Экономические науки / 10.Экономика предприятия


Likhonosova Ganna

East Ukrainian national university name of Vladimir Dal



Research of processes of self-organizing — one of the brightest and promising directions in a scientific life of last decade. In their basis interdisciplinary character of self-organizing and the system approach to enterprise consideration lies.

Self-organizing processes interest now economists more than ever earlier. The reality of today and necessity of overcoming of the residual phenomena of financial crisis puts an economic science on a way of search of potential reserves of the enterprise. For the account of these reserves (economic, organizational, social, psychological) the enterprise is capable itself to deduce on a new level of development. Unessential best, but it is obligatory – new.

For understanding of essence of self-organizing it is necessary to address to its interpretation in the dictionary [1] – purposeful process in which course the organization of difficult dynamic system is created, reproduced or improved. Properties of self-organizing objects of the various nature possess: a cage, an organism, biological population, human collective. The term "self-organizing system" was entered for the first time in 1947 by the English scientist W.R. Ashby [2].

As the basic direction of the given research the explanation of essence of self-organizing of the enterprises and search of indicators of the beginning and the further passage of these processes acts. Concerning the enterprise, self-organizing is extremely difficult and multifactor complex of interaction of its elements providing effective functioning of the enterprise in different economic and social conditions.

Self-organizing of the enterprises is the phenomenal process consisting of organizational and economic components which result from ambiguous behavior of multielement organizational structure and the multifactor economic environment of the enterprise.

Definition of essence of self-organizing for each enterprise has great value as during realization of self-organizational possibilities the enterprise does not degrade to standard average type, and develops as a result of energy inflow (financial streams) from the outside, ambiguity of internal processes and occurrence of particular treatments of functioning.

For achievement of a positive effect from self-organizing, the accurate understanding of these processes and the all-round control of their orientation is necessary. Accordingly at the enterprise the complex of indicators of definition of a condition of self-organizing should be developed.

The big encyclopedic dictionary makes such definition of the indicator (from an armour. indicator - the index) [1] – a set of the indicators displaying changes of any parameter of controllable process or object in the form, convenient for direct perception the person.

Thus, for the enterprise as indicators of its self-organizing the indicators displaying changes in its organizational-economic structure can serve. It is necessary to understand as organizational-economic structure of the enterprise, first, organizational structure of the enterprise, secondly, its borders of activity or influence sphere.

Let's characterize in details these indicators of self-organizing of the enterprise:

1. Change of organizational structure. The essence of change of organizational structure of the enterprise consists in reduction or increase managements at the enterprise. In both cases change of organizational structure leads to growing complexity of processes of the organization. All divisions of the enterprise have different potentials (technical, economic, organizational, social) which daily change depending on interaction of the enterprise and its workers with external and internal activators. The Administration should be capable quickly and productively use this potential for any activation of impulses: creative ideas, initiatives of the personnel and elimination of any hindrances and obstacles in a way of development of the enterprise.

Equal in rights and independent participants – the workers of the enterprise connected among themselves by structure of the organization in one network – the enterprise, it is possible to define as self-organizing structure which is formed with orientation to specific goals and problems and varies at occurrence of each new problem situation.

2. Change of borders of activity or sphere of influence of the enterprise. The given display of self-organizing occurs that human resources in search of new quality indicators of maintenance of their ability to live are activated. Domestic scientists [3, с.6] formulate concept «an enterprise field of activity» as areas of ability to live of the enterprise which is formed under the influence of external and internal factors of development. That is, change of borders of activity and sphere of influence of the enterprise is caused by presence of factors of development at the enterprise and connected with requirements of its personnel for maintenance of worthy level of ability to live of which is already incapable to give former fields of activity.

Thus, self-organizing indicators at the enterprise various indicators can: technological, economic, social. Everyone the enterprises depending on its purposes of activity itself should develop for itself system of the given indicators. It is not deprived sense the offer of the author to use as the given indicators of change of borders of activity and change of organizational structure, as most obvious reflexion of self-organizing at the enterprise.


1.      Большой Энциклопедический Словарь // http://www.prepadav.net

2.      Эшби У.Р. Принципы самоорганизации. – М.: Наука, 1994.

3.     Калінеску Т.В. Методологічні основи розвитку сфери діяльності підприємств. Автореферат на здобуття наук. ступеня докт. екон. наук. – Харків: ІНЖЕК, 2004. – 30 с.