UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




       One change|changing| in a civilized manner legal traditions other one| forms|shape| (to the cycle|runddown| of social activity) of legal consciousness|intelligent| on other are a process|Carbro| which|what| in a great deal for his|its| contemporaries appears|shown| invisible. Epoch of world in a civilized manner legal, masked transformation which|what| we live at for a domestic|home| observer those changes|changing| in sociallegal and political spheres, which|what| took place in Ukraine for|after| one and a half last decades. New|firsttime| society to|by| creation|making| of which|what| all forces|strenth| of Ukrainian nation are directed|ducted| presently|now| appears|imagines| us stable|high-stability| and unchanging|unalterable|, unlike a situation in our state, where changes|changing| flow|leak| so swiftly, that we became|become| witnesses during|for| life of one generatio of considerable transformation social, legal, cultural|gracious|, political and spiritual|spirit| spheres of our life [1-2]. Modern social and legal consciousness|intelligent| however much such can be totally not determined the former|quondam| forms|shape| of past|passing| concretely historical forms|shape| of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture, which requires a permanent|constant| address to the comprehension of history, theory and logic of old rightunderstand| and cultures. That speech goes not only about concretely historical transformations of exteriority of meantenance-build| of actual|topical| forms|shape| of right-sensible| and in a civilized manner legal to space but also about the | change|changing| of legal mentality of the Ukrainian people|peoples| and social|. Processes|Carbro|, related|ties| to the changes|changing| of cultural and historical type|typestyle| of legal consciousness|intelligent|, are processes|Carbro| concretely historical changes|changing| actual|topical| in a civilized manner legal traditions of awareness of legal history and reality, as a cultural and historical type|typestyle| of consciousness|intelligent| (type|typestyle| of thought|mindset|, «style» of thought|mindset|) is|appear| one of substantial descriptions of legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture on the whole|all in all|. On the basis of unity of cultural and historical type|typestyle| of legal consciousness|intelligent| and proper in a civilized manner legal forming becomes|stands| possible|possibly| tradition concretely historical interpretations of development| dynamics of change|changing| of historical consciousness|intelligent|, cultural and historical sense of justice, on the whole|all in all|, and also proper him cultural|gracious| context.


1. Dmitrienko Y.N. The New|firsttime| legal categories «Asymmetry|unsymmetry| in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense» of justice, «Opposition in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense» of justice, «Symmetry in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense» (to|by| statement of a question) of justice // «Science and education| – 2008» (International science and practice| internet-conference of OOO «Russciencebook» (Belgorod city , Russia), International academy of sciences of ecology and safety|crashworthiness| of vital functions (New-York-Berlin-Moskov-Pekin-Tokio cites), publishing house «Science and education|formation|» (Dnipropetrovs’k city, Ukraine), University of reflection| (Kharkiv-Kyiv cites, Ukraine), Publishing| House| “Education| and| Science|” s.r.o. (Czekh, Prague city), TOO «Uralsciencebook» (Ural'sk city, Kazakhstan), OOD «Byal GRAD-BG» (Sofiya city, Bulgaria), OOO «Science messages|» (Gomel city, Belarus'), Sp|. z o.o. “Science and studio||” (Przemysl|, Poland|) on January, 1-15 2008 year: Publishing| house| of Education|  and|  Science| of s.r.o, SCO|: 27156877, Frydlanska| 15/1314, Praha| 8, MS| of Praze|, oddil| of C, vlozka|, 100614)

2. Dmitrienko Y.N. The New|firsttime| legal categories «Asymmetry|unsymmetry| in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense» of justice, «Opposition in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense» of justice, «Symmetry in becoming and development of Ukrainian sense (to|by| the statement of a question) of justice // Materials|fabric| after IV International science| practical conference, 3-15 on January| of 2008 «Science and education|». Tom|Thom| 9. Law. History. - Sofiya: «Byal GRAD-BG» of OOD, 2008. - N.-3-5