Karachun V.V., Trivailo M.S., Mel’niñk V. N.
National Technical University
of Ukraine «KPI»
THE change
of geometrical shape of volume of culture broth AT PRODUCING VACCINES
model refers to microbiology and may be used for cultivation of microorganisms
in liquid environments at producing biologically-active substances and
It is known the device for cultivation of microorganisms (DCM) which
contains a inclined installed on the frame with opportunity to turn round its
axis platform with pins (fingers, rods) on its butt end, located with air gap
(for shaking) between pins cylindrical in their cross-cut volume for placing of
working liquid and a drive (for example, A.c. of USSR ¹ 1731801, Ñ12 Ì1/10, 1992)
The fault of this DCM consists in considerable level of
vibration and noise that appear in consequence of presence of air gaps between
pins of platform and volumes.
It is known the DCM which contains horizontal installed on the frame
with the possibility of turning around in vertical plate drum with longitudinal
sections and placed in sections of drum parallel to its axis cylindrical in
cross-cut volumes for placing of working liquid, and also a drive (for example
A.c. of USSR ¹ 499293, Ñ12 Â1/10,
This DCM is the nearest to the utility model about technical essence and
reaching effect and is taken as prototype.
This DCM is the nearest to the proposed engineering solution because of
its technical essence and reaching effect and is accepted as the nearest
The fault of the known DCM consists in low effectiveness of mixing of
working liquid that slow s down the growth of microorganisms and, naturally, to
the decrease of productivity.
The mentioned fault is conditioned of that the volumes for placing of
working liquid have circular cylindrical shape in their cross-cut, and that is
why they do not ensure the change of shape (and sizes) of volume of working
liquid while turning around.
In the basis of the utility model it is putted the problem of
improvement of DCM by means of changing of shape of cross-cut of volumes for
placing of working liquid. Thereby, it would ensure the change of the shape
(and sizes) of volume of working liquid in case of turning around of volumes,
that intensifies the mass-exchange in biomass and leads to increase of
The putted problem is solved by that in the DCM which contains
horizontal installed on the frame with the possibility of turning around in
vertical plate drum with longitudinal sections and placed in sections of drum
volumes for placing of working liquid, and also a drive, according to proposed
utility model the new is that volumes for placing of working liquid in
cross-cur have a form of polygon or oval.
Giving to the volumes for placing of working liquid polygon or oval in
cross-cut shapes ensures multicycle change of shape of working liquid in case
of turning, that cause extra mixing of it, and this activates the growth of
microorganisms and leads to increase of productivity.
On the fig.1, à
it is schematically presented the proposed DCM, on the fig.1, b –crosscut
A-A on the fig.1, à; on fig.1, c – the
change of the shape of volume of working liquid in case of turning of drum at
the angle 90°.
The DCM contains horizontal installed on the frame 1 with the
possibility to turn around its axis drum 2 with sections 3, 4, in which there
are situated volumes 5 for placing of working liquid 6. Drum 2 is carried out
in a form of opened at one end box 7 with longitudinal dividing wall 8 and
joined by bottom to the turning of drive 9 and shaft 10. Volumes 5 in cross-cut
have a form of polygon 11 or oval 12 (with width a and height â), and fixed against
removal in sections 3, 4 of drum 2 by elements of fixation 13.
Accept of determined on drawing, drum 2 can have another known shapes
and a couple of dividing walls 8, and also inclined location (not shown).
The DCM works in next way.
After filling sterilized volumes 5 with working liquid 6 (nutrient
liquid and sowing material) they are locating in section 3, 4 of drum 2,
fasting with fixing elements 13 against removals and turn on the drive 9,
consequently the drum 2 and the volumes 3, 4 comes into rotary movement. At the
turning it happens the transfusion of working liquid along the wallsides of
volumes 3, 4, that causes its mixing. Simultaneous with the transfusion, it
happens the cyclical (periodic) change of sizes (and shape) of working liquid
in cross-cut of its volume. Thus, for example, under the turning of drum 2 from
the initial (fig.1, b) position on
the angle 90° (fig.1, c), the
cross-cut of volume of working liquid volumes 11 changes from rectangular with
sizes “” to rectangular with sizes “”, but in volume 12 – from half-oval “” to half-oval with sizes “”. The indicated change of sizes and shape of working
liquid in cross-cut causes its extra mass-exchange in radial straight, owing to
what the intensity of mixing as of the liquid, as of contacting with its air
The rise of the intensity of mass-exchange increases the growth of
microorganisms that leads to growth of productivity.