Sovgira S.V., Goncharenko G.E.,
Lavryk O.D.
Uman State Pedagogical
University named after Pavlo Tychyna, Ukraine
Sanitary health areas of middle city territory
With the objective understanding of maintenance of
modern ecology, problems of ecological education , modern philosophical, psychological
and pedagogical and ecological tendencies of decision of ecological problems of
global scale the concept of ecologization is selected, as a process of
introduction of the new technological systems, approaches in the decision of
modern problems without the noticeable worsening, and vice versa with the
purpose of improvement of natural environment and resources economy.
A new tendency in Ukraine, which develops, is an
ecologization of education and ecologization of educational environment related
to it – to the state of educational building, grounds round educational
establishment, planting of greenery of his territory.
In Ukraine the ecologization of educational
environment goes out from the structure of territorial resources (city gardens
and parks, public gardens and boulevards, embankments, out-of-town parks, areas
of rest), and also territorial activity of people. The areas of territories divide
area of in-city territories of fellow
creature – or to “territories near the threshold of house“, to which greenery
of balconies and terraces, gardens belongs on roofs etc.;
area of middle city territories – located in
the distance 10-20 minute pedestrian or 10-15 a minute transport availability
from habitation (district parks or parks of housings zones);
area of distant in-city territories – located
in the distance 20-30 a minute transport availability from habitation (city
parks, forest-parks);
area of out-of-town territories of fellow
creature – is on contact city and suburban area boundaries with its forests,
meadows, reservoirs or fields;
area of middle out-of-town territories – is
in an houred or one-and-half houered transport availability;
area of distant out-of-town territories – is
in two- or threehoured transport availability and located in national parks, territorial
tourist complexes.
Educational establishments behave to the areas of
middle city territories. In accordance with requirements their planting of
greenery of tree blow up 10 m not nearer, but bushes – not nearer 5 m from
building of educational establishment. The variety of assortment of tree-and-bushed
breeds, grass and cultural plants must serve as original educational evident
material. On 1200 ́2 of educational territory blow up 100-120 copies
of trees and 1200 – 1500 copies of bushes. As a rule, the planted trees and
shrubs areas are occupied by 40-50% territories of educational establishment.
On sanitary-hygenic indexes almost every educational
establishment does not require an optimum norm (in all a 20-30% planting of
greenery). Principal reasons - almost all of them are near-by streets with a
large transport loading, and also trees are cut down through the considerable
defeat of Viscum album L.
Planting on the areas of higher educational
establishments is played mainly sanitary-hygenic and architectonically plan
role. In their planning it is possible to select a parade orchestra before a
main educational corps, alleys, which unite educational, production and
sporting buildings, internal public garden. On a perimeter areas arrange
insulating from streets, housings apartments and buildings of wall from trees with
thick foliage and bushes.
An economic area is dissociated from other by
territories green bars or high palisades from Viburnum opulus L., Humulus
lupulus L., Juniperus sabina L. On free of roadway territory create lawns –
orchestra or park. Being settled in areas of territories have a good kind
alpine mountains with phytoncidal plants. They can be created and in
apartments. Blowing up is recommended Helichrysum bracteatum Willd.,
Origanum vulgare L., Tussilago farfara L., Rhodiola rosea L., Sedum spurium Bieb.,
Thymus serpyllum L., Tanacetum vulgare L., Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) Smith., Melissa
ficinalis L. At planting of greenery of audiences and class rooms it is
possible to utillize room plants which place on walls or medical corners: Tradescantia zebrina L., Chorophytum commosum
Thunb., Aloå arborescens Mill., Monstera deliciosa Liebm., Clivia nobilis Lindl.
In period of October and November, and also in period of March and April make “Sasher”
(linen knapsacks are for dry petals) with inflorescences, petals and sheets of Menta piperita L., Rosa damascene Mill.,
Anethum graveolens L., Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) A.W. Hill, Anisum vulgare
Gaertn., Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Crataegus monogyha Jacq., Syringa vulgaris
L. The existent norms of planning are foreseen by the areas of lot
lands of educational area depending on the type of higher educational
establishment and contingent of students. On 1000 students for national
universities 5,5-7,5 hectares are offered, technical higher educational
establishments – 6-8 hectares, agrarian, – 7-8 hectares, medical, pedagogical,
legal, – 3-4 hectares.
The green planting next to the decision of tasks of
territorial character play an important architectonically composition role and
are one of basic factors of realization of general layouts. At planning
planting of greenery of educational establishments is taken into account his
health action all over the year. Beautifully look out a spring Scilla bifolia
L., Pulsatilla grandis Wend., Primula veris L., Adonis vernalis L., Anemone sylvestris
L., Crocus heuffelianus Herb., Convallaria majalis L.; in summer – Rosa alba
L., Lilium candidum L., Centaurea scabiosa L., Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.,
Calendula ficinalis L.; in autumn – Solitago graminifolia (L.) Salisb.,
Callistephus chinensis (L.) Ness, Dahlia pinnata Cav. Green the masses
create in all of areas and along uniting them foot-ways.
Approximate correlation of higher educational
establishment zone areas of territory (except for building) must be as follows:
sporting - 15-25%, educational-experimental – 30-40, park – 45-50, economic –
No doubt an ecologization of studying environment
and education is important component part of humanizing.