UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea ( Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)



         At research|work-up| of character|nature| of deviations of legal consciousness|intelligent|    it is in a removal the synergistically orientated processes|Carbro| of development of language|speech| of native majority  of population or national language|speech| as family|hereditary| linguistic|vocal| legal nature after attitude toward|to| a legal language|speech| as specific legal nature.  Posttotalitarni untraditional societies of contemporaneity  as new|firsttime| law right| subjects of outer space  and  new|firsttime| social phenomena which|what| independently  build the |  paradigm of the world view measuring on lawaksiology| levels|Y-level|, concept | require complex, system integral|whole| study in the structural|structure| plane|flatness| of history, culture, philosophy and on the whole|all in all| that specific, them world view traditions, | measuring and orientations|orintation|, that it is reflected in the language|speech| of native majority of population  or in a national language|speech|  as belonging of family|hereditary| legal nature at legislative level.

Forming of new|firsttime| legal socially - the valued paradigm in “postotalitarnux”societies and states, | in Ukrainian and Russian,  extraction| through of principle substituting of world view values  and traditions | of type|typestyle| by natural|real-life|, mentally mediated. In this connection, the “postotalitarna” paradigm of world view legal thought|mindset| and legislative measuring of social changes|changing|   causes|call| | changes|changing| and phenomena|phenomen| in the system of modern right legislative destructive|degradative| traditions, built on the walk of life of totalitarian experience|tentative| of their creation|making|.  We link|couple|  modern sociallegal and right | pathologies|pathematoloy| with of conceptually|concept-based| principle violation in the days of totalitarianism of natural|real-life| logic of development irrationally homogeneous  of legal tradition as specific legal nature  in  the structure of “etnotradition”| ( = national consciousness)  as family|hereditary| legal nature,  and also with violation of natural|real-life| sequence of its forming, which|what| was historically produced|makes| in the process of world social,  legal and legislative evolution [|q.v.|1-2]. Specific value|importance|  in  this context have language | or law | descriptions of social legislative  changes|changing| and ling ally-legal situations  in societies  and states of transitional types|typestyle| according to sample of “postotalitarnukh”|. Lingually-legal situations are able to light up conceptually|concept-based| external,  legislatively isomorphic|isomorphous| character|nature| and heterogeneous consciousness through|from|  essence duality of legal and legislative development  of Ukrainian character | and language|speech|, that transgress it appears|shown| in of principle dependence of the last on the final understanding and determination|definition| of them by social legal and legislative values and find ones way| by both world and social, legal subjects. Through the concrete cycle|runddown| of social activity          of consciousness, sense of justice and culture, and proper authentic cycle|runddown| of social activity of national language|speech| and legal, apparently, well-off|able| to take place resonance transgress transformation  view-valued becoming of nationality or nation  in  a right legislative aspect as separate | units of the social legal  measuring  with mental | view-legal  cultures in external, | model of mental description  of transitional  society  as  concretely historical  f o r m s|shape|  of the legal state system.           

         LITERATURE |utillize|

         1. Georgiev V.L. Bolgarskoe language | on new way// Of Acta| of lingvis|ta|.  -  Budapest, 1954. - T.4. - facs| 1-2. -  P..8-10

         2. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Deviantna sense of justice as phenomenon of transitional life of right  for // Is the Scientific|science| announcer|bulletin|. Series|sere| are "Philosophy". Issue of N 9. - Kh:KHDpu, 2001. - P. 131-134