressed in the representation of the product of different colors and assortment. Rhythm can be color and assortment, like symmetry. The color rhythm means repeating of sequences of concolor items defined by merchandiser. We mean the corresponding repetition of products of one assortment appurtenance by an assortment rhythm. The rhythm can be expressed by color verticals or horizontals in placement of piles of the folded items. The vertical is formed by stacks of jersey of one color placed one under another, and the color horizontal is formed by piles of products of one color laid out side by side.                                                                         

6. The simplest procedure of sorting the sizes of products from the smaller to bigger is referred to local presentation. Thus the products hanging at the left of the bar have to be of the smallest size, and products of the biggest size take place from the right as the last in the article. Products are located from the bigger to the smaller from top to down in a pile. Such an arrangement is explained by the psychological aspect of the human information perception. As most people in the world are right-handed and they used to receive the information from left to right and top down. We write and read under these two directions. In addition, this is the most popular movements of the head, as they accompany generally used words "yes" and "no."


1.      V. Kandinskiy. Selected works on the history of art. - Moscow: Gilea

2.       I. Rok., Introduction to the visual perception: Book 2, translated from English. / Ed.           B.  Velichkovskiy, V. Zinchenko. - Moscow: Pedagogics, 1980.

3.      J. Godefroid. What is the psychology: in 2 volume, ed. 2nd, stereotypes. Vol.1: Trans. from French. - Moscow: Mir, , 1996.

4.       F. Parmon. The composition of the suit. Textbook for high schools. - Moscow: Legprombytizdat, 1997.


                                                        About the author:

• Last name, first name in full. Galun Dmitry
• Degree (if any). Ph.D.
• Name of educational institution. Moscow State University for Design and Technology
• E-mail address.
• Mailing address (be sure to index). 107 113, Moscow, Russia, 3d Rybinskaya 1/40-41

The category of the article. Engineering
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