Ïñèõîëîãèÿ è ñîöèîëîãèÿ\9. Ïñèõîëîãèÿ ðàçâèòèÿ
ïðåïîäàâàòåëè Èñàêîâà Å.Ê., Ëàçàðåíêî Ä.Â.,
ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò èì. Ì. Êîçûáàåâà,
Ðåñïóáëèêà Êàçàõñòàí, ã. Ïåòðîïàâëîâñê
One of
global problems and disputed situations of modern mankind is the problem of
preservation of the human person in becoming complicated processes of its
social life. The ability to live of the teenager in XXI century frequently
proceeds in conditions of a growing pressure connected to sharp change of a
social situation, necessity of fast acceptance of the important decisions,
change of spheres of social life, constant collision in his consciousness of
the different programs and cultural traditions. In these circumstances
important meaning in system of regulation of behaviour of the man get his
normal physical and mental life [1].
Therefore any corporal lack not only changes the attitude of the man to
the world, but also has an effect for the relations with the people. The
organic defect or vice, is realized as social abnormality of behaviour. Even in
family such child is, first of all, especial child, to him there is exclusive,
not such, the relation as to other children. His misfortune before all changes
a social position in family.
Now deterioration of ecological conditions, line of unsolved socio
economic, psychological-pedagogical and medical problems promote increase of
number of children with the limited opportunities, making this problem especially
urgent. The importance of this problem is given reason by the convincing
statistical data, in which the precisely expressed tendency to increase of
number of the invalids is looked through. This circumstance makes to a
paramount question on process of the adaptation of the teenagers with the
various forms of underdevelopment of a brain by social environment, about their
relations and dialogue with the environmental people. Therefore it is necessary
to study influence of social conditions on process of social adaptation of the
person mentally retarded of the teenager [2, p.5].
In time
adjusted correctional-rehabilitational the activity is capable to render
significant influence on the person of the teenagers with mentally retarded .
It is
expedient to build correctional work during formation at children of general
educational and labour knowledge, skills; and also on interest adequate age
features, useful to children the contents upbringing measures.
It is
especially important to ensure conscious, active, interested and independent
performance with children of the various tasks in conditions of special
organization by their subject-practical, mental and speech activity. The basic
meaning has maintenance of constant effective connections of school with a wide
social environment, involving the child with mentally retarded into society useful activity [3].
Thus, purpose of correctional work with children with
mentally retarded - employment and
further adaptation to life, in that number in conditions of environmental
social environment. Achievement of an object in view, consider Lapshin V.A.,
Puzanov B.P., is provided with the decision of the following basic tasks of
work with given children:
Development of all mental functions and cognition of activity of children
during training and correction of their lacks;
Formation at such children of correct behaviour;
Labour training and preparation to others to kinds of work. Physical education.
Household orientation and social adaptation - result of all work [4, P.64-65].
Under influence of special correctional training and
education mentally retarded children take possession of a labour trade
necessary for a society, formation of intellectual abilities allowing
independently to be guided in the various phenomena of the environmental world,
are brought up positive perconal qualities causing their such attitude to the
people, collective, work, moral to aesthetic norms, which meets value to
orientations of a society. And it, specify Kobernick G.N., Sinew V.N., is a
major condition for successful social adaptation of children suffering of
oligofrenia [5, p.64].
Gubarewa L.A., Agapow D.S., analyzing the scientific
literature, allocate the following features of process of social adaptation of
the teenagers with mentally retarded:
- in
conditions of socialization mentally retarded are trained in schools - boarding
- the
education has correctional character, that is shown in amplification influence
of an external environment and reduction of influence personal of the factors
on open behaviour;
successfully to adapt in social environment, it is necessary to master its
norms and values. If it is possible to teach for observance of norms, then
values mentally retarded assimilate is imperfect and is incomplete owing to
limitation of their knowledge [6, P.233-234].
analysis of social-psychological features of social adaptation of the teenagers
with oligofrenia reveals its following types:
- the
active-positive position, for which is characteristic aspiration of search of
an independent output from the usual situation accompanying with favorable
social - psychological features of the person. Unfortunately, it is not enough
of the representatives of this type;
- the
passive-negative position, in which dissatisfaction with the rule is
accompanied by the underestimated self-estimation, psychological non-comfort,
alert relation to environmental, uneasiness, expectation of catastrophic
consequences even from household situation and other negative social-
psychological features;
- a
passive-positive position, which at an objectively unsatisfactory socio
economic rule and low self-estimation results as a whole in relative
satisfaction by an existing situation and, as a consequence, absence of desire
actively to change it in the best party;
- an
active-negative position, which at psychological non-comfort and
dissatisfaction with life does not deny desire independently to change the
rule, however practical consequences it has no by virtue of a number of
subjective and objective circumstances [7].
adaptation and rehabilitation children with mentally retarded, their further
training, development depend on organization of work of special establishments
on the basis of a principle of the account of features of training of these
children according to the requirements of mass school. Were guided this
principle the special establishments aspire, proceeding from opportunities of
children with deviations in development, to approach their general educational
preparation to the appropriate requirements of training at mass school.
important information about common adaption children with mentally retarded,
namely, about a coordination of the requirements of social environment and
physiological features of the teenagers-oligofrens was represented us.
We have
chosen the following techniques: “a Technique of diagnostics of propensity to
deviating behaviour” [8].
empirical research of process of social adaptation of the teenagers training in
special correctional schools - boarding schools in comparison with the
teenagers, training in common mass school, 102 teenagers 13-15 years, from them
51 pupils of special schools (16 girls and 39 boys) and 51 common mass schools
(18 girls and 33 boys) have taken part.
following results were received. On a scale of installation to see in society
as an attractive in area non-expression the answers 15,7 % of learning special
correctional schools, 13,7 % of learning comprehensive schools. (Further
results of interrogation of learning comprehensive schools will be submitted in
brackets); the tendency to little expression - 23,5 % (39,2 %); the tendency to
expression - 27,5 % (25,5 %); the installation to see in society as an
attractive is expressed at 33,3 % (21,6 %) pupils. Probably, the given fact
speaks that the teenagers-oligofrens aspired, on their sight, to give more “the
correct answers”, that is according to that as them learned.
In case
of such scales as:
scale of propensity to infringement of norms and rules a) is not expressed at 0
% (13,7 %) teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 31,4 % (41,2 %); c)
the tendency to expression - 47 % (33,3 %); d) is expressed at 21,6 % (11,8 %)
a scale
of propensity to addictional behaviour: a) is not expressed at 5,9 % (17,6 %)
teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 41,2 % (47 %); c) the
tendency to expression - 29,4 % (23,5 %); d) is expressed at 23,5 % (11,8 %)
a scale
of propensity to suicide behaviour: a) is not expressed at 7,8 % (11,8 %)
teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 41,2 % (23,5 %); c) the
tendency to expression - 23,5 % (39,2 %); d) is expressed at 27,5 % (25,5 %)
a scale
of propensity to aggression and violence: a) is not expressed at 5,9 % (3,9 %)
teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 17,6 % (31,4 %); c) the
tendency to expression - 35,3 % (31,4 %); d) is expressed at 41,2 % (33,3 %)
a scale
of the strong-willed control of emotional reactions: a) is not expressed at 0 %
(5,9 %) teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 33,3 % (39,2 %); c)
the tendency to expression - 43,1 % (29,4 %); d) is expressed at 23,5 % (25,5
%) teenagers.
a scale
of propensity to antisocial behaviour: a) is not expressed at 0 % (15,7 %)
teenagers, b) the tendency to little expression - 15,7 % (31,4 %); c) the
tendency to expression - 41,2 % (31,4 %); d) is expressed at 43,1 % (21,6 %)
It is
possible to explain the given results to
that the teenagers-oligofrens are more subject to influence from the
party of friends and other persons, unconditionally accept the another's point
of view, that is explained not critical of their thinking, and also weak
strong-willed reactions.
On a scale of acceptance of a female social
role the following data were received: a) is not expressed at 12,5 % (11,1 %)
girls, b) the tendency to little expression - 37,5 % (11,1 %); c) the tendency
to expression - 37,5 % (44,4 %); d) is expressed at 12,5 % (33,3 %) girls. It
is possible to explain these results individual-personal by features of the girls-teenagers.
of two empirical distributions of predisposition to disadaption behaviour with
the help of “t-criterion Student”.
meanings “t”, we judge, that in all cases, except for a scale of installation to
see in society as an attractive, there are no distinctions as a result of
interrogation between two samples and the hypothesis H0 is accepted.
That is, the average meanings of results of interrogation of learning special
correctional schools - boarding schools statistically authentically do not
differ from results of interrogation of learning common mass schools.
In case of a scale of installation to see in
society as an attractive the hypothesis H1. That is, the average
meanings of results of interrogation of learning special schools - boarding
schools statistically authentically differ from results of interrogation of
learning common mass schools. Thus, at the teenager-oligofrens it is possible
to count installation on the social importance answers expressed, as average
meanings on this scale in the given sample is in area “expressed”. If to speak
about the teenagers with norm in development, the average meaning of results of
their interrogation on the given scale, is in a zone “the tendencies to expression”.
are many certificates, that the school poorly influences formation of moral
values of the schoolboys. So, the method based on "reading notes" and
statements of rules of behaviour, has appeared completely insolvent, and now teacher
of special correctional schools - boarding schools use the new approach which
has received the name of a method of an explanation of values. Thus not the
contents of moral priorities, and process of their appendix to a concrete
situation is considered. The purpose of
such work is not the simple planting in minds of the schoolboys of the certain
set of moral concepts. The task becomes wider: to help the schoolboys correctly
to estimate the internal belief and acts; to learn them to weigh all
"for" and "against" this or that decision, to expect
probable consequences of the decision and already on the basis of this analysis
to make a choice [6, P. 232-233].
active adaptation of children with the limited opportunities to conditions of
social environment by mastering and education of values, rules, norms of
behaviour accepted in a society), and labour preparation - is an overall
objective of social works in this area. The individual program of
rehabilitation of the child with the limited opportunities, list of medical
psychological, pedagogical and social measures, are directed on restoration of
ability of the child to household, public, professional activity according to
structure of his needs, circle of interests, level of claims in view of him somatic
of a condition, endurance, social status of family. Therefore knowledge of
features of mechanisms of adaptation of the teenagers with mentally retarded
should be a basis for development and realization correctional, upbringing
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