Kankozha M. K.

The Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Republic of Kazakhstan

The special features of the structure of erythrocytic membrane


Erythrocyte is the regular element of the blood, small concave disks containing hemoglobin. As is known, the basic function of erythrocytes is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of body, i.e., they carried out the respiratory function of these cells and high oxygen capacity of the blood. However, besides participation in the process of respiration, they also participate in the adjustment of acid-base equilibrium; they adsorb amino acid, lipids from the plasma of the blood, then transfer them to the tissues and support the isotonicity of the blood and tissues.

The cellular membrane, which passes oxygen, carbon dioxide, ions and water, performs important role in the erythrocyte.

 The structure of erythrocytic membrane corresponds to the plan of the structure of all diaphragm structures. The content of polar lipids in the membranes can be used as the criterion, which characterizes not only the type of the membrane, but also the type of cells. It was assumed that each type of the membranes contains only one form of diaphragm protein, but it is at present proven that the proteins can be different. 

The greatest part of the proteins of erythrocytic membrane is connected with the carbohydrates, so-called glycoproteins among which glikoforin. Glikoforin which have large quantity of remainders of sialic acid is responsible for approximately 60% of negative charge on the surface of erythrocytes. Lipids occupy 75% of entire area of erythrocytic membrane. Between three represented here forms - neutral, glycolipids and phospholipids, phospholipids are located in a larger quantity.

Researchers separate two basic unsaturated acids of erythrocytic membrane - arachidonic and olein, also two basic saturated - palmitic and stearin. The asymmetry of arrangement on the membrane is very important both for the proteins, and for the lipids, as the part or even all reserve of phospholipid can be located in the inner or outer layers of the membrane. This asymmetric arrangement of fats is formed in the process of the formation of the membranes.

One of the special features of erythrocytes is being contained inside rigid protein support from the spektrin-aktin complexes, which limits the motion of proteins. The form and mechanical properties of erythrocytes are determined by interaction of spektrin-aktin complex with different components of the membrane.

As is known, cellular erythrocytic membrane is not permeated for the majority of polar molecules for averting the diffusion of the most important metabolites of the cell outside. There is defined transfer system, which guarantees the process of entering into the cell of the specific polar substances (for example, glucose) from the environment. This system of transfer answers after the possibility “of saturation” of process, the specificity of the transported substances, braking by the specific substances and by the directivity of the processes of transfer. 

Erythrocytic membrane is characterized by electro neutrality. It highly permeated for the ions of chlorine and other anionic flows. There are specific differences in the ratio of potassium and sodium inside, also, out of the cells. For example, the erythrocytes of man comprise: potassium – 27.2, sodium – 0.12, for the rat – 22.8 and 0.18 respectively. The characteristic property of erythrocytic membrane is the fact, that it possesses high anionic selectivity for such anions as oxalate, malate, fumarate, maleate, succinate, glyutarat and others. It is considered that the mechanisms which supply the income of different substances differ. Value of anion t.i. the length of hydrocarbon chains - not only reason. Channels that pass cations and anions are different and localized on the membrane in the different sections. On the external and internal surface of the membrane can be located different groups which supply the transfer of diverse substances.

Another mechanism can be connected with the presence of the hydrophobic layers of the membranes. This mechanism limits the displacement of carriers in them and determines the speed of the penetration of different ions.

There is another supposition relative to diaphragm mechanisms, which consists in the fact that the permeability of the membrane of erythrocytes can be determined by interaction of the components of medium with some diaphragm components. Such substances as propronolol, valinomycin change cation permeability and contribute to membrane reconstructions, which concern not only lipids.

The disturbance of a transmembrane potential difference, which leads to a change in the conformation of the molecules of biopolymers, can be possible mechanism. It also can lead to permeability changes.

Changes in the protein and fatty acid composition of erythrocytic membranes are observed with some illnesses, which entail a change in the properties of the membrane. For example, with the muscular dystrophy and some forms of the anemia changes concern of protein composition and an increase of cholesterol and phospholipids are observed with the ischemic disease of heart.

Structural reconstructions of erythrocytic membranes are observed during the adaptation to the high temperature. In this case the large fragments of the membrane with different lipid composition can be formed. The activity of the membrane connective proteins depends on composition and state of lipids, and changes in the lipid layer can lead to the disturbance of the function of cells.

 At present extensive information obtained about the structure of the erythrocytic membranes of man and different animals within the standard and under the diverse influences.

List of the literature:

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