Физическая культура и спорт/1. Физическая культура и спорт: проблемы, ис­сле­дования, предложения

Kozin V.V.

The Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Russia





In constructing the training process modeling of different basketball situations counteractions rivals allows us to study and improve the technique of players in a typical game situations [4]. This approach to training provides an organic relationship between primary education and higher athletic skill.

Unstructured use of situational method in the training of athletes during team sports due to the fact that physicalism interprets the motor action as a set of physical processes and brings knowledge of sports equipment for biomechanical parameters [2,5,7]. In this type of biomechanical models are not sufficiently take into account the unique properties of the inner world of an athlete – subjectivity, meaning, intentionality of movements as it eliminated [1,3,6,8]. In order to solve this problem, you must integrate the biomechanical principles of movement and an idealized representation of the target, as informed to anticipate the result, in one system.


As a method of monitoring the activities of a competitive basketball team was selected video digital camera. Observations were carried out on the traditional international tournament in memory of honored coach of Russia V.N. Promin, held in the city of Omsk. Analysis was performed in 1025 video episodes of attacks.

Video recording was carried out with one point located at a height of 5 meters and at a distance of 8 meters from the court, which allowed to cover it completely. Measure the distance between the defender and offensive players, and throw distance run was carried out using a transparent grid, which was fixed on the screen. The grid had ameasuring scale, corresponding to the size of a basketball court. During the registration process of competitive activities focus camera moved in two directions, which allowed to monitor the attacks on different sides of the court.


Simulation of competitive activity allows you to develop and learn at a different structure and complexity in the training process of the athletes. However, due to variability and diversity of the latter, due to specific basketball simulation question of the athletes are so far poorly developed.

In view of this, an attempt of modeling an important component of competitive activity – counteraction sportsman.

The complexity of research in this area is caused by a variety of game situations, the characteristics of which are often unable to organize. An important condition for simulation of action is information that describes the basic process phenomena are investigated with regard to their relations and reciprocal influences. This information is used to determine the characteristics of the process that you want to receive as a result of the simulation. In view of this, in terms of information processed by athletes in the process of technical and tactical work, simulation is an imitation of elementary situations and basic techniques that make the gameplay, while retaining the structure of the interaction between them.

Do not forget about the relations expressing the relationship between game conditions and parameters of activity. In this case we are talking about models, deterministic and probabilistic nature.

Given that the activity is carried out according to the athlete of incoming information, then the consideration of these relations is necessary to select the initial conditions. This is a case of so-called deterministic models.

With the help of the mentioned relations we can determine the probability distribution of a certain game situations, if the initial conditions, the parameters of the technical and tactical actions and input information. In this case we are dealing with probabilistic (stochastic) model.

If the system is quite complicated, the model development, researchers are forced to impose severe restrictions, and to resort to simplifications. Thus it is necessary to neglect some of the features of the conditions of competitive activity, making the proposed model is, strictly speaking, no longer meet its primary purpose – to be considered a means of studying complex systems. But despite this, the construction of such a model provides a rough though, but a simple and easy solution to foreseeable technical and tactical problems. It is usually expressed in the indicative action to obtain more exact solutions of the game problems in the process of confrontation between the players.

In view of this model for counteractions sportsman in the implementation of the attack should also include additional components – the generic and specific characteristics of the model of the counteractions athletes. These features allow you to create a variety of content models counteractions rivals and attacking their base to improve their performance.

The results of our research show that it is in the first few minutes of each period is the main part of the surge defense with active resistance, with a basketball has a low efficiency. Furthermore, with decreasing activity of the defensive action increases the number of shots, which is especially noticeable in the third quarter. High activity of defensive action is manifested in the first and last 3-4 minutes of each quarter, the average activity is observed mainly in the middle of each quarter and the low activity of the defensive action is practically not observed.

In the competitive activities of players noted the high activity of protective actions for nearly the entire game, except in the middle of each quarter. This can be explained by the fact that at the beginning of each quarter of the players are very mobilized, in order to bring down the pace of the game and not let the opponent feel confident in the implementation of attacking moves. At the end of each quarter of the defending team's players are trying to prevent the successful completion of a break before the attacks of his rival. This is especially true of the fourth quarter, which is often the last minutes and seconds are crucial and determine the final outcome of the game. In the middle of each quarter of the players contending team adapted to the offensive and defensive actions to each other and begin to play with more improvisation, focusing on a variety of attacking action and better use of space behind the defender of the game (Table 1).

Table 1

The effectiveness of attacking moves forward with the use of play space for the defender (х±m%)

The distance from the  defender to the basket

Number of shots


The use of play space for the defender during the attack

< 3 м




3 м - 6,25м




> 6,25 м




Identify the characteristics of other model results allowed to determine the importance of ability to use defensive skills, particularly when approaching the offensive player and his press, and the use of tactical interactions to prevent attacks. This allows the defenders of "hedging" to each other by "switching" to protect, and apply group steals (Table 2).

Table 2

Frequency of use of tactical interactions defenders in progress of attacking moves in the throws of ball (х±m%)

Tactical interactions defenders

Number of attacks

Individual defense


Group steals


Insurance is another defender


It should be noted that the attacking players often carry rolls up to the defender with 1 to 2 meters. Low effectiveness of distance shots was featured players on the distance between offensive and defender players to 1 meter. Further, as the distance between the players, there is increased efficiency and the number of throws. In this case, the basketball team after receiving ball or throw immediately, without waiting for the approximation of the defenders, or used game space for their dribble. Reducing the number of shots between players at a distance from 2 meters or more due to heavy care counsel and high level of defensive actions. A significant reduction in the effectiveness and the number of shots found in the far distance the distance between the players up to 1 meter.

Thus, the results revealed the following typical situation of defense (model) in which a decrease in performance basketball shots:

- The use of heavy defender at a distance of 1 meter from the attacking player;

- Distance (up to 3 m) from the defender that applies a tight defense in relation to the attacking player to the basket;

- Increase the distance throws in a dense defense.

Accordingly, the players in the training process are useful situational exercises to overcome the resistance of defenders (one, two, three defenders). It is pertinent to the use of training and friendly games with the simulation revealed tactical interactions.

With the integration of models of attack and defense in a single programming system directed gaming activities can create situations counteractions sportsman to improve the efficiency of attacking moves. This system can have a different character, based on the direction of models:

- offensive (attacking with a predominance of the model over the defense). In this case, the attacking players master the possible situations dribble defense, which induces a variety of attackers searching for new ways to attack;

- defense (with prevalence of attacking defensive model). As a result, players learn the attackers, along with the peculiarities of defense action opponents, techniques and methods that do not allow to carry out the steal, and block the ball;

- offensive and defensive (no dominance one model over another.)The modeling of the opponents, attacking and defender requested to act on the basis of creativity, individual perception of game situations.


By the character the technical side of the reproducible offensive and defenders in basketball it is advisable use structural models, since they take into account not only the behavior of athletes, but also the material basis, as expressed in the structure of the movements and techniques, which manifest themselves while counteractions sportsmen’s. Thus, the model gets real mathematical basis, which allows you to simulate competitive conditions in the training sessions and teach basketball players to overcome the opposition of attacking defenders.

In the present research the modeling process aimed at solving particular questions associated with the improvement of techniques attack actions to improve performance throws the ball. However, it should be noted that the variety of game the face of counteractions sportsman can solve complex problems and the technical and tactical character as forward and defensive plans.


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