Экономические науки/региональная экономика

Ph.D. in Economics, Shnyakina Y.R.

Volga State University of Service, Russia

Systematization of scientific views on the priorities of spatial development of regions


In terms of socio-economic transformation of the regions, raise the profile of the regional aspects of the functioning and development of the economy is important to study and reinterpretation of history embodied aspects of formation and establishment of the Russian territories, structural studies of regional and economic structures, problems of spatial development of regions.

Problems of territorial economic structure of the state originally found in the writings of scientific reflection of Moscow State University, Radishchev, K. Arseniev, Mendeleev, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, PP Semenov N.P . Ogarev, etc.

Given the orientation of the economy in the primary sector, as a basis for zoning was originally adopted environmental factors and climate areas. Lomonosov repeatedly expressed the idea of the need to research issues of zoning, natural resources of Siberia and it belongs to him saying that "Russia's power will grow Siberia and the northern ocean." Radishchev first in the country recognized the need for a scientific approach to the territorial division of the country. The first attempt at division of Russia into districts (space) belongs to KI Arseniev, who proposed to divide the country into 10 spaces, bringing together the province. Semenov in 1871 suggested that in order to organize statistical classification division of the European part of Russia on 14 "natural" areas of the union is not the provinces and districts on the natural geographical features and economic and social differences. Significant contribution to addressing territorial introduced NP Ogarev, to substantiate the "principle of uniformity" in the classification of the economic regions of Russia. One of the first, he suggested the advisability of specialized areas, the official government review of the administrative-territorial division, including the transport, economic and other factors.

Various aspects of the issues identified in the well-known scientists have investigated IG Aleksandrov, AA Bogdanov, N. Baranskii, V. Vernadsky, N. Kondratyev, N. Kolosovsky, etc. The first all-Russian scientific center for regional studies was the Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces, founded by an Academician VI Vernadsky.

The origin and formation of the regional economy as a scientific field, enveloped on three different length step 20c.:

The first stage of 20-60 s's., Marked the beginning of large-scale practical territorial and economic research and the creation of prerequisites for the formation of the regional economy. Since 20-ies, the commission of leading scientists have developed the scheme of economic zoning of the country that have been used in terms of electrification and five-year economic development plans of the USSR. The theoretical justification for economic regionalization and associated formation of regional economic complexes is most developed in the writings of N. Kolosovsky, one of the founders of the Soviet district school of economic geography. He was first introduced into scientific concepts such as energy production cycle, territorial-production complex, formulated the basic concepts of economic regionalization, which essentially boils down to this:

- The entire country is divided into economic regions, formed by the production characteristics and representing in the aggregate a complete system of regional combinations of productive forces.

- Each economic region is fully economically developed area that combines natural resources, production facilities, the people with his skills, transport facilities and other tangible assets most advantageously in the form of a combination of spatial production.

- The main economic problem of the functioning of each territorial production mix is to fulfill the targets of national importance with regard to the geographical location of the area, traffic conditions, profitability of the exploitation of resources, raw materials, energy, labor, as well as defensive purposes.

- Implementation of the basic economic problem leads to the specialization of each economic region in the spheres of production which it can be developed more fully and profitably, including all industrial, energy and transport links. Each district provides comprehensive economic development on its territory to the fullest satisfaction of the local industrial and consumer needs through local sources of raw materials and energy.

- Scientific and technical policy is individualized by economic regions. Achieve the highest efficiency combined processes in the processing of raw materials, energy production, use, labor and equipment, leading to the creation of regional manufacturing plants and industrial-territorial complexes.

For each economic region established three categories of industries: the regional, inter-regional and national importance.

- The development of each area is carried out in a way that facilitates the overall development of the country.

     In the 1938-1940-years. Gosplan was a scheme of regionalization of the country, divided into 13 economic regions, with aggregate economic principles, such as the structure of the economy, infrastructure, development of transport availability etc.

For the second stage - from the 60s to the 90s - is characterized by the deepening of territorial and economic research, the emergence of new approaches for regional development of productive forces allocation. The growth of economic research at the regional level falls to 60-70 s of the last century. It was during this period, Academician NN Nekrasov was introduced into scientific concept of "region", by which he meant "a large territory with a more or less homogeneous environmental conditions." According to scientists regionistov that period, the region acted only as the concentration of population and natural resources, production and consumption of goods, services. Despite the lack of multi-functional and multi-faceted approach to the system of regional development, through the efforts of leading scientists in the country to remove form the scientific school of integrated distribution of productive forces and the regional economy.

Later in the framework of regionalization of the country were laid objective factors, in particular the territorial division of social labor, comprehensive economic development areas, the alignment of levels of economic development, taking into account the administrative division. The most strong point of the national school of the regional economy have been studies that provide scheduling of the productive forces and regional development. These studies were designed to implement radical changes in the distribution of productive forces, the development of regional programs and investment projects, the creation of methodological principles of spatial planning and management.

The third stage - from the beginning of the 90s - is characterized by adaptation of the regional economy in the transformation of the economic situation of the country. Changing forms of governance has led to the formation of new research directions and problems of territorial development based on its political, economic and social reorientation.

The modern period of transformation of the economy has strengthened the role and importance of regions and sharply outlined the problem of developing guidelines for their development. The region is becoming the focus of economic and political relations. It is particularly important in this situation to determine the specifics and priorities of the formation and development of regional economy, based on the comparative advantages of a particular region, especially its historical and cultural development.

The accumulated experience of domestic economic reform suggests that the lack of an integrated on the one hand, on the other - a personalized approach to the development of specific regions has led to low implementation of reforms in the field.

In each region, along with the general laws of development of a spatial differentiation of the climatic, geographic, socio-economic, environmental and other conditions. This makes it necessary to save the one hand the country's integrity, but on the other - strengthening the unique advantages of a single territory. In modern conditions the Russian regions should ensure that its social and economic self-sufficiency with the help of a new methodology for territorial control, which allows itself to meet the basic needs of the spatial development of the territory and population from its own resources.

Historical experience suggests that the regions are in constant search of their intrinsic paths of development, in the context of constantly changing internal and external factors, emerging societal needs. Under the spatial development of the region, as a rule, understand the irreversible, directed and natural process of acquiring new characteristics, the quantitative growth and qualitative improvement of its structure. In modern terms, one of the challenges facing the region is the problem of setting priorities of spatial development. The region needs to understand what factors contribute to its spatial development, and which hamper.

During the long evolution of economic thought and knowledge in the development of social production, the representatives of the various theories stand out as factors of production resources to produce goods and services. In classical economic theory has received disclosure of the combination of the three components of the resource potential: land, labor and capital. Representatives of neoclassical economic theory have added two kinds of resources, entrepreneurship and innovation. That is, the use of innovation, according to J. Schumpeter, defines the possibility of a more efficient use of other resources. [2] In the further development of the representatives of neo-classical base for economic development is a landmark on internal resources. According to them, rare resources can be overcome by investment in new knowledge.

In modern terms, the most comprehensive list of resources is the basis for economic growth and development of the region can be summarized as follows:

• Land (natural resources);

• Capital (financial resources);

• Work (human resources);

• The business ideas, abilities;

• Innovation;

• Information;

• Knowledge;

• Management capabilities.

The degree of utilization of each resource depends on the nature and structure of the region's economy. As a rule, for the extractive industries is characterized by the predominant use of resources such as land and capital. Manufacturing industries are much more active use of these types of resources such as labor and innovation. Service complex regional economies focused on the active use as a resource of information and knowledge.

Many regions are characterized by a high level of provision of different types of natural resources, occupy only a favorable geographical and geopolitical position in the economic area of the country. The results of inter-regional comparisons have shown that as the highly favor those regions in which the added value generated by the consumption of natural resources in their territory. Conversely, regions where the added value is created only through the use of labor and capital resources, in most cases act as underdeveloped. Potential resource areas of exclusivity to a large extent by the positive effects of the space occupied by Russia - its total length, while a good location for European and Asian markets. [1]

There is still a misconception about the natural resources as the wealth. But wealth - is that you can use today, and without prejudice to the future. The use of the resources of the environment in the process of economic activity, whether it be mining or industrial waste emissions into the atmosphere and water bodies, leading to their gradual depletion: declining reserves of mineral and fuel resources, reduced assimilation capacity of the ecosystem. In accordance with the concept of sustainable development environmental degradation in economic activity reduces the possibility of reproduction and further development entails increased costs for future generations to meet their needs. With regard to Russia and its regions, natural resources - only factors or conditions for wealth creation. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the lack of incentives for more efficient use of natural resources leads to their enhanced spending and resources desbalansirovannosti with current and future needs.

In the transition to a postindustrial economy, a significant impact on the efficient use of resources in the region has its structural component. The main factors in this case is the proportion of high-quality resources (modern technology, qualified personnel, the unique knowledge and information) within the resources of the region corresponding to the current and future demand for resources that contribute to the spatial development of the region.

The spatial development of the region - is a multidimensional and multifaceted process of functioning of a regional system that focuses on the positive dynamics of parameters of the level and quality of life, sustainable, balanced and multi-factorial reproduction of social, economic, resource and environmental potentials of the territory.

The underlying principle of the spatial development of the region must be his systematic. This means that the importance for regional development is the synthesis of an interrelated combination of management, production, economic, social, ecological and innovative subsystems, providing the internal structure and integrity, an understanding of the role and place of each subsystem to create the overall effect on the achievement of a common strategic objective. Coordinated interaction of the participants of the regional environment creates an overall effect that exceeds the sum of the effects of independent actors. Currently, there is often opposition to industrial and environmental objectives, economic efficiency and social justice, and therefore, there is a need for compromise (optimal combination), with the regional interests.

The influence of economic factors on social welfare, the needs of the region's population in terms of development and sophistication of market relations is extremely increased. Situation in the region must be considered from the standpoint of the economy, and in terms of social services. Achieving economic results without innovation in the social sphere will lead to the return of principle - the production for production's sake. Therefore, in a regional development economic factors that determine the degree of stability of the socio - economic situation, as well as social and psychological factors play a role. [3]


Operation and development of the region is crucial to ensure normal living conditions, the growth of purchasing power and welfare. Development of the region suggests a qualitative change in the basic characteristics of the vital processes of population reproduction of individual or a number of properties, a variety of processes, interactions and relationships at a higher level.

Lack of development of socio-economic infrastructure of most Russian regions is associated with problems: the effective functioning and development of key sectors such as industrial, construction and transport systems; limitations of regional finances, lack of ivestitsionno-innovation, as well as underestimating the role of services in the operation and development of the region.

It should be noted that the problems of regional development are considered in detail by domestic and foreign authors, among them G. Gutman, A. Shvetsov, VN Lexin, AI Tatarkin and others published works quite deeply and thoroughly investigated the various aspects of the study subjects. However, recognizing the significant contribution of these research results and scientists, we should note that they all emphasize the importance of industry and so-called basic industries in the region's development. Of course, we can not agree with the authors that the industry - an important part of a single economic complex of the region. Growth, development level and industrial structure - the underlying performance is not only quantitative but also qualitative characteristics of the economy and the prosperity of the region. The degree of development of the industry depends on the technical level of production, the structure of regional economy, the territorial organization. However, in modern conditions, the development of the region is provided not so much quantity produced and sold goods on its territory, as the efficiency of asset management, the involvement of finance, technology, the most qualified personnel. System cost and gross indicators of the level of regional development is losing its relevance. Regions with comparatively high rates of physical volumes of production, amount of investment involved and the size of the SSA no longer be regarded as the absolute leader development. The level of production in so-called basic industries ceased to be a decisive factor for regional development. In some regions, such as Ivanovo, Saratov and Yaroslavl regions, Dagestan Republic, the Chuvash Republic, etc. The situation in the real economy remains extremely tense. The improvement was observed only in small regions, including Sakhalin, the Tambov region, Karachai-Cherkess Republic. Typical remain common problems for the real sector of the economy:

- Reduction of production volumes;

- Reduction of working capital;

- Suspension of the implementation of investment projects;

- Unavailability of credit in attracting additional resources;

- The need for public support;

- - Delay of salary;

- Optimization of the administrative and operating costs (including by reducing the number of employees);

- The growth of accounts receivable and payable;

- Increasing aggressiveness of the marketing policy;

- A tense social situation in the workplace.

In the economic area of ​​the region, along with industry, agro-produce, fiscal system, and service complex, which provides production services and consumer, and ultimately enabling the reproduction of the conditions of life in the region.

In the service complex of the region can be isolated following subsystems:

- Production infrastructure, which is a set of life-support systems of the region and ensuring the sharing of the industry and businesses;

- Social sphere, directly providing

social services for the population of the region;

- Social infrastructure, which is the material basis

functioning of the social sectors in the region;

- Consumer services - public utility, municipal, construction and repair of the goods ordered, etc. For services have higher profits than for industrial and agricultural sectors. Over 50% of total employment has been in services. The development of this sector of the economy of the region supports the driving factor of competitiveness of the territory. The services sector has become attractive for business, as some industries require little or no large initial capital (consulting services), others - due to their lack of development can receive the founders profit (financial, trust). In addition, service providers and acts as an infrastructure component of the region that performs the following functions:

1. Provision of certain activities in the area;

2. Creating the conditions for the functioning of enterprises, organizations and institutions in the region and staff;

3. Preparation conditions for the functioning of social capital;

4. Formation of optimal conditions of material production and consumption.

Therefore, services such as infrastructure in the region serves as the foundation for the development of all sectors of the economy. Availability of infrastructure is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of regional actors. As a consequence, more efficient use of resources in the region. In the present circumstances, when the post-industrial trends appear regions is necessary to determine the regional benefits, not only in the production of material goods but also in services. The region must learn to "export" services to other regions. The combined effects of multiple factors in the development of services provides a multiplier effect on other sectors of economic ¬ ki, spheres of human activity, which manifests itself in the deepening of inter-sectoral and economic links, to enhance the integration between them. Thus, a single economic space in the region can be formed only when the total regional economic processes in the complexes will have a fairly similar structure and develop balance.


1.A.A.Vinokurov development of productive forces of the Russian Federation: The natural resource conditions / / Regional Economics: Theory and Practice, № 4 (31) -2006 April, p.35-40

2.Petrosyan O.SH. Creating a favorable business areas of the region: a monograph / O.Sh.Petrosyan.-M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Order, 2009 .- 207 sec.

3.Shnyakina YR Resource aspect of balanced regional development / UR Shnyakin / / Herald PVGUS, a series of Economics, Issue number 5 (13) 2010 № 5 - p. 40-45 - 0.7 pp.