State Technical Univercity
The Bologna process has a
humanitarian nature in education and charges teachers of foreign languages with
a specific mission of training students who are ready to receive education in
European universities. This training includes not only traditional, physical
possession of all aspects of language, but, overall, the formation of the
conceptual apparatus of the students, and provides opportunities for cultural,
educational and orientation activities in European universities. Regarding this
the main task is to make substantial changes to the existing program. Retaining
the same basic goals and objectives of preparing students for foreign language,
should significantly expand the section, which is associated with a regional
geographic and cultural training. Before the attention focused on the ethnic
and cultural and linguistic only the target language country was completely
justified, but now, in the light of the new education policy in Europe should
expand this geography and provide additional knowledge related to the diversity
of cultures, languages, national education systems to natural entering students in the area of European higher
A new educational model should probably contain
a reasoned approach to the study of English as the primary means of
international communication, which will give students the opportunity to be
connected to European information and educational environment at an early
The rules and regulations of
the Bologna Declaration involve considerable independence in the student’s
mastery of knowledge, which requires specific information support. The need for
ongoing feedback between the members of the learning process defines a new
structure for the presentation of educational material and to form and content
of the accompanying materials that make multimedia a training set for a
specific discipline and are implemented in a high-tech information environment.
At the present level of educational scientific and practical interest means the
methodology of teaching communication in actively developing educational
information and communications environment, which refers to the scale of the
possible communication multi-environment and to the set of pedagogical
interactions, or meta-environment, and to the integration of media and communication. [1].
If the language competence requires the
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and the ability to generate an infinite number
of grammatically correct sentences specific to language, communicative
competence, it is broadly defined as the ability to make effective use of
language in the process of communication and includes the ability to lead a
meaningful and coherent dialogue. [2]. Dialogue as a system of rules of
interaction and the choice of learning strategies in high-tech information
environment takes on new meaning.
Scientific and technical development of modern
society requires the computerization of education and sets the task of
specialist training with a high level of professionalism and competitiveness in
the labor market which is now determined not only by its highly qualified
professional in the field, but also willing to solve professional problems in a
foreign language communication, providing information processes the
interaction. At this stage of social development language became a tool of
orientation in the modern information environment and, therefore, possession is
regarded as a significant personal and professional characteristics of the
Modern educational processes cannot take place
without the involvement of a wide range of information resources, developing
skills without the processing and presentation. Establishment of a learning
environment has been the subject of a number of studies. The authors propose
various approaches to understanding the nature and structure of the medium.
However, the research of the components of the learning environment are divided
into two categories: subjective and objective. The subjects of the educational
process are students and teachers. The objects are teaching tools and learning
activities, methods, material resources, the control of regional pedagogical
process, ways of communication (organizational, management,
awareness-motivation, retaliatory behavior, technical and emotional). Objects
are the carriers of information and learning activities that are being
assimilated and transformed into consciousness of actors turning the
educational activity in personality competence.
There is still no coherent coordinated strategy
to solve the problems of information technologies that have little to do with
the curriculum and programs. They have not been well studied and worked through
the psychological and pedagogical aspects of information technology in the
educational environment. There are contradictions between:
demands of modern society to the level of professional competence and
professional mainly used by conservative didactic models of teaching a foreign
language, which do not take into account these requirements;
potential and actual capabilities of foreign language teaching in innovative
educational environment which have the active and low-tech design of didactic
aspects of the introduction and the use of information technology in the
learning process and the rapid development of science and technology.
The need to integrate the experiences of forming
foreign language competence professionally orients students to analyze new
forms, methods and technology education, states educational standards, a modern
labor market and meets the requirements of this market to a specialist.
As the analysis of psycho-pedagogical and
didactic studies, the required capacity for the development of autonomy and
creativity of students, access to new sources of educational information, the
ability to use computer simulations has ICT training. On this basis, the new
learning environment can be formed in many ways. The appeal to the Information
and Communication Technologies greatly expands the composition and capabilities
of several components of the educational environment. Thus, among the sources
of educational information in these circumstances may include databases,
information and referral systems, electronic books and encyclopedias, Internet
resources, etc. As the tools of learning activity can be considered computer
simulators, control software, etc., as media – local computer network or the
In terms of information and educational
environment the role of actors changed: the focus is student himself: his
motives, the goal of learning. All methodological decisions (organization of
educational material used techniques, ways of learning) are refracted through
the prism of the individual learner: his needs, abilities, activity,
intelligence and other factors, the backbone of innovative language learning is
a goal-setting teacher and students, individualization and information tools
and technologies the use of which provides innovative education.
The overall aim of learning/teaching a foreign
language in the creation of the concept of innovative educational environment
is to meet the social needs and personal goals and motivations of students who
are associated with active integration of our society in the world economic
system. Objectives of the course, therefore, include the development of all
components of foreign language professionally oriented competence, that is,
mastering the language system for professional communication flowing in contact
with representatives of other cultural communities. The analysis of the most
common approaches to the concepts of information learning environments suggests
that the concept of an innovative educational environment for teaching foreign
languages of university students should be built within the framework of
person-oriented paradigm based on the integration of communicative competence,
professionally-oriented and contextual approaches. As a component of language
learning, the approach serves as very general basis linguistic learning and
gives an idea of the chosen learning strategy, which is the basis for the
choice of methods and techniques in language teaching.
N. E-Learning Environment in Foreign Language Teaching: Limba, Cultura,
Civilizatie. – Politehnica Press,
Bucuresti, 2010. - С.
2. Бексаева Н.А. Электронное обучение иностранным языкам в коммуникационно-мировом пространстве Инновационная лингводидактика в контексте межкультурной и профессиональной коммуникации: Межвузовский сборник научных трудов – Саратов: ООО Издательский Центр «Наука» , 2010.- С. 35-42.