UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2
Yu.N., corresponding member of the International
academy of sciences of ecology and safety of vital functions, Ph.D., professor
(KHDUKHT, Kharkiv)
Dmitrienko I.V., item teacher of University of ìèñë³ (Kharkiv)
Modern synergetics of legal consciousness Revolving the magic crystal of knowledge other verge, it
teaches us to see the world
othergates. and culture - as strikes
the newest methodologies of management unusual ideas and presentations.
At first systems. The problem of reign
over development acquires , this , form of problem of rule
development. Secondly, a synergetics demonstrates us, how and why chaos can come forward in quality
of the beginning , structural mechanism of
evolution. Through chaos
connection of different
levels of organization
is carried out. Thirdly, a synergetics testifies that for the difficult systems, as a rule, there
are a few alternative
ways of development. Fourthly, a synergetics opens new
principles of proposal ,
collection difficult , evolutional whole from parts , constructions of difficult progress structures from simple. Fifthly, a synergetics gives knowledge about that, how
properly to operate the
difficult systems and
how effectively to manage them. It
appears , mainly is not
force , but correct
topological configuration ,
architecture of influence on the difficult system ( difficult environment ). Litell , but organization -
resonance - influences on the difficult systems are extraordinarily
effective. Po-shoste, a synergetics exposes conformities to law and terms of
flowing of fasts,
avalanche-type processes
and processes of
nonlinear, stimulant growth .
It is important
to understand how it is possible to initiate such the processes in the opened nonlinear environments , for example ,
in the environment of economic , and which exist requirements , allowing to be delivered probabilistic disintegration of difficult|complex| structures near-by the moments of maximal
development. For theoretical authentication of methodological comprehension of “postotalitarnogo” life of right, which is transitional, deviantnum|, on the essence, in and is
consideration of general
specific arcwise positive
reflection of knowledges
in traditionally ordinary to the manner them judicial realization at the level of
actual , get
obvious, that it is impossible to impose the ways of their development the
organization ï and from í and í í I
(knowledge), his|, for example , after the ideas of Zh. derridi as a book or book cognition and knowledge ( cognition ,thought ), after legalistically logical by signs [1].
Of p r i n c i p l e scientific
position of doctor of legal sciences A.A pins the special attention in this relation . Kozlovskogo about a right
as cognition .
Putting a question: «What
is known in a right?», - a researcher
argues that the question
is about something on principle
in a right evidential ,
about a right which is
known, what cognition
related to the process .In all variants of this
question we so or have other the business with cognition . Any questions about a right become questions about cognition of right. Eventually a right appears as
cognition ,
becomes cognition . It means
that it gives birth as a result of intensive processes of cognition , functions in form cognitive
process and dies off also as a result of cognitive processes . A right exists as cognition , that is why and a right as cognition is known in a
right. Cognition|identification| in a right and there is a
right. A not recognisable right becomes a dead right and that is why
there is don’t law ... A right is a spirit ,
è his a value. Preeminently the synergetics of right and
sense of justice will be able effectively to answer not such questions.
1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. About the traditional (classic) true form (type ) of sense of justice and legal culture of // The Scientific 39-45 announcer of the Dnepropetrovsk state university of internal
affairs. – 2008. – N 1. –