of Economic Sciences
Nikiforovà L.A.
Stud. Krylovà
National Technical University, Ukraine
Human Resource
Management is a multifaceted and extremely complex process, characterized by
its specific features and patterns. Feature of the management of human
resources is inherent systematic and complete in an integrated problem solving
reproduction [1].
Today the use of
labor resources is influenced by many factors and processes. This requires a
new approach to the problems of utilization of labor resources, analysis of
their operation under the influence of industrial and socio-economic factors in
terms of economic reform [2]. The problem of labor resources in Ukraine,
despite some positive socio-economic transformation in recent years, is still
One very important and serious problems of human resources of Ukraine is a
demographic crisis. At present demographic situation in Ukraine is one of the
toughest in Europe.
The population in
Ukraine on July 1, 2011 amounted to 45,675.0 thousand. During January-June 2011
population decreased by 103.6 thousand persons per 1,000 of population was 4.6
persons [4].
Migration is an
additional demographic factor that limits the development of human resources.
The negative trend is that almost 30% of migrants - are highly qualified
professionals who are most in demand in developed countries. Typically, these
specialists are invited to work for a long period, or offer permanent residence
Also a very
difficult situation of unemployment in Ukraine. Number of registered unemployed
on August 1, 2011 amounted to 469.5 thousand people or a quarter of all
unemployed people of working age [4]. In this regard, the Ukrainian
Government is more important tasks: on the one hand, to accelerate economic
reforms and on the other - to provide productive employment maximum
number of economically active population that would meet market needs.
Another problem
the use of labor resources in Ukraine is a lack of demand for labor in its
offer vocational qualifications,
territorial breakdown, which leads to significant interregional
differentiation of registered unemployment [5].
Development of
human resources of the state and overcome the existing problems depends on many
factors, but one of the leading components is the standard of living. And the
higher the standard of living, the more chances in society to ensure a decent
level of professionalism, education, health, ensuring the successful
development of the country as a whole and reproduction of the working
population. One of the main parameters that determine the quality of life is an
indicator of income resulting from wages.
Ukraine is unreasonably understated labor costs, which actually does not comply
in full their basic functions. ¬ civil sector research linkages between
employment and wage fee at the stage of market reforms,
indicates that the low price of human capital there is a significant factor
against economic growth, as supported by the ineffective employment
leads to accumulation of hidden unemployment, lower productivity, the spread of
secondary employment and employed toast
in the informal, shadow economic, degradation of labor. Low wages, socially and
economically unreasonable to intra-industry, cross-sectoral, Transregional
differentiation due to isolation system
we pay the main macroeconomic indicators, disparities in economic
dynamics these indicators and indicators of employment [6].
Issues related to
remuneration, are extremely important, since affect the economic interests of
millions of people - all participants in social and labor relations, because
they cannot be left to market regulation only, and require constant monitoring
and regulation by the state [7].
use of labor capacity due to the development of market reforms. Therefore,
areas of efficiency of labor potential is the formation of a market mechanism
to solve the problems of hidden unemployment, development of employment
programs, the formation mechanism of motivation, development of regional labor
markets, reorientation of training.
Thus, to improve
management efficiency and use of labor resources and solving these problems,
you need to apply and improve these motivational levers as management-labor,
reorientation of professional training, improvement of state regulation.
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4. Popov S.V. Human Resources: Status and Prospects / SV Popov / / forum law.
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