Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of
scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research
university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)
The pas as phenomenon in a civilized manner aesthetically
beautiful legal
memory, with his myths,
symbolic structures,
saved legal consciousness as a priceless correlate , without which|what| neither legal todays nor legal the future is
impossible. In him are grounds of necessary «depth of penetration» of
historical mind in any
concretely historical times-spaciousness of Ukrainian legal
consciousness which can be studied in different actual contexts. So, for example , «germenevtic» of
legal consciousness
opens out in the unique history-culture plane together with philosophy, psychology,
linguistics, semiotics, logical emantic, by sociology natural essence of legal
consciousness , it liners sense, about disspline
essence and prospect. Problematika of analysis of legal analysis
of legal consciousness
creates different
active contexts and parts
of search-world
and look sense, realized in archfacts of legal culture [1]. By
the synthesis of phenomental and «germenevtic» at different times
got busy, M of Khaydeger, in to the ideological world view
aspect, actually , legal
consciousness ,E Shpet, Yaspers, Sartr, M of Merloponti, M of Bakhtin, M of Mamardashvili,
P. Riker but characterizes intercommunication of the psychical
phenomena in the
«personal world» of
artist. In other words, out of historical a context sense
of legal consciousness
is not perceptible. In the center
of other Sense of
sense of justice appears
in its space and is its
phenomenon,«germenevtic» of sense of justice is a man,
reality and history, as subjects of cultural and historical creation, in which and which connection of legal times is carried out due to, there is
positive (subjective) subjecttivism of
external legal reality,
existential sense of Ukrainian legal life will be realized. Therefore one of
main problems of phenomental
«germenevtic» about
interpretation as
basis of its
activity in a legal culture. Legal text
as of
legal consciousness
and culture there is a question about nature a man as a subject of
interpretation, andarchtype of
legal consciousness
“lives” until will be created him right-reflection interpretations, and
while light, that will nurse will not burn the wing of the old reading
and will not attract new the of this place not
world . As a product of
legal culture he is in the permanent
co-operating with a reader and directly
on itself tests the
dynamics of legal time, change
of paradigms of legal thought
in legal science.
1. Dmitrienko Y.N. Ukrainskoe right-consciousness: evolution idea in motherland and
foreign science // «Modern science achievement – 2008» (International science and practice internet-conference of
OOO «Russciensebook» (Belgorod, Russia),
International academy of sciences of ecology and safety|crashworthiness| of vital functions (New-York-Berlin-Moskov-Pekin-Tokio cites),publishing house «Science and
education » (Dnipropetrovsk,
Ukraine), University of reflection (Kharkiv-Kyiv cites, Ukraine), Publishing House “Education
and Science ” s.r.o. (Czekh, Prague city), TOO «Uralsciensebook» (Ural'sk city, Kazakhstan), OOD «Byal
GRAD-BG» (Sofiya city, Bulgaria), OOO «Science messages» (Gomel city, Belarus'), Sp . z o.o. “Science and studio”
(Przemysl|feb.|, 1-15 2008 , Poland ) on Februaryyear.:Publishing house of Education and Science
of s.r.o, SCO : 27156877,
Frydlanska 15/1314, Praha 8, MS of v of Praze ,
oddil of C, vlozka , 100614)