UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




Parameters by descriptions  of synthetic essence  of the phenomenon     of deviantal| sense of justice, which|what| is poly-functional|, form-consistable| phenomenon|phenomen| of sociallegal specials | that appears as nature process|Carbro| of creation of legal gnosiology, presumably|perhaps|, can be: system recurrence|cyclicity|, like a wave|, non-linearity, system structural|structure| chaoticness, composition «bifurcasation»|, irreversibility, inconstancy, world view instability|gustiness| of right and legal tradition, - as attributive evolutional qualities of untraditional stely | existence of legal thought|mindset|  (cognition|identification|), as a rule, at transitional, foreign| times|time|.

       In connection with the presence of constantly uncompleted a priori|apriory| representative| and ideological methodical to "foundation|ground-work|" (transitional,  marginal| public, publicly legal substrate|: public, publicly legal institutes|institution|,    organizations,    establishments  but|yes| other), synergetic  (self-organization |) of elements of deviantal| sense of justice as system organized| crisis level|Y-level| of social activity of sense of justice -  internal|inlying| environment|Wed| of any|some| deviantal| legal structure (matters|fabric| of law) and as a transmitter|carrier|  of spring future forms|shape| it|her| system (sign|signum|) legislative organization, will consider some|certain| features this system-structural| reflection| judicial  organization of internal|inlying|  environment|Wed| of legal matter|fabric| of any|some| unlegal deviations or informatively synergistically maintenance of legal  matter|fabric| of transitional society on a type|typestyle| posttotality|.

Consideration of vectorial motions|movement| of legal reflection  will  take place through|from| the prism of research|work-up| of history-law| transformation of world legal traditions as  half-system| national and  through|from| self-development| of legal  idiom as a subsystem national [1].

Will consider some|certain| terminology concepts|notion|  of synergetic of transitional right as industries|branch| of nonlinear description of reflection| law-build| of transitional societies on the type|typestyle| of posttotality|. Yes, in our research|work-up|, the continuous environment|Wed| of the legal field of deviantal| sense of justice, consider|think|, contains (beats|reflects| back) the different|diverse| types (types|typestyle|,  half-types|)    deviantal  localizations of legal processes|Carbro| or different|diverse| types of legal structures. Then we can, taking into account world history-worldlook| genesis of legal synergetic  as a structural-system| marker|mark|  non-line of mathematical conformities to law of evolutional motion|movement| of right,  for example|eg|, after euro| axiologies | methodologically requiring disciplined| extrapolation in philosophical-legal relation|referring| of processes|Carbro| of burning and thermostable| (diffusions) as most widespread|wide-spread|, experimental| of the correlated  models of explanation of many paradoxical|paradoxial|  processes|Carbro|  of physical|physics| self-organization|,  when a fire|light| (or burning) knowing| researchers examine|consider|  as a typical|model| process|Carbro| of self-remain|, self-regulation| and increase| descriptions of dynamic intensity of nonlinear environments|Wed|, underline,  any|some| plan, in the context of transitional nature of right to do|accomplish| the certain|definite| comparing of these processes|Carbro| to the synergistically pictures of nature of right  in transitional or deviantal| society [2].

Namely: legal structure - it legislatively non-communicative  on the certain|definite|  "areas"  of legal tradition in a certain|definite| legal environment|Wed| process|Carbro| of mentally structured|structure-forming| law-building|. Another| speaking, process|Carbro| of law-building ||it is possible to examine|consider| as certain|definite|  the geometrically,   legislatively lined up sentinel|temporal| form in  which|what| can reform, finished  building and move in a legal environment|Wed| or in the legal field of social environment|Wed|, keeping|saves| here, as a rule,  own spatial configuration|config|, that, think, has the limits|border| geography of certain|definite| nation.


1. Ginsberg|, M. The| of idea| of| progress|.  - London|, 2008. - P.  48

2  Szabo| Denis|. Crimes| | of Villes|. - Paris|, 2007; Marshall| B. Clinard|. Sociology| of Deviant| Behavior|. - New| York|, 2006