UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2

Dmitrienko Yu.N., corresponding member of the International academy of sciences of ecology and safety of vital functions, Ph.D., professor (KHDUKHT, Kharkiv) 

Dmitrienko I.V.,  item. teacher Universiteta  Idea (Kharkiv) )



Exit of Ukraine from crisis legal development, (P.Novgorodtsev. I.Il'in, G.Gegel' but other) requires the use of active technologies. In this plan a other  origin technical design is occupied by the special important place as the active is computer-assisted highly technological method of scientific analysis, synthesis, prediction and rapid reacting. Will use the author history technological model of scan-out of surface of spatial configuration of the historical (legal) states of Ukrainian legal consciousness, identified in the ycles of apparition , changes and replacements of conditional scopes of those states which formed a  fountain Ukrainian sense of justice in the initial embryos of  constituents of the Ukrainian legal idiom - as an optimum model of authentication of posttotalitarnoi theory of state administration. Those legal mentality, that from a south and south-east scopes of modern Ukraine built legal mentality, formed азиатскоцентрическую legal mentality. Evropeyskotsentrichnu mark legal mentality - Is, - And, Russia center- Ð, Ukraine center- U. Vikhodit' theoretical formula of historical nationally mental to the closeness of legal idiom of Ukraine: E%idiomi = E%:A%:R%:U% (where E%idiomi   is a mark  of closeness of the Ukrainian legal idiom in %, E%:A%:R%:U%   are proportions in % closeness of the Ukrainian legal idiom),  which will gradually fill, afterwards to define proportions, and середньоарифметическую closeness of idiom.  Have:

Å(a sum  is after of E%, A%, R%,U% ): (amount of proportions ) = 30%,52%:23,42%:14,89%:26,78%.  In complete units: Å(a sum  is after of E%, A%, R%,U% ): (amount of) = 31%:23%:15%:27%

Sum|amount| of this constituents - 96 Have the static|tiedown| modern real maintenance of historically model percents nationally mental constituents of the Ukrainian legal idiom: It is = 31%, A=23, R=15, In = 27. That national structural|structure| staple of a fountain Ukrainian legal idiom – ukrainozentruchna constituent - nationally model only de bene esse|contingently| on 27 necessary in a mentally proof|firm| plan % from 100 % sufficient|suffite| (in an ideal variant). It testifies to the mental weakness and propensity to its ideological addition|explement| or priority|precedency| of initiations of bill above|over| legal. Here then, knowing the specific signs of certain|definite|, progress| priority |, for|after| those or other concretely historical times|time| which, as a rule, earlier, in connection with diverse | by strong legal traditions, freely|rubato| dominate on | ethnographic territories of historical Ukraine together with prevailing|dominate| of | and the states, it is possible, using|utillize| modern computer technologies|technicology|, sociologically, methodologically and methodically or to increase, or diminish|reduce| those or other reductant (elements, leit-motif, pangen|, prospects of TV| other) of definite mentality which will allow signficantly to rationalize the management of country a transitional economy.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. The Direct effects of deviantnoi|  sense of justice: the first-run formulas of the Ukrainian legal idiom are // Right and crashworthiness. Science magazine. 2004/3'2. - Kharkiv: NUVs, 2004. - S.11-18