Computer engineering

PhD, technical sciences Virchenko G.A.

National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute»




Computer information technologies play important role in many spheres of human life at current stage of society development.

One of the main components of modern information technologies is computer graphics tools. It is difficult to imagine interactive communication between a man and a computer without them.

The existence of color graphics displays, printers, scanners, etc., as well as appropriate interfaces of not only various applied programs, but also operating systems as a part of computer equipment confirms the mentioned above fact.

In addition to using in the culture, daily life, advertising, entertainment and other areas of human activities geometric methods are widely used in science, education and manufacturing sectors, particularly in industry [1].

Appropriate area is called by engineering computer graphics. It combines various directions of geometric modeling, ie, the creation of drawings, schemes, charts, diagrams, virtual solids, etc. by using points, lines, surfaces and volume elements, which are mathematical abstractions.

Applied geometry, uniting analytical, descriptive, differential, combinatorial, projective, multidimensional, computational and the other types of geometry is the methodological scientific basis for the indicated discipline.

Nowadays engineering computer graphics is practically realized at the following mathematical modeling packages as Matlab [2], Mathcad [3], Maple [4] and at such computer aided design systems (CAD/CAM/CAE) as Nastran [5], SolidWorks [6], AutoCAD [7], CATIA [8], etc.

Animation and visualization of multidimensional objects [9] is the progressive tendency of the development of mathematical packages in the aspect of geometric modeling.

It is typically for CAD/CAM/CAE systems to use widely three-dimensional geometric parametric models, their associative connection with the appropriate design and technological documentation, as well as the integrated consideration at design stage creation, manufacture and operation of products.

The methodology of structural parametric modeling and optimization of different technical objects and processes is a rather promising trend of modern science [10-12].

The mentioned methodology is based on the possibility of geometric models to change their configuration in the best way in order to achieve the optimal required technical characteristics of created products, their manufacture and operation.

In this way the tendency of combining capabilities of mathematical modeling packages, CAD/CAM/CAE systems, PDM (Product Data Management) and PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) information technologies is an obviously quite perspective direction.

Modern engineering computer graphics is widely used in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronic, chemical and other industries, construction, education, medicine and other fields of human activity.

In addition to this it is necessary to highlight that the scope of the modern engineering computer graphics effective use has been steadily growing by constantly improving the capabilities of computer hardware, its software, perfecting the methodology and mathematical tools based on the achievements of applied geometry.



1.  Ли К. Основы САПР (CAD/CAM/CAE). – СПб.: Питер, 2004. – 560 с.

2. Чен К. Matlab в математических исследованиях: Пер. с англ. / Чен К., Джиблин П., Ирвинг А. – М.: Мир, 2001. – 346 с.

3. Макаров Е. Инженерные расчеты в Mathcad / Макаров Е. – СПб.: Питер, 2005. – 448 с.

4. Аладьев В.З. Программирование и разработка приложений в Maple / Аладьев В.З., Бойко В.К., Ровба Е.А. – Гродно: ГрГУ; Таллин: Межд. Акад. Ноосферы, Балт. отд. – 2007, 458 c.

5. Шимкович Д.Г. Расчет конструкций в MSC/NASTRAN for Windows / Шимкович Д.Г. – М.: ДМК Пресс, 2001. – 448 с.

6.  Прохоренко В.П. SolidWorks. Практическое руководство / Прохоренко В.П. – М.: ООО, «Бином-Пресс», 2004. – 448 с.

7. Финкельштейн Э. AutoCAD2005 и AutoCAD2005 LT 2005. Библия пользователя / Финкельштейн Э. – М.: Диалектика, 2005. – 1232 с.

8.  Басов К.А. CATIA V5. Геометрическое моделирование / Басов К.А. – М.: ДМК Пресс, 2008. – 269 с.

9. Вірченко Г.А. Використання структурно-параметричного підходу для комп’ютерної візуалізації багатовимірних геометричних об’єктів / Вірченко Г.А. // Технічна естетика і дизайн. – Вип. 7. – К.: Віпол, 2010. – С. 68-73.

10. Ванін В.В. Визначення та основні положення структурно-параметричного геометричного моделювання / Ванін В.В., Вірченко Г.А. // Геометричне та комп’ютерне моделювання. – Вип. 23. – Харків: ХДУХТ, 2009. – С. 42-48.

11. Вірченко Г.А. Структурно-параметричний підхід як загальна методологія комп’ютерного геометричного моделювання об’єктів машинобудування / Вірченко Г.А. // Прикладна геометрія та інженерна графіка. – Вип. 83. – К.: КНУБА, 2010. – С. 146-152.

12. Вірченко Г.А. Деякі питання використання геометричних засобів для підвищення ефективності розв’язування задач оптимізації в машинобудуванні / Вірченко Г.А. // Теорія та практика раціонального проектування, виготовлення і експлуатації машинобудівних конструкцій: Праці 2-ї міжн. наук.-техн. конференції. – Львів: КІНПАТРІ ЛТД, 2010. – С. 99-100.