Dmitrienko Yu.N., corresponding
member of the International academy of sciences of ecology and safety of vital
functions, Ph.D., professor (KHDUKHT, Kharkiv)
Dmitrienko I.V., item.
teacher Universiteta Idea (Kharkiv) )
Exit of Ukraine from crisis legal
development, (P.Novgorodtsev. I.Il'in, G.Gegel' but other) requires the use of
active technologies. In this plan a other
origin technical design is occupied by the special important place as
the active is computer-assisted highly technological method of scientific
analysis, synthesis, prediction and rapid reacting. Will use the author history
technological model of scan-out of surface of spatial configuration of the
historical (legal) states of Ukrainian legal consciousness, identified in the
ycles of apparition , changes and replacements of conditional scopes of those
states which formed a fountain
Ukrainian sense of justice in the initial embryos of constituents of the Ukrainian legal idiom - as an optimum model
of authentication of posttotalitarnoi theory of state administration. Those
legal mentality, that from a south and south-east scopes of modern Ukraine built
legal mentality, formed азиатскоцентрическую legal mentality. Evropeyskotsentrichnu mark legal mentality - Is, - And,
Russia center- Ð, Ukraine center- U. Vikhodit' theoretical formula of historical nationally mental to the
closeness of legal idiom of Ukraine: E%idiomi = E%:A%:R%:U% (where
E%idiomi is a mark of closeness of the Ukrainian legal idiom in
%, E%:A%:R%:U% are proportions in %
closeness of the Ukrainian legal idiom),
which will gradually fill, afterwards to define proportions, and середньоарифметическую closeness of idiom.
Å(a sum is after of
E%, A%, R%,U% ): (amount of proportions ) = 30%,52%:23,42%:14,89%:26,78%.
In complete units: Å(a sum
is after of E%, A%, R%,U% ): (amount of) = 31%:23%:15%:27%
of this constituents - 96 Have the static modern real maintenance of historically model percents nationally mental constituents of
the Ukrainian legal idiom: It is = 31%, A=23, R=15, In = 27. That national
structural staple of
a fountain Ukrainian legal idiom – ukrainozentruchna constituent - nationally model only de bene esse on 27 necessary in a mentally proof plan % from 100 % sufficient (in an ideal variant). It
testifies to the mental weakness and propensity to its ideological addition or priority of initiations of bill
above legal. Here then,
knowing the specific signs of certain ,
progress priority , for
those or other concretely historical times which, as a rule, earlier, in connection with diverse by strong legal traditions, freely dominate on ethnographic territories of
historical Ukraine together with prevailing of
and the states, it is possible, using
modern computer technologies ,
sociologically, methodologically and methodically or to increase, or diminish those or other reductant
(elements, leit-motif, pangen ,
prospects of TV other) of definite mentality which will
allow signficantly to rationalize the management of country a transitional
1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. The Direct effects of deviantnoi sense of
justice: the first-run formulas of the Ukrainian legal idiom are // Right and
crashworthiness. Science magazine. 2004/3'2. - Kharkiv: NUVs, 2004. - S.11-18