Ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèå  íàóêè/5.Ñîâðåìåííûå ìåòîäû ïðåïîäàâàíèÿ.

Candidate of engineering sciences, docent Koyshieva T.K.,

senior teacher Mindetbaeva A.A.,

senior teacher Yespembetova A.M.

Hoja Ahmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University of Turkistan



At a certain stage of development of the higher school the satisfaction ­to new requirements of preparation of experts occurred or at the expense of ­ increase in quantity of hours at training to separate disciplines, or ­introduction in the plan of preparation of experts of new disciplines. However growth of number of new industrial problems has led to "swelling" of curricula,­ to an overload trained and, as consequence, to decrease in quality ­ of preparation of experts. In this connection the extensive approach to preparation ­of experts in high schools practically has completely settled itself. The reason of the last ­consists not only in necessity of preservation of terms of training for high school, but also for substantial increase of the requirements shown to ­ experts today, especially in modern conditions of development of a society when practically use of modern information technologies in professional work is necessary for all.

Undoubtedly, that application of modern computer technologies and means of telecommunication interaction opens new prospects ­ in education system perfection, acquisition of such new knowledge of the world which it is more difficult, and sometimes and it is impossible to receive without ­ computer and communication means. On what efficiency of modern formation and feature of its organization in the conditions of ­ integration processes of the world community depends­? What role of the teacher ­ of computer science, its level of readiness not only in the field of use ­ of modern information technologies, but as initiator ­of inclusion in new communication atmosphere of a life not only school, trained, but attraction to teamwork of all fellow workers, members of a family of trainees of the class.

On the given question in the country it is obviously not enough qualified teachers. The Transfer of experience traditional methods does not give desirable effect. For this reason application of the computer, modern communication media and various pedagogical software is real possibility for transfer and distribution of experience of talented ­teachers and experts of any profile.

Let's consider the basic directions of application (possibility) of computer and communication means and corresponding ­program-didactic maintenance.

Creation of new technologies and tutorials. Computer means and means of telecommunication communication are a technological ­basis of working out of a complex of pedagogical conditions of introduction of computer means in the educational process, promoting removal of some methodical and organizational difficulties at any level of reception ­ of formation and improvement of professional skill.

Increase of democratization of formation. Application ICÒ in ­an education system considerably raises availability of a quality education,­ possibility of its reception at any age, in any place and ­time. Computer tutorials and communications can be considered as the special environment of the organization of cogitative activity of subjects of educational process. To psychologists, teachers and experts of any areas well-known: reception of new knowledge occurs only in the course of own activity. Application of computer tutorials and dialogue allows not only to transfer certain data trained, but also to create pedagogical conditions for management ­ of process of informative activity of the trained.

Let's consider the problem: «How formation information ­will allow the population of the country, youth from needy families to take advantage ­of results of information of an education system?».

Last decade is marked by huge achievements ­in the field of distribution of computer techniques and a communication facility, not only in education system public sector, but also in other spheres of activity ­of the person. The huge number of computers "has come" to our houses.

It concerns enough the provided families. And what the increase in "house" computer park for an education system as a whole, for youth from families of not so high prosperity gives? The increase in "house" park releases an operating time on the computer for trained, not having the computer, and it, in turn, provides more ­ an easy approach to techniques and, hence, creates more favorable ­conditions of training, and it too result of information of formation. Besides it is necessary to create classes of an easy approach to the computer techniques and information resources in public centers Internet.

 Self-education and continuous increase of educational and cultural level. Computer tutorials and communications have huge value for self-education in new conditions. In the conditions of ­society information on the foreground of modern formation ­ there are problems of formation of requirement of continuous self-education, working out of technologies the self-training based on a computer ­communication handshaking. Herein it is important ­to understand and be able to learn to communicate to the teacher of the pupils in the new ­communication environment actively using possibilities of the global ­information environment the Internet, various electronic forums, chats and e-mail.

 Training individualization. As the basic positive ­ moment of introduction ICÒ even at the first attempts of introduction of the last in educational process, mark a training individualization more often. Application ICÒ gives permission possibility, in any measure, one of the basic contradictions of formation - the mass form of the organization ­and necessity of an individualization of training. Essential difference ­in the organization of educational process with application ICÒ is that employment with application of computer and communication tutorials ­ reminds more likely heuristic conversation with fragments of lectures, ­ demonstrations of work of programs, analysis of disputable situations. From the point of view of ­ traditional forms of training employment "is broken", it "is unchained", ­the trained has a requirement to share the opinion on a certain question, both with the teacher, and with the friends. It is expedient to teacher to co-ordinate actions trained, instead of to interfere with their work. In youthful collective atmosphere of creativity, joint cooperation with the teacher and others trained successes of independent work the-best form of motivation of informative activity.

Increase of level of security by information-educational materials. ­The structural organization of a teaching material,­ inclusion in training not simply computer training ­programs, but interactive information environments, the complete ­interconnected functioning of all processes of training and management ­of process of informative activity Means not only selection of the maintenance ­of a material for training, but also­­­­. In other words, efficiency and quality of training in áîëüøåé to a measure depend on the effective organization ­ of self-training and quality of used study-methodical materials.

Creation of a favorable psychological climate. Application of computer tutorials and interaction will allow creating ­ a favorable psychological climate in the course of training. It is important to create ­ psychological comfort for work trained, first of all, having excluded ­ subjectivity of the teacher in carrying out of an estimation of level of readiness of trainees. Application of computer tutorials in which ­some levels of representation of a material and the control are provided, allows ­to raise interest trained and to the most educational process, and to ­studying of a concrete subject. At traditional forms of training ­heterogeneity of level of preparation trained in a class for studying ­of a certain theme - the undesirable phenomenon complicating the organization both group, and individual employment, reducing the general rate of work. Similar heterogeneity is less appreciable and even allows applying the new approach of dialogue with trained at construction of employment with application of computer tutorials. The teacher planning employment with application ­ÊÑÎ, should ïðîäóìàííî approach to the account of such heterogeneity, for the purpose of increase of intensity of work, increase in time of direct ­dialogue with the trained.

Program-didactic maintenance of independent work­. Most possibilities ICÒ for maintenance of independent work of the trained have great value. Increase of didactic ­possibilities ICÒ demands reasonableness of a technique of working out and application of computer tutorials and interaction for maintenance ­ of the individualized training (aspiration of independent studying ­ of a material, necessity of repetition before the passed material, ­additional study of a material in desirable rate and in convenient for ­ trained time). Analyzing an operational experience with ICÒ, marking a positive side ­ of their application, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that on a modern level of development ­of techniques computer tutorials are especially effective at ­the first stages of studying of a theme when the teacher is compelled to state repeatedly the same material a miscellaneous trained. At this stage of mastering ­ of a material the continuous step-by-step or ­ stage-by-stage control of understanding and material mastering is necessary and especially important­. Realization of such ­individual control at traditional forms of training is practically unreal. Allocation and transposition on computer complexes ­of an unproductive, routine part of work will allow to release considerably time of the teacher for more rational organization of individual ­ dialogue, especially with well in time trained which in conversation with the teacher can deepen and expand the knowledge on a studied theme. Such feature of the organization of training with application  ICÒ is represented ­ to the most valuable as allows realizing the approach adaptive, ­ individualized, and different level training within the limits of the mass form of the organization of educational process.

Development of creative potential of the trained. New ­information technologies allow to realize at qualitatively new level the major purpose of formation - development of creative potential of the person: intellectual, àêñèîëîãè÷åñêîãî, is art-aesthetic. ­Developed on the basis of computer and communication means ­ the educational technologies training the programs and complexes are capable ­ to provide development: skills of independent thinking; deep creative ­aspirations and abilities. Introduction ICÒ allows realizing training approach to scientific search, to encourage creative promotion ­of hypotheses, a finding of search of the decision of tasks in view, problems. With development ICÒ possibilities of involving of the person in search activity, disclosing of creative abilities and support ­of creative activity both trained, and the teacher have extended­.

Cooperation expansion. Introduction in educational ­process of computer communication means will allow to expand ­possibilities of an exit trained in wider address and geographical information field and to remove dependence of training on ­a concrete workplace and an operating time. The exit in ­a world community information field will allow to raise level ­ of an information outlook of pupils of school, students, post-graduate students, teachers and teachers of high schools.

Increase of cultural and educational level. Active introduction of information and communication technologies makes active necessity of the decision of one more problem - necessity of increase of language culture practically all pupils and students, teachers and ­teachers of high schools. The knowledge of a foreign language, ability to carry on in ­professional sphere and in questions of intercultural dialogue raises dialogue ­not only quality of preparation of graduates of schools and high schools, but also opens ­ new sides of a life in a modern society, gives possibility ­of transition to a new step of development of an education system - allows to use ­technologies of remote and open training.

Continuous improvement of professional skill of pedagogical shots in a scope of didactic possibilities ICÒ at the organization ­of educational process on disciplines not only a computer cycle. One more aspect is necessary for considering at the analysis of possibilities ­of information of formation - improvement of professional skill of pedagogical shots, the Decision any, even the most simple problem demands the qualified decision. No most perfect techniques can carry out of anything independently without statement of a problem and its competent performance. ­Preparation and improvement of professional skill of teachers of all levels, first of all, are necessary for ­perfection of an education system on the basis of possibilities of modern computer techniques and a telecommunication communication facility. A problem simple and at the same time difficult. First, teachers and teachers of high schools and other educational institutions, certainly, should be able to study independently. But preparation in absolutely new field of knowledge which information technologies concern, for many not so is simple. Departure on courses of improvement of qualification is not always possible, and for teachers of rural schools - expensive enough action. In questions of improvement of professional skill process of information of an education system ­ has the greatest possibilities.

Exchange of experience and creation of conditions for creative work of teachers­. One of the major advantages of application ICÒ is an increase ­of efficiency of pedagogical activity, accumulation and transfer with application ICÒ of experience of the best teachers. ICÒ is a technological basis of maintenance and development of the uniform information-educational environment.

Possibilities ICÒ in management of educational institution. One of the important features of computer and telecommunication means is possibility of introduction of the automated document circulation ­in educational institution, administration managerial control improvement in an education system.

As we see, even from the incomplete analysis of possibilities ICÒ in reorganization ­of educational process these possibilities impress, give ­a huge sphere of action for the teacher. The decision of these uneasy ­ problems in many respects depends on skill, to readiness of the teacher to work in the conditions of avalanche increase of a stream of the information, the teacher which ­can and should become on level of modern methods of representation, search and information processing. Readiness of the teacher to work in a new information field, progressiveness of its sights is ­a necessary condition of working out and introduction of new forms and technologies of training on the basis of active use ICÒ.


1.     Krasilnikova A.V. Informational and communication technologies in education: scholastic allowance/ - Orenburg, 2006. – 235 p.

2.     Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: scholastic allowance/ Ì.: Narodnoe Obrazovanie, 1998. -256 p.

3.     Under publishing Tihomirova V.P. Open formation - an objective paradigm of  XXI age/ - M.: International academy of the open formation