Ôèçèêà è áèîëîãèÿ
Ä. ô.ì.í. Îëüõîâñêèé Â.Ñ.
Institute for Nuclear Research
of NASU, Kiev-0650, Ukraine
The problem
of the origin of the Alive in terms of physics (quantum mechanics).
Introduction. There are a lot of attempts to explain scientifically
the origin of the biologic life. And between them there is no succeeded attempt in explaining the origin of the
biological life in terms of physics and other sciences (including mathematics
and natural sciences). The first question in this problem is connected with the
definition of the life: what is the difference between the alive and the
non-alive? We can initially indicate the most important peculiarity of the
alive or living – the ordering and the metabolism (exchanging by the matter and
information with the environment), the self-reproduction (beginning from the
alive cells) and the genetics with its capacity to mutations. This thesis is
delivered basing on the continuation of the earlier author’s paper [1] and
partly also on the author’s papers [2,3].
As to “great” and “grand” problems of physics. There is an extensive introduction in the large number of open problems in
many fields of physics, published by V.L.Ginzburg in [4]. Between them there is
relationship between physics and biology and, specifically, the problem of
The main problems
in this great problem, according to V.L.Ginzburg, are connected with the
explanation of the origin of the biologic life V.L.Ginzburg assumes that for a
possible explanation of the origin of the biologic life one can naturally
imagine a certain jump which is similar to some kind of phase transition ( or a
certain synergetic process). But there are other points of view too.
detailed comments on the complex of problems connected with the origin of the
biologic life. Now let us
analyze, in a condensed way, one of the great natural problems marked in [4] – the problem of the reductionism of biology
to physics (including, first of all, the problem of the physical and chemical explanation
of the origin of the biologic life).
There is an initial problem of the origin of the genetics, genetic code
(or at least a small set of several codes) which is unique for all the
terrestrial biosphere, and the defense mechanisms for the defense of the
organism development during cell reproduction,…
And there is an inevitable choice
(dilemma): either a natural process
like a certain jump which is similar to some kind of natural phase transition in
the matter (or like to synergetic process), or
a supreme intelligent design of a creative basis in the being (or a Creator). Any
attempt of the natural origin is failed. And not only because the self-origin
of only one self-reproducing cell has not a scientifically reliable explanation
in the limits of the modern physics (the probability of the chance formation of
the protein configuration, containing still 500 nucleotides, is extremely small, i.e. near 1/10950, ànd for the cell
formation it is necessary at least 250 different
proteins). There are no scientific explanations yet even for the following
facts and no answers for the following problems:
How a
numerous quantity of the chemical reactions could take place in a very limited
space volume for create one protein molecule?
there were created the conditions, which were necessary for uniting some
components and at the same time were unfavorable for uniting other components,
and how then the successive creation of a protein (or RNA or DNA) molecule can
If even a principal possibility of the
formation of the simplest protein components (DNA) had been shown in the known
Oparin, Miller (etc) experiments under the special laboratory conditions, all
the same it is very remote from the conditions of the primordial earth or of
the unstable cosmos. So, no terrestrial or cosmic origin of cells (moreover,
with the genetic structure) are impossible!
how one can explain that
The genetic information in the DNA can be read only by the specific ferments,
for the creation of which the special information is also coded in the DNA.
The biochemical process of the protein synthesis is the most complicated
process between all known biochemical processes in the cell, and also some
protein is already necessary for the protein production. Then, the genetic code
is beforehand required for the information transfer from the DNA to the
protein, and such code is almost universal for the whole terrestrial biosphere.
And finally, the genetic code has the vitally necessary control system, which
is, in its turn, is coded in the DNA.
And how one (or almost one) main genetic code for the whole terrestrial
biosphere had been originated?
Nobody could elaborate somehow working
model of the origin of even one self-reproducing cell yet.
The first main part of this problem of
the origin consists in the absence of the answer to the following question: how had been originated the conditions,
which are vitally necessary for living systems now, during that time when the
life had been absent but which are created by only living systems! So, it is
absolutely unclear: what had been earlier – habitat with is necessary for the
life, or the alive organisms in the medium which had not supported the life.
The second main part of this problem
consists in the mystery of the origin of the enormous quantity of the coded
genetic information with the presence of the special uncoding mechanism.
Finally, there is
no doubt that the whole terrestrial
biosphere is a wonderfully balanced eco-system of the irreducible complexity
and integrity. The interaction of all its components (flora, fauna, micro-organisms
and habitat) is such that the disappearance of any one will bring to the
disappearance of the whole biosphere.
So, it is not surprising that during
the last ten (or somewhat more) years the number of scientific papers dedicated
to the critics of the natural evolutional biologic and pre-biologic theories
has become to increase [5-8].
There some, may be, naturalists who do
still hope that certain unknown synergetic processes can initiate the
self-organization of the non-living matter into the alive organisms. But now it
is known (see, for instance, [9]) that all
concrete macroscopic systems with known history of their origin, which are more
highly ordered than their environment, were created not by rare occasional
fluctuations, but under the direct influence of external forces or as a result
of bifurcations caused by some non-linearity and external forces in the open
systems. Moreover, I.Prigogine denied that revealed by him processes of
local decreasing of entropy can explain the origin of the alive from the
non-alive [10]: “The point is
that in a non-isolated system there exists a possibility for formation of
ordered, low-entropy structures at sufficiently low temperatures. This ordering
principle is responsible for the appearance of ordered structures such as
crystals as well as for the phenomena of phase transitions. Unfortunately this principle cannot explain
the formation of biological structures”.
Returning to the direct
analysis of the problem of the reductionism of biology to physics in the narrow
sense (“if the biology (at least molecular biology and genetics) can be totally
explained in terms of physics (and chemistry)”), I can recommend to pay a
particular attention to the discussion on the special problem of the principal
possibility of the explanation of the cell self-reproduction in terms of
quantum mechanics, initiated by E.Wigner [11] and then continued by M.Eigen [12].
Wigner ab inizio considered (see, for
instance, [11]) that the spontaneous self-appearance and spontaneous self-reproduction of even simplest biologic
macro-molecules and one-cell organisms do evidently contradict to quantum
mechanics, namely which describes the casual
probabilistic currency of events (in the standard Copenhagen interpretation).
He had shown that the probability of the existence of self-reproducting states
is practically equal to 0, with the help of the following
The complicated system, the evolution of
which is supposed to occur by itself casually, can be described by the
Hamiltonian, being a stochastic symmetric matrix like Hmn= Hnm
with the statistically independent elements (by the way, namely this property
permitted for von Neumann to show that the second principle of the
thermodynamics follows from quantum mechanics). As usual, let the organism’s state
in the space of states be described by the vector (wave function) v;
and the similar vector of the feeds be w, then the general vector of the
state of the organism and feeds will be
F = v´ w , and after the
reproduction – will be Y=v´ v´ r, where the vector r characterizes
feed removals and coordinates of two organisms in the surroundings. Let the space of the organism is N-dimensional,
and the vector r is R-dimensional.
the evolution matrix S, which creates the final state as
a result of the interaction between the organism and feed, is disordered and
stochastic (according to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics),
vk vl rm = Sklm , k´l´m´ v k´ wl´m´ . (1)
The N 2R equations correspond
to this equation. The number of unknowns
N+R+NR for N
>>1 is much less than
the number of equations. Therefore
it would be a miracle if these unknowns could satisfy the written relation (2). So, if the interaction S does not specially “arranged” in such a
way that it would guarantee the self-reproduction of the organism, then the
probability of the multiplication is practically equal to 0.
Strictly speaking, the situation is
more complicated: it is necessary to consider a lot of states of the alive
organism and the unitarity of the S-matrix, and instead of equality of
(1) it is necessary to use inequalities, which are connected with the demand
that the general probability of the states for two alive organisms would be
more than ½. However, even considering all this, the main
conclusion will remain the same.
Then M.Eigen had shown that the possibility of the cell
self-reproduction cannot be explained on the basis that the evolution matrix is
essentially stochastic but the presence of some “instructions” on the molecular
level causes certain limitations on this “alive” kind of matter. So, it is
necessary a certain adaptation of the statistical approach to biological
processes. Really, macromolecules of nucleic acids and proteins are informational:
there is written in them a certain text which has a definite physical sense. A
message, written in DNA, is programming the synthesis of proteins, i.e. the
heredity of he organism. And the protein texts are responsible for the variety
of forms of protein functioning. Therefore the cell self-reproduction etc can be
explained by quantum mechanics if and only if the evolution matrix (the S-matrix of the process) is specially instructed for this aim [12].
Further M.V.Vol’kenstein in his analytic review [13] had expressed his
expectation that M.Eigen in his future study of the pre-biologic evolution can
find the possibility of such special instruction. But up to now nobody had
revealed such possibility! As to me, I can see only a certain similarity (of course,
partial) between two kinds of processes (with are more intellectual than
naturalistic, by the way): between the process of the human writing and reading
of certain scientific files in modern computer devices and the process of the
supreme-intelligence-design writing and further functioning of certain genetic
programs (including the genetic program of the cell reproduction) in cells of
alive organisms.
More on the relationship between physics and
biology. For physicists the following question is quite natural: are
there known laws of physics sufficient for explaining the biological phenomena
or not? M.V.Vol’kenstein [13] was the first who had analyzed and resolved the
principal difficulties appearing during the construction of the physical theory
of the main biologic phenomena:
Firstly, the usual formulation of a
physical law is causal – it answers to the question: “because of what?” And a
biological law is usually formulated teleologically, finalistically, in a goal
manner: “for what?” However, this controversy is only apparent. Any physical
law can be expressed by the correspondent variational principle, i.e. can
obtain the finalistic description. Let us recall the Le chatelier law, the
Lentz rule and the principles of Maupertuis and Fermat. We can reformulate the
second law of thermodynamics in the form
(dS)e º 0, (d2 S )e < 0 , (2)
the goal of the evolving system to be to attain maximum entropy. Moreover, we
can transcribe known physical laws from causal to finalistic terms, and vice
versa. The predominant finalism in biology can be understood as a consequence
of the extreme difficulty of finding a causal explanation for biological
Secondly, the law of evolution of
matter in an (almost) isolated system to the maximum disorder and the law of
evolution of living systems to the highly ordered organism (the modern theory
of the progressive biological macro-evolution) are in a real contradiction
between them. Biological evolution and phylogenesis (and also ontogenesis) do
not agree with equilibrium thermodynamics. Schroedinger was the first who gave
a qualitative treatment of the thermodynamic properties of an organism [14]. The
order in an organism is maintained by the outflaw of entropy into the
environment. And if we isolate an organism together with the environment needed
for its existence, the entropy in the complete isolated system will increase.
The situation is quite similar to the phenomena of crystallization of a liquid
in a coolant. So, the contradiction between the high degree of order in a
living organism and the second law of thermodynamics is eliminated at least
formally on this level. Still this does not explain biological macro-evolution
from simple to more complex species, phylogenesis and ontogenesis since there
are two different kinds of systems: homogeneous with dS total ≥ 0 but with dS
internal ≤ 0. In connection with this a question arises: or we
have two irreducible types of physical laws or there is one type of them but
over different situations.
Linear thermodynamics is inable to
explain the process of growth and differentiation of cells, and appearance of
new structures. The development of nonlinear non-equilibrium thermodynamics for
open dissipative systems or synergetics, in principle, could give perspectives
to explain the biologic macro-evolution, as hoped M.V.Vol’kenstein [13].
However, biology deals with extremely complex integral non-equlibrium systems
(cells, organisms, biocenosis and the biosphere which in addtition compose the
unitary system). And now we do not possess yet sufficient biological knowledge
to formulate clearly the corresponding physical problems. On all the levels of
biologic constructions (macromolecules, cellular organoids, cells, separate
organs and systems of inter-connected organs, organisms as a whole) we see the
exact and definite self-regulation of the alive organism in the space and time.
At a certain degree such self-regulation regards also all the terrestrial
ecosystem (noosphere). The especial interest for the physics of the alive
represents the manifestations of such self-regulation:
large interval of periodic oscillation processes in the alive organisms
(with periods from milliseconds till tens of years);
synchronization of biorythms of all organisms of the terrestrial
biosphere and its concordance with geophysical and cosmic rythms).
these phenomena till now are not studied systematically by physical methods. It
is natural that cybernetics, information theory, theory of automatic regulation
and synergetic principle are began widely utilized in biology and ecology. And
moreover, quantum mechanics is also beginning to utilized not only on the atomic
and molecular level of biologic processes in the alive organisms, but even in
the limits of the modern considering the alive organism as a macroscopic
quantum system as a whole.
Moreover, for explaining the physical
mechanism of the origin of the biological life and of the biologic
macro-evolution we need to explain firstly the mechanism of appearing genetical
information, coded in the DNA together with the uncoding of all necessary
genetic programs which are necessary for the phylogenesis of the organism from
the initial cell. Up to now all this way is open and far from resolving.
Ñonclusions. The presented paper does
deepen and extend the substance and conclusions of my preceding papers [1-3],
published earlier concerning the
philosophic aspects related with the origin
of the Universe and life. Some big problems of physics and natural
sciences (for instance, the open problem of the origin of the whole Universe
and of the biological life inside it, have been gradually concentrated the
attention of the researchers, if not scientifically but at least
philosophically, to those problems as to the grand or great problems. And there
was started to increase the discussion between the supporters of various
meta-theoretical (semi-scientific and semi-philosophic) approaches to the
problems of the origin of life and the whole Universe – between the hypothesis
of the self-organization of the matter from the lower levels (beginning from
the 0-th level, i.e. vacuum) into the higher levels and the hypothesis of the
supreme intelligent design (the creationism). These discussions concern the
origin of biologic life on the level of genetics. On other levels of the
biologic life, i.e. of the alive organisms, for phenomena, which are not
connected with genetics, biology seems to be reduceable to physics (quantum
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