PhD Burmistrova V.

Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan

Main features of the project “The trinity of the languages”

and its implementation in Kazakhstan


The idea of the trinity of the languages was proclaimed in October 2006 on the twelfth congress of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan, where N. Nazarbayev said that the knowledge of three languages was very important for the future of the next generation. “Kazakhstan must be considered as a highly developed country all over the world, where three languages are used. They are: Kazakh is the state language, Russian is the language of international communication and English is the language of integration into the global economic”, said N. Nazarbayev [1]. In other words, we should develop our state language, support the Russian language and learn English. Knowledge of several languages always broadens nation‘s abilities to communication and integration. Thus, the trinity of the languages will be an indicator of the competitiveness of the country. The citizens, speaking several languages fluently, will be competitive individuals both domestically and abroad.

Let’s consider the meaning of the words “the trinity of the languages”. Obviously, we must raise the Kazakh language to the world level languages such as Russian and English, to create the conditions for equal and full use of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English in our country. Therefore, it is necessary not to forget that at present stage the creation of conditions exactly for the state language is paramount, which would strengthen its status, stabilize the linguistic situation. The three problems are closely linked with each other, each of them has its own specifics, but we must understand a simple truth: the study of any foreign, that is the second or third language, begins with the perfect knowledge of the main language. Such is the world experience. In other words, the basis, the foundation and also the highest point of the triangle is the state language of Kazakhstan.

How and when did the “The trinity of the languages” appear as an idea? “It is the fact that the new generation of Kazakhstan should be trilingual, fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English”, said the President in 2004, opening the first session of the Mazhilis of the third convocation. Noting the importance of the prudent, balanced ethnic and language policies, Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the European language norm among the graduates and students was fluent communication in several languages; and our citizens had to come to that norm, too [2].

There should not be superficial approaches to this problem. We need, first of all, a scientific base and the purely functional approach. In other words, we need to put the feasibility and operational need into the cornerstone. Each informant, firstly, needs to know the language on that level, which is necessary for work and in everyday life. No more and no less, of course, with the possibility of further knowledge improvement. The requirement of the priority of ideal language proficiency is the wrong approach. For example, if a cashier at the station needs to know 100 sentences and 1,000 words in 2 or 3 languages for full execution of his functions, and he is completely able to use this minimum; we need to recognize him qualified enough. Every profession, every specialty has its own set of specific vocabulary of terms and symbols. And to know them is the duty of each specialist.

Another thing consists in the fact that we have such a profession, occupation or positions which include the functional responsibilities to be fluent in the state language. We must admit that we now have more questions than answers in this sphere. For example, why do we have the only President of the country taking the exam in the Kazakh language among the officials of higher rank? Simple logic and common sense dictates that the same demands should be placed upon some other officials of central governmental bodies. Of course, it needs to be placed within the legislative framework. The Committee of the languages works in this direction. We must be focused and constantly engaged in the implementation of measures to create a language environment and linguistic culture, improving the industry terminology, and keeping the communication culture.

What about the implementation of the project “The trinity of the languages”?We signed an important memorandum with the largest community in Kazakhstan, which combines 95% of Russian people, residing in our country. It is gratifying that they have a desire to learn the state language. However, we must avoid the situation when Kazakh youths of some areas do not speak Russian. In the language policy should not be bias”, said the Minister of Culture and Information Yermukhamet Yertysbayev at the roundtable devoted to the problems of the implementation of the cultural project “The trinity of the languages” in Almaty on 23rd July, 2007 [3]. According to him, in the late 80's, 70% of Kazakhs did not speak their native language because of the process of russification in Kazakhstan. “The revival of the Kazakh language began with its importance understanding by the members of the Russian community. Bilingualism is one of the main components of the breakthrough in our country's socio-economic growth. Russian language is the greatest asset of our society”, said the head of MCI RK [3].

Y. Yertysbayev said that the goal of learning the state language was to cover 10,000 citizens in 2007. Every year this number will grow, and by 2010 it must have reached 100 thousand people. The question of language plays the central role in the life of any nation [3]. “Today we begin to solve the practical language problems facing our society”, said the head of the Russian community in Kazakhstan Yuri Bunakov. According to him, the question of the state and Russian languages has been discussed in society for a long time. “Sometimes, the discussion begins to take a morbid form. There are some people who are trying to turn this problem into politics. It is gratifying that the Ministry of Culture and Information has responded to the offer to implement specific projects in our life”, said Yuri Bunakov [3].

The specifics of the project realization are presented by the Government in the State program of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 [4].





4.     State program of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. – Astana, 2011.