UDC 629.113.006


Firov N.A., Kobersi I.S.

The scientific adviser: PHD, prof. Finaev V.I.


Development of algorithm for identifying stationary ground obstacles using neural network in the tasks of vehicle parking


The article discusses development of algorithm for identifying stationary ground obstacles using neural network in the solve tasks of vehicle parking. Formulated requirements to this algorithm identify obstacles. Proposed the neural network structure identification, determined the quantity of neurons in the input, hidden and output layers. And in this paper was develop optimizing genetic algorithm of neural network parameters.


Currently, the systems bound to application of the theory of detection of objects in real time under various conditions of driving of transportation facilities, in particular parking, are very relevant. The need in using such systems due to the fact that the most frequent occurrence of accidents occur in the case of parking area, when driver visibility is very limited.

Algorithm of identification is intended to provide timely information on the location, size, and distance to obstacles, and to warn the driver of danger, if their distance is small too.

To solve the above problems, the most optimal solution is to apply the theory of modeling systems [2], the theory of artificial intelligence [1, 3], and the basis of the theory of identification algorithms and automation [1].

The article discusses the rationale and relevance of the problem, proposed parameters which will identify the obstacles, an overview of the existing methods for identifying the obstacles relative to the vehicle and carried out the requirements to the technical means of identification obstacles.

Identification of obstacles implements by measuring two parameters (Fig. 1) : α – angle offset from the normal vector X; R – maximum distance (radius) to a total reflection or scattering signal emitted by means of detection, in which the object can be reliably detected;

Fig. 1. Detection of various obstacles when changing parameters TC.


Quantity of sensors used should be selected so that as to eliminate "deadbands", that is, the sensors should detect obstacles within the space transport vehicle movement at a parking with a maximum radius of obstacle detection to provide the necessary control for the future (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2Zones detections by sensors.

Based on the Fig. 2, also should be noted that the scope of each sensor intersects with adjacent areas of neighboring sensors, resulting in the measurement of parameters appear identical values affecting the accuracy and performance of the system.

The same angle of the intersected one identified argument obstacles can be defined as follows:


where , angle when measuring in two adjacent areas of visibility sensors.

For the solution of a researched problematic, it is proposed to use neural network identification, as an identifier of a self-learning networks use genetic algorithms, the structure of the proposed model is shown in Fig. 3:

Fig. 3. The model structure system of identification with genetic algorithm of optimization.

Number of elements   of the input layer is defined amount of input data transmitted from all sensors at a time


On an input each neuron receives data arrays in the form of

,                                           (3)

where i – the ordinal number of the input neurons in the network, j – index - value of the vector of input variables in the sector of the security zone.В результате значения с входного слоя поступают на вход скрытого слоя нейронной сети.


The signals from the hidden layer neurons  arrive at the output layer, which form a network response. In this case, the number of neurons in the output (last) layer is one. This layer displays the results in the form of a one-dimensional matrix.

W = [    ],                    (5)

which consists of parameters describing the position obstacles relatively transport vehicle and its shape.

The structure of a designed neural network system of identification is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The structure of a designed neural network system of identification.


In this case optimization of parameters of the neural network is a major part of its construction, the function of which is to correct its parameters to achieve accurate results. As an optimization algorithm proposed a genetic algorithm that can traverse the same value of three adjacent sectors of visibility detection by the following sequence:

Step 1. Generation of the initial population in the form of:


where each line represents the values defined for the i-th neuron of the input layer;

 - angle vector and distance i-th neuron j-th sensor.

Step 2. Development of the objective function.

The objective function is a function of the intersection of repeatable values three overlapping sectors. In general form objective function can be represented as:


where  =,  =,  =

Step 3. The introduction of stop condition of the algorithm.


Rule 1: If at least one parameter   it is necessary to leave one repeatable value and pass it to the output-dimensional array.

Rule 2: If , then transfer all the values in the output-dimensional array.

Step 4. Output of results and the transition to the next elements of arrays of input variables.

The structure of the genetic algorithm optimization neural network identification obstacles is shown in Fig. 5.

Process of transformation and remove repeatable values three overlapping sectors of visibility sectors for correct identification and reduce the output time solution is the justification for the lack of operators of the genetic algorithm, because in them there is no need, and they do not perform their functions.

The genetic algorithm performs the task of training a neural network to eliminate repeatable values of the measured data and the transformation of the parallel input of data in serial output array using a neural network.

Fig. 5. The structure of the genetic algorithm optimization neural network identification obstacles

Conclusions: In the article proposed a structure of the neural network identification, defined number of neurons in the input, hidden and output layers. Developed objective function of genetic algorithm that performs task of removing repeatable values intersecting zones of visibility sensors and transformation parallel input of data in serial output array, which reduces the time-to-result of identification, by reducing the data to be processed, which is important in the future to ensure the required system performance as a whole.



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