Education Sciences / 5. Modern methods of teaching.

Grigorieva GB

Russia - State University of Economics and Services, Russia

Business game as a way of modeling of the future professional activity


Modern society asks for new demands on the level of education and personal development. Business leaders want to see a graduate as a qualified specialist capable of effective professional work and competitive in the labor market. In this regard, the Higher School aims not only to train a specialist with an appropriate level of education, but in the very process of  forming knowledge and skills in specialized subjects, to involve him, still being a university student, into the process of professional socialization. The optimization of this process, according to Professor A.V. Kirichek, creates conditions for the personal development of a specialist, who has a high potential to show his social and professional characteristics, able to adapt to the rapidly growing high-tech production.

To make it possible for us to get a graduate, a young professional who possesses such potential, some changes in teaching methods should be done. Today the efficient methods are those which make it possible to organize the training process taking into account the professional sense of training, as well as the focus on individual student's interests, aptitudes and abilities. The leading aim of such methods is to train a specialist who can competently deal with professional problems. Certainly, the training process has for the most part a theoretical nature, and professional activities – a practical one. And while developing the methods which can remove these contradictions it is necessary to focus on the development of professional practical skills system in relation to which  the educational information acts as an instrument that provides an opportunity to perform high-quality professional activities.

The English language, we suppose, is the very kind of discipline that allows to create professionally simulated situations in the class, to model problem situations in different spheres of human activity, showing the best ways to solve these problems, as well as the algorithms helping to predict such situations and successfully avoid them. Not mentioning the fact itself that the English language is recognized as the language of professional communication in various fields.

So, what are the forms and methods of teaching help not only to improve the quality of teaching, but also to develop professional skills of a future specialist? Of course, such methods are Business games.

A Business Game is a simulation game in which students simulate the work of this or that employee and make decisions based on the analysis of this situation. It aims to develop students' abilities to analyze specific practical situations and make decisions.

The use of business games in teaching provides a high level of mental, emotional, and behavioral activities of students, allows to involve such properties of mentality as imagination, memory, emotions and speech into the process of knowledge. Business games can also work out the practical skills. Introducing elements of the game in normal learning activities of students increases their interest, creates positive motivation theory.

The essence of a business game must meet the following requirements:

A business game is a professional game. It is aimed at the development of such skills and abilities that are required to an ordinary manager. Therefore, the analysis of professional activities of a specialist of the very training level must be in the bases of its development.

A business game should contain game and learning objectives. A game objective means to perform certain professional activities by a player. A learning objective is to master knowledge and skills. In our case, to master the English language.

According to Belchikova Y.M. and Birshtein, M. M a business game is characterized by:

1. Modeling of the labor process (activity) for managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations to develop management decisions.

2. The implementation of the process "solutions chain." As a simulated system in a business game is considered as dynamic, it leads to the fact that a game is not limited to the solution of one problem, but requires a "solutions chain." The decision taken by parties of a game in the first stage, affects the model and modifies its original state. Changing of the state enters the game complex, and based on information received participants of a game work out solutions at the second stage of a game, etc.

3. The distribution of roles among the participants.

4. The difference of role aims in decision-making, which bring some contradictions between parties, the conflict of interests.

5. The presence of controlled emotional stress.

6. The interaction of participants performing certain roles.

7. A mutual goal of the game among all participants.

8. A collective decision-making by participants.


10. The presence of individual or group evaluation system of participants activities in a game.

Thus, business games are an excellent method for: the development of cognitive and professional motives and interests; training of specialist’s systemic thinking, including an integrated understanding not only of the nature and society, but also themselves, their place in the world; the transfer of an integrated view of a professional activity and its major fragments, taking into account an emotional and personal perception; training in collective intellectual and practical work, the development of skills of social interaction and communication, skills in individual and mutual decision-making; training a responsible attitude to work, respect for social values and norms of the staff and society in whole; training in modeling techniques, including mathematics, engineering and social planning.


1.Business games [Text] / Y.M Belchikov, M.M. Birshtein. - Riga: Avots, 1989. - 303 pp.

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3.Business games: development, organization, conduct [Text] / V.J. Platov. - M.: Profizdat, 1991. - 80 p.

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