and sociology /6.Ñlinical
Zinchenko A.V.
is a graduate
student of Institute of psychology named after
G.S.Kostyuka The National academy
of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine, doctor-psychologist of the Kiev
city clinical psychonevrological
hospital ¹ 1, center «Epilepsy», Ukraine
Epilepsy belongs to those diseases which cause alienation, distancy, and
after all, stigmatization, and sometimes and discrimination from the side of society.
Patient’s reaction to the
stigmatization of society can
become his self stigmatization (I.Y.
Gurovich [1], M.M.Kabanov [2], B.C. Yastrebov [3]), that make worse the process of social adaptation of patients
with epilepsy.
In base of received theoretical and empirical facts do us there
were completed certain directions of psychological help in social adaptation of patients with epilepsy,
directed on minimization of negative behaviors displays, adaptation, to
variable reality, caused by illness, strengthening of faith for itself and
effect of treatment, increase of self-appraisal and self-relation.
In view of the results of
theoretical research and our own empiric information, we assumed that such
complexes of psychological qualities, which are the determinative factors of disadaptation of personality, can be formed in the structure of personality of
patient. A psycho correct effect will be expressed in the change of indexes on
all levels of psychological mechanisms of social adaptation of personality with
Application of psychotherapy at
epilepsy differs complication and labor intensiveness, predefined the
particularity of psychical sphere of patients and many-sided nature of problem
of epilepsy, by the variety of its clinical forms and displays. The task of
psychologists is minimization of negative influence of disease on forming
personality, family relations, character of mutual relations, with people
around, and in general on the behavior of patients, which predetermines their
social desadaptation.
In directions of psychosocial help to patients with epilepsy in the
process of social adaptation we selected three stages: 1 stage - is diagnostic, which aim is a clinical, psychological and social estimation of
the condition of sick person. The 2 stage
- is informative, which aim is informative support of patients and their relations.
3 stage – psychotherapy, which aim is a direct psychosocial and
psychotherapy help persons which were included to the having a special purpose
group. The methods of psychotherapy were elected in order to the certain
psychological mechanisms of social adaptation patients and varied according to every
special case of desadaptation and deprivation of social necessities.
Providing the process of psycho correction influences took place with a
concordance with general principles, developed in researches through this
question, and varied in connection with certain case of practical work. Thus we
stuck to the principle of combination general and partial in the process of
psychological help.
A forming experiment was conducted on the base of a 19 stationary
department of the Kiev city clinical psycho neurological hospital ¹1, the
center «Epilepsy». Grounds for participating in research was a voluntarily
consent of patients of clinic and absence of considerable intellectual
disorders. All by a forming experiment 60 persons which made a having a special
purpose group with the medium-and-low level of social adaptation were overcame.
The patients of experimental group (EG=30 of persons) and their relatives got
the proper social- psychological help for the improvement of their social
adaptation, the patients of control group (CG=30 of persons) were limited to
only diagnostic part of the program inculcated in a department.
The diagnostic assessment levels of social adaptation and psychological
indexes personality of patient was conducted individually. The capture of
clinical anamnesis data took place by the study of hospital, conversations, and
charts with the doctor - epileptologist.
Using methods of psychotherapy
and reabilitation influences in the
process of social adaptation of patients with epilepsy expedient at the relative
intact of personal structure, intellectual possibilities, that at the intact of
potential possibilities for enough valuable readaptation. Therefore
psychological help to patients in the process of social adaptation founded on
the basic assessment of information about psychological diagnostics, which
included the state of higher psychical functions (intellect, memory, attention),
psychological protection, emotionally volitional states, in particular - aggression, and others like that.
At the estimation level of social-psychological adaptation of patients
we were oriented on a criterion, the ground choice of which was done in
previous sections: absence of external and internal conflicts, productive
activity, possibility of free expression creative ability, satisfaction by the
level of social status, by itself and by the life, accordance expectations of
people around one and others like that. By indexes of successful adaptation to
the terms of labor certain high productivity, satisfaction by a labor
collective, desire and possibility to execute post duties. Coming from the assessment
levels of adaptation, to the experimental group entered 12 patients with the
middle level of adaptation and 18 – with low; to control a group: 14 persons
with the middle level of adaptation and 16 – with low.
We will demonstrate results of questionnaire which was got by content-analysis
which was conducted on the forming stage of experiment (tabl.1). In a
questionnaire patients was suggested to specify their social information (education,
studies, work), family welfare (a presence of isolation in family), feeling of
social stigmatization (discrimination), own relation to illness and by a
10-pointed scale to estimate the degree
of own satisfaction social status, financial position, family position, work,
housings terms, social contacts. Seven positions allowed get the maximal index
of social adapted, which counts 70 points. After an experiment we asked probed
in a questionnaire to estimate a 12 point only: indexes of social satisfaction.
The results of questionnaire patients
show, that the own estimation degree of satisfaction social situation of
illness straight depended on the support of relatives, presence of work or
studies. Those, who has work, stable profit (regardless of his source: payment,
help of relatives, shallow business), family welfare, highly enough estimate
and satisfaction by social status, contacts. Yes, for patients with epilepsy,
which took part in experimental research, in rating of satisfaction the first places
are occupied by «family position» (middle point 6,2) in an experimental group
and «social status» (6,1p.) in a
control group. Lowest indexes of satisfaction by work (3,7p. and 3,9p.
accordingly) and financial position (3,4p.
and 3,8p. accordingly). Not very height patients with epilepsy estimate
satisfaction by education (4,7p. and 4,9p.). The high-quality analysis of
questionnaires shows that among patients not many have higher education. Through
illness some are forced to cut studies short, but hope stays on his continuation,
especially for youths people (to 30 years).
A table 1
Degree of satisfaction by social situation patients with epilepsy
of experimental and control group before and after the experiment.
of questionnaire |
EG |
CG |
experiment |
experiment |
experiment |
experiment |
status |
5,3 |
6,9 |
6,1 |
6,0 |
position |
3,4 |
3,7 |
3,8 |
3,9 |
status |
6,2 |
7,9 |
5,8 |
5,6 |
Education |
4,7 |
5,7 |
4,9 |
5,6 |
Work |
3,7 |
4,8 |
3,9 |
4,4 |
conditions |
5,3 |
5,5 |
5,2 |
5,0 |
contacts( friends, colleagues, acquaintances |
5,4 |
6,8 |
5,9 |
6,3 |
index |
34 |
41,3 |
35,6 |
36,8 |
The quantitative analysis (tabl.1) of data in control and experimental
groups shows, that introduction of psychotherapy measures in the conditions
of permanent establishment and outside
it, increase the subjective assessment of the social prosperity for patients: a
general index in an experimental group after an experiment was increased from
34p. to 41,3p. (from 70 maximal). In a
control group this index of substantial changes did not get (35,6p. and 36,8p.
By assessments of doctors for the patients of experimental
group after the introduction measures diminished asteno-depressive and hypochondria personality disorders.
Affect tension weakens also, self-control increases, the level of social introversion
goes down; a faith appears in treatment, for itself, in the possibilities.
The patients talk about importance of such support, specify on the
increase of confidence in itself, their possibilities, social fears and
experiencing go down. Self stigmatization disappears. After introduction series
of psychotherapy sessions patients specify on the increase of their social
activity which affects progress in studies and work.
We will illustrate the row of examples.
Patient Sh., 33 years, has a 2
group of disability. Does not work, living on his pension. Diagnosis:
epilepsy symptomatically (toxically genesis) with the expressed changes of personality,
moderate intellectual reduction, simple partly and the
second time generalized convulsive attacks of middle frequency. Treated oneself repeatedly with a positive dynamics. Presently generalized convulsive
attacks exceptionally in the night-time of days with frequency 1 one time per a
month. Simple partly - 1 time on 1-2
months. The reception of medications is regular. Lives alone. Reserved, anxious,
not contactable. Feel like hypochondria. Non - aggressive.
Individual sessions were conducted with the use of rational therapy and
cognitive - behaviors. With satisfaction joined in group work on
art-therapeutic employments, showed goodwill, support other. In conversations
much talked about illness. Clearing up row of aspects flow of illness was promoted
in the decline of hypochondria. Exercises on development of confidence promoted a relation. Took part
in initiative groups, labor psychotherapy (with satisfaction of helped under shallow repair of furniture’s).
After an extract from hospital once or twice visited psychotherapy sessions. In
a questionnaire at the repeated cut increased marks in the assessment of own
social status (from 4 to 6) and satisfaction by social contacts (from 3 to 6).
Argument an increase because began to earn additionally with different work, in
department during group sessions get new acquaintances which lasted out of
hospital. An alcohol does not use. Accepts medications regularly.
Patient G. 37 years, education is middle, has a 3 group of disability. Works
as warehouse porter. Has secondary education. Married, has daughter 8 months.
On a stationary account from 2001 year.
Diagnosis: symptomatic epilepsy with polymorphic attacks. Expressed changes of personality , moderate intellectual reduction.
On a background treatment was decline of second time generalized convulsive
attacks took place with the loss of consciousness to 2-4 on a year. Partly with
a focal component remained with periodicity 2-3 on a month. Thought is in a
slow rate. Obtrusive, egocentric, anxious, sense of distance is reduced.
Felt dissatisfaction in the assessment of education (1p.), work (3p.),
by financial position (5p.). Thus considers the social status sufficient, fully
content with family welfare (10p.), glad daughter. Considers family relations the mortgage of the
prosperity. After the conducted work (rational therapy, including to the
initiative group, art-therapy) the row of behaviors destructions is corrected
(a stubborn persistence, egoistically, disrespect, to people around him).
Thus, it is possible to assert that psychological help to patients with epilepsy
is the necessary part of medical process. General psychotherapy measures at
epilepsy are carried out as purposeful individual conversations. A dialog
includes for itself the structural discussion of the state of patient. Conversation
with epileptic sick must carry informative character selective and
always completed the short optimistically painted formulation, which behaves to
the general feel of patient, his mood. It costs to repeat these words repeatedly
at all conversations with a patient. Table of contents and subject of
psychotherapy conversations must answer the requirements of patient in sympathy
and support. Sure cheerful tone must prevail in the words of psychologist, as
positive emotions clarify consciousness and take off informative barriers. Slow comprehensibility of information by patient’s
epilepsy, viscidity their psychical structures are required repeating of information messages, simultaneously not
forgetting a patient about cheering.
Position of psychologist must not be a too
directive, although exactly the receptions of rational psychotherapy appear
most effective. It is better to occupy position of the interested in relation
to a patient. Patients with epilepsy sensible to the affect states people
around them, which represents them deep requirement in a flavor. Polite and understanding from the side of
psychologist must resist the even increased aggressiveness of patients. The observance of this condition provides the
mutual understanding with a patient.
The results of psychotherapy reinforcements are reflected usually not at
once, but exactly they allow promoting the positive psychological feel of
patients, confidence, heaving up quality their social life.
Statistical proving of efficiency of the programs of psychological help
to patients with epilepsy and positive reports of sick and their relatives
testify to the necessity of this type of help to patient which will allow them
to feel the valuable member of society, actively joining in social connection,
relations, activity.
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