UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




Examining|consider| modern actual|topical| tasks|task|  which arise up before philosophical-legal by the comprehension of deviantal rightconsciousness| of posttotality life as dominant|leit-motif| direction  of progressive methodologies of general|common| cognition|identification| as rights  for /A.A.Kozlovskiy/,  it is impossible  not to see  that on the first|first-run| plans questions are pulled out theoretic-practice| illumination|lighting| of functional|function|  descriptions ideological - world view  axiology ukranian| of the legal system in structural|structure| transformations of right continue | with spatial configuration|config| of Ukrainian legal tradition.

Think that arc wise historical right-development| and rightconsciousness | orientations|orintation| are able reflection| those  is mentally structured|structure-forming|  nationality|but|  right-needs|  which|what| in the isomorphic|isomorphous| to change and  will realize civilization own| evolutional nonlinear rightdemand|  which|what|  in  the poly-functional| and poly-maintenance forms|  able synergistically   changing vectors|complexor| of development| law-transformation| and law-consciousness|  in dependence not only on world view motions|movement| of succession of ethno-tradition (national consciousness)  at  linear level of law-transformation| but also from informatively power changes|changing| of environment|Wed| at nonlinear level which determines possibility|potentialitie|  of realization of poly-functional turning||, comprehensions and awarenesses, including marginal| ( nonlinear - linear, arcwise nonlinear)  poly-functional structuralsystems| | both linear and nonlinear. The last (poly-functional structure are the systems),  after our idea|opinion|, are able cross-correlation to prevail|dominate| and above|over| the linear level|Y-level| of law-transformation| which|what| is, consider|think|,  logical-composition by the structural- system| of nonlinear configuration|config|, which testifies to ontological priority and gnosiological derivative|marching| of any|some| history-liners | models, orientations|orintation|, and sense-building| which|what| do not promote|assist| (not able to be instrumental|assist| in  connection with the specific of linear thought|mindset| (cognition|identification|) the always positive|staid| decision of problems of nonlinear, synergistically orientated, character|nature| civilization adapted law-demand |. That examine|consider| civilization own| and adapted law-demand phenomena of priority orders of development| motions|movement| of social,  sociallegal, legal, law-given|  nature that at nonlinear level of law-transformation| evolutional - structurally|structure| determine the history-systemic | right - and law-development| in the system of nationally adapted law-needs. Together with it is the civilization field of legal idea of linear level|Y-level| right - and (bifurcations|branching|, rotary presses, deviations) as the socially adapted  models concretely historical linear right-moving|, well-off|able| ideological to present|represent| and realize in the concrete, mentally structured|structure-forming|, norms|standard| of national law as proper concretely historical legislative  truths certain|definite| approaching of national,  nationally - legal mentally realized idiomatic| to|by| right-idea development| right-idealization ||or  right-idealization| innovations, innovations and traditions, through|from| legal structures national legislative systems [1].

In this relation|referring|, will mark|note| that will be for the most difficult|complex| task|tsk| legal science-theoretic| opinion  of determination|definition| of mechanism of transformation of legal idea in legislative truth, especially|in particular case| at the terms of crisis posttotality rights|.


1.       Dmitrienko Y.N. Deviantal sense of justice as form-consistable | phenomenon of transitional life of right for // Scientific|science| announcer|bulletin|. Series|sere| «Philosophy». Publication. 9. – Kharkov: KhDUHT,2001. - P.131-134