Dr. of technical
sciences V. Vanin, V.
Computer combinatorial-variational geometric modeling as a tool for
complex optimization of technical objects
Productivity, efficiency, reliability, cost price and other quality
characteristics of technical production are determined during its design, implemented and
tested in practices.
Ability to complete analysis of production and exploitation features of technical objects at the stage of their design can significantly increase the manufacturing equipment and tools efficiency, reduce cost of materials, labor, energy and other resources.
Geometric models through the shared shape parameters by many technical disciplines have a special basic role in the implementation of an integrating function
for the stages of design, manufacture and operation of technical products.
Scientific researches in the field
of new computer geometrical modeling methods are considered as a perspective
direction for creation process automation of technical
objects in modern conditions of broad information technologies usage [1-7].
The combinatorial methodology of structurally-parametric variational geometric modeling described in above-mentioned literature allows integrating processes of design, manufacture and operation of complex technical systems for the optimization implementation during product life circle.
Technical objects creation processes are always considered as a multiple-choice to obtain the rational results [3-5].
In practice, this task is often complicated because the improvement of some product characteristics may lead to deterioration in others.
This reality requires continuous comparative analysis of projected
variations on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the dynamic impact of
various technical, economic and other analyzable factors.
These problems solutions are now possible at a
high level and with minimal resources through the usage of computer technology and development of appropriate methodological
mathematical, information and software methods.
The considered approach of computer structural-parametric combinatorial-variational geometric modeling can be a basis for the
methodology of end-to-end integration and complex optimization for designing
processes, manufacture and exploitation of technical products.
The proposed methods, models and algorithms is
desirable to use for improvement of existing computer aided design systems such as SolidWorks, Pro/Engineer,
CATIA, etc.
New methods of combinatorial-variational geometric modeling in modern computer systems are very important for quality improvement and cost reduction of design, manufacture and operation for modern enterprises.
These facts are confirmed by domestic and foreign experience of the
integrated information technologies practical usage.
Thus, new research in the field of computer engineering geometric modeling contributes to the increase of efficiency of social production.
The technological direction, parsed in the given paper, requires the
further study and development.
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