
History/4. Ethnography

The doctor of historical sciences Koroljov À.À.

Senior lecturer Artemova S.F.

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia


According to domestic researchers, about second half 1980th in the USSR / Russia Islam «revival», or «the Muslim Renaissance» has begun.

Democratization process in the country went very roughly, the Soviet management didn't have an accurate program and in general understanding of democratization of the country. So, at XXVII congress of the CPSU new edition of the program of Communist party in which necessity and the importance of distribution of scientifically-materialistic outlook, overcoming of religious prejudices was underlined has been accepted. According to the CPSU charter, each communist should struggle resolutely with religious prejudices as with alien to a socialist way of life. Without being limited to appeals of the general character, the authorities showed the vigorous activity and concerning each faith in territory of the USSR, including Islam. At sessions of Secretary and the Political bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1986) The question «About strengthening of struggle against Islam influence» was considered, the religious situation in Checheno-Ingush, Uzbekistan was discussed. In V.I. Mironenko's report «the report of Central Committee All-Union Lenin Communistic Union of Youth and a Komsomol problem on the further strengthening of communistic education of youth in the light of installations of XXVII congress of the CPSU» on ÕÕ congress of All-Union Lenin Communistic Union of Youth (1987) sounded requirements about necessity of return on offensive positions in an antagonism with religious outlook, about importance of overcoming of the obyvatelsko-neutral relation to religion. In 1988 of the Central Committee of party has charged corresponding party and to state structures to prepare «the Long-term program of scientifically-atheistic education of the population of the USSR».

Change of social and economic conditions in the country reduction in conformity and legislative base have demanded. Since 1990 religious associations of the Russian Federation have received the status of the legal person that has allowed the Russian Muslim community to begin process of integration into a legal field of Russia. From now on in the Russian Federation were a number of statutory acts in the spirit of tolerance and the toleration, the religious organizations regulating, to some extent, activity (the Law of the USSR «About a freedom of worship and the religious organizations» from October, 1st, 1990 is accepted; the Law of RSFSR «About freedom of religions» etc.)

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) to any citizen the right to a freedom of worship and a freedom of worship, the right to practise religion for the first time was guaranteed or not to profess any, freely to choose, have and extend religious beliefs and to operate according to them (item 28). The constitution proclaimed the Russian Federation the secular state. The given positions have been developed then in the Law of the Russian Federation «About a freedom of worship and about religious associations» from September, 26th, 1997 Feature of this regulatory legal act is that representatives of religious faiths of Russia took part in its working out at all stages actually. In the preface to the Law it is underlined that Islam, as well as the Buddhism and a Judaism, acts as a compound integral part of a historical heritage of the people of Russia. The law has fixed the formulation «traditional religions» which number includes Islam.

Since 1990th practice of the conclusion of the contractual form of regulation of the relations connected with activity of traditional faiths in Russia was widely adopted. The state concludes the contract or the cooperation agreement with religious association. At first such agreements have been concluded between the Moscow Patriarchy of Russian Orthodox Church and federal enforcement authorities. Then similar documents have been signed with representatives of other faiths, including with Spiritual managements of Moslems, and, mainly, at regional level.

According to the Russian independent institute of social and national problems, in 1990th in the country strengthening of positions of religion was fixed. So, to believers carried itself about 50% of all population of the country; religiousness «has considerably looked younger» - about 60% of believers people from 22 till 50 years make. Moslems have made 19%, from them about 50% have secondary education, 30% - higher education. In the early nineties about two thirds of Tatars of Russia considered themselves more or less religious, and, more than thirds of city Tatars have declared themselves believers and about third - fluctuating between belief and unbelief, among peasants of the first there were already 43,4%, and the second - 19,1%.

And still, such increase of number of the people recognizing with believers, it is impossible to regard as absolute increase in religiousness, as demonstration of cardinal changes in outlook of modern Tatars. In a certain measure it is reaction to change from the state ideology of the middle of 1980th when rigid ideological control was replaced by orientation to democratic standards, including in religion questions. Other factor which has defined change of the relation to religion in mass consciousness, feature of the transition period endured by the Russian society was. As to «quality» of religious feeling the majority of believing Moslems pray only sometimes, execute only some religious practices and celebrate separate religious holidays. The religious outlook at a part of believers is characterized in many respects uncertainty, absence of clear understanding. Obligatory ceremonies for the Moslem - «five giants of the faith» - are carried out by rather insignificant part. Islam has got household character. Frequently religious self-identification is carried out not on an accessory to Islam, instead of as a result of an accessory to certain culture, a national way of life: the Tatar - means the Moslem.

Besides, a considerable part of the Moslems who have grown in the conditions of domination of atheism, it is simple not in a condition at once to the full to seize all obrjadovo-cult system of Islam, much difficult enough manage to observe posts or to carry out daily prayful rituals.

Nevertheless, in new political conditions of the power of modern Russia can't ignore so serious force, as Moslems. The management is compelled to search for new mechanisms and forms of mutually advantageous state-Islamic relations.