Master of history Amanzholova D.A.

Institute of Magistracy and Doctoral (PhD) of Abay, Kazakhstan

Muslim schools and madrasah at mosques.

At Kazakhs as well as at other people of the countries of traditional distribution of Islam, the Islamic ideology closely contacted the Arabic language. The Arabic language, the Arab letter, the knowledge of even not theological contents embodied in the Arab books, symbolized Islam. «Language of the Koran united Muslims of the whole world; it promoted formation not only professional lexicon of theologians and Muslim lawyers, but also verbal fund of poets and writers... Though million men and women didn't understand and don't understand the Arab text of the Koran, all of them feel divine character of this book and there live with it» [1, p 29]. It is known how strongly language of the Koran got into literature of many people, in their daily speech and what art forms found «Koran letters» at founders of a distinguished calligraphy.

Kazakhs as well as other Iranian and Turkic people which have apprehended Islam, connected the Arabic language with Islamic ritual and a prayer. Use of the Arabic language even in so limited measure demanded training to the Arabic language of a certain part of the population; development of the initial diploma in the Arabic language created preconditions for receiving wider education in the field of jurisprudence, divinity, the Arab philology and mastering by a traditional circle of knowledge. In such conditions appearance of people formed, owning Muslim culture at the level which is not conceding to the Arabic-language countries was natural.

At Kazakhs as well as at other people which have accepted Islam, two types of religious schools were known: the initial - mektebthe Arab, the highest - madrasah (the Arab. Madras). A task mekteb was training to the letter (diploma) and reading texts from the Koran and other religious books. The madrasah was place of lectures (gift) of scientific experts on Islam treating questions of Islamic divinity and the Islamic right [2, p 38].

The question of quantity Kazakh mekteb and madrasah in Kazakhstan remains obscure. Various data are provided. It is noted that in the southern regions of their Kazakhstan was much more, than in other areas. Muslim schools and madrasah usually opened at mosques. Teachers were mullahs. These schools contained at the expense of donations or any the by. A certain tuition fee it was not established, parents paid to the mullah in money, cattle, things, food, etc. Mekteb had no certain program, training term wasn't defined also, in mosques there were no classes or offices. At these schools usually trained in the Tatar, Kazakh diploma and the letter, interpretation of the Koran and learning of spiritual verses [3]. During the considered period in this region lived many Tatars, they served in many mosques as mullahs and made considerable religious impact on Kazakhs as is direct, and through mekteb and madrasah.

Well-founded Kazakhs sent the children to Tashkent and Bukhara. At these schools decree and ordinary mullahs from Kazakhs of "tashkentets" and Tatars taught. In initial educational institutions reading, the letter, prayers, reading and interpretation of fragments of Alkoran, and also the arithmetician were taught.

The local imam (mulla), or the mullah (azanshi, differently muedzin, suffi) could be the teacher. In the summer mektebs took place in yurtas, in the winter in winter rooms, the dugouts which have not been adapted for school occupations. Payment for training depended on a condition of parents. Every Friday in quality «zhuma», the pupil could bring a flat cake or 10-15 kopeks. As a payment in a year the mullah received a horse or a ram (goat). The payment wasn't raised in case children helped in free time the mullah with homework. Mektebsoperated irregularly: in the summer - during a stop of village on «zhaylau», and in the winter - on «kistau». For the majority of children term of training was very short - no more than 4 — 5 months in a year. In mekteb boys at the age from 6 till 17 years studied mainly, girls there was less [4, page 26]. In overwhelming majority of cases need of training at Kazakhs contacted only possibility of execution of religious rituals [5, pages158]. Not all pupils succeeded in similar occupations, usually after training at school the pupil could write and read only in the Arabic language. Often, leaving mektebs, the pupil forgot at once all unconsciously learned words and letters. Such system of training was peculiar also to other people. The main attention and in system of training of the Iranian madrasahs to which children from 5 years earlier went was paid to the recitation and cramming. The whole paradigms of the Arab verb or a fragment from the Koran forced to learn children by heart, is frequent without any understanding of its sense [6, pages 16]. Training in mekteb didn't grant the right to any religious rank, for its receiving it was necessary to continue training in madrasah in which preparation of representatives of Muslim clergy and simply educated people was carried out. Usually in madrasah children of representatives of clergy and well-founded parents continued the education.




Reference list:



1.    Tazhibayev T. Development of education and pedagogical thought in Kazakhstan. – Alma-Ata, 1958.

2.    Sabitov N. Mekteby and madrasah at Kazakhs – Alma-Ata, 1956.

3.    Ilminsky N.I.Memoirs about Altynsarin. –Kazan, 1891.

4.    Altynsarin I. Sobr. T.II – Page 237.

5.    Tazhibayev T. Education and schools of Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century. - Alma-Ata, 1962. – 507p.

6.    Ostroumov N. Fluctuations in views of education … - Page 25.