UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2

Dmitrienko Yu.N., corresponding member of the International academy of sciences of ecology and safety of vital functions, Ph.D., professor (KHDUKHT, Kharkiv) 






Opposition impossibility of old, conflict positive|staid| legal linear thought|mindset| lasted|proceeds| it is completed  to explain|unravel| nonlinear  by volume changes|changing| in  maximum structurally destructive|degradative| transformations|transformation|, as see, not able not to lead|reduce|, consider|think|, to|by| such radical | of thought|mindset| which|what| caused|call| maximally|Max| deviantnu | ideological searching interpretation and intensification of rational researches|work-up|.  Last, world view using|utillize| general|common| for all natural|real-life| objects, subjects, processes|Carbro| and phenomena|phenomen|, the objective laws of existence and evolution, and also generalized  and    about world view unity of life| sources|loss| of evolutional motion|movement|,  caused|call| birth of universal model  organization and  sinergetuchnogo | world view of I.Prigoguna, I.Stenhersa, G.Nikolisa, A. Bablayatsa but|yes| other as fundamental| bases|foundation| of progressive explanation and research|work-up| of unusual  and  incomprehensible for  traditional science maximum the by volume (nonlinear) natural|real-life| phenomena as sufficient |  and|but| of apriorui  | life.  A synergetics  began to present|represent| the new|firsttime| form|shape| of the comprehensive understanding of both ordinary|usual|  and unusual, natural|real-life| things|business| on principle,  acquisition | here  value|importance|  of philosophical (world view) thought|mindset| (cognition|identification|, authentications) [1-7] of. Of theoretical authentication of methodological   comprehension of postotalitarnuch | life of right, which|what| is|appear| transitional, crisis on the essence, in is|appear| consideration of general|common| specific arcwise positive|staid| reflection of  right – learn | knowledges in  traditionally ordinary|usual| to the manner them judicial realization at the level of actual|topical| and from (knowledge), his|its| creation, and also his|its| proper awareness, exposition, and mass making public,  reflex|, for example|eg|, after the ideas of Zh. derridi as a book|ecclesiasticus| or book cognition|identification| and knowledge  after legalistically logical by signs  -  positive [See|q.v.| 1]. Offer the synergetics of right and sense of justice as progressive methodology of modern  right – creation | and conceptual|concept-based| basis|foundation| of the Ukrainian theory of management.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Some|certain| methodological problems of social policy|politics| are in the context of deviantnoi | sense of justice of // Forming of public policy|politics|: theoretical, practical and legal aspects. Õ the Kharkiv political science reading. – Õ.:Nat.Y. Akadem|. the name of Ya.mudrogo, 2000.- P. 57-58

2. Dmitrienko| Yu|. Transformation| of of| valued-semantic| of| of Ukrainian| of legal| consciousness|. - Nr| 3 (8) 2008. Pedagogicze| of nauki|. Filologicze| of nauki|. Pravo|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Nauka| and studia|», 2008. – P. 94-107

3. Dmitrienko| Yu|. Problem| of of| legal| reform| in| of Ukraine| of in| aspect| of| legal| consciousness|. - Nr| 2 (7) 2008. Ekonomicze| of nauki|. Pravo|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Nauka| and studia|», 2008. – P. 83-96

4. Dmitrienko| Yu|. From| Partiinost| to| zakonnost|: the| languid| creation| of| legal| consciousness| in| of Ukraina|. - Nr| 2 (7) 2008. Ekonomicze| of nauki|. Pravo|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Nauka| and studia|», 2008. – P. 97-102

5. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Going near|to| the study of manipulation|manipulatory| of victims|sacrifice| legal consciousness|intelligent| at the swindle|swintling| of // Issues of the day of right: theory and practices. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labours. N 9. - Lugansk: To SLEEP the name of In. Dalya, 2007. - P. 59-65

6. Dmitrienko Yu.N. The Conceptual|concept-based| novelty of synergetics: influence on becoming, development of synergetics of Ukrainian sense of justice, legal culture, and on their comprehension of 1-3 // Economic|economical| strategy and prospects of development of sphere of trade and services. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labours. Vip. 1 (7). - Kharkiv: KHDUKHT. –  P. 662-680

7. Dmitrienko Yu.N. About the traditional  (classic) true|natural| form (type|typestyle|) of sense of justice and legal culture of // The Scientific|science| announcer|bulletin| of the Dnepropetrovsk state|domainal| university of internal affairs. – 2008. – N 1. – P. 39-45