UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




        Modern about totality | the crisis cycle|runddown| of social activity of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture insistingly|persistently| puts|stage| a question before socialhumanitarian and other-branch| a particular branch legal sciences, answers for which|what| allow deeply to estimate|evaluate| not only Ukrainian the pas but also realities of present life. Research|work-up| of sources|loss| and features of Ukrainian about totality || sense of justice, influence of which|what| was felt practically along the whole length of XX age|century|, gives|provide| possibility|potentialitie| of more deep|plunge| penetration in sense of domestic|home| legal history, understanding of bases|foundation| of the Ukrainian state system. Without|senza| the account of presence of about totality || mentality is|appear| impossible to understand how becoming of former|quondam| totalitarianism took place in Ukraine. The complex analysis of genesis of Ukrainian about totality || sense of justice is conducted from positions of history-rights| approach characterizes|describe| totalitarian sense of justice as social-culture|, normatively legal and ideological world view the phenomenon, certain|definite| a legal culture, which|what| executes|implement| role of matrix|DOD|, contributory infringement|cooperant| his|its| development [1-5]. Found|exposes| out by us the complex of lines|vinculum| of Ukrainian legal mentality (personalization attitude toward|to| the source|spring| of power, collectivism, legal nihilism, faith, in a messiah|messias| idea, gravitation|attraction| to|by| the absolute, neglect to|b the individual), present as basis|foundation| of totalitarian sense of justice (right-knowing|).

      In this relation|referring| there is a requirement|need| in the careful opening|dissection| of role of the left|counter-clockwise| intelligentsia, it|her| legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture as concretely historically priority in forming of totalitarian consciousness|intelligent|, which consists in that it|her| undertook the mission of creation|making| new|firsttime| publicly legal to the world view, to trace the dynamics of sense of justice of this task force which in the end|in final analysis| brought a country over to|by| the negative development| ways, and|but| a cycle|runddown| of social activity of legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture is to|by| the crisis. Think|suppose|, that active arch-types| of ideological maintenance of artistry| culture of former|quondam| totalitarian society require substantial research|work-up|, as structure-system of former|quondam| soviet legal culture |built on such prototypes of sense of justice as: «father|parent|»,  «motherland-mother», «hero», «enemy», which|what| allowed to assert that a legal culture is given is|appear| simultaneously a source|spring| and product of totalitarian sense of justice (right-knowing |). The subsequent|consequent| study of the noted questions will be instrumental|assist| in successful research|work-up| of heavy|difficult| questions | nature of modern Ukrainian state-rights| consciousness|intelligent| and culture.


1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N Positive| of jurisprudence|: forming| of| spirituality| in| Ukrainian| legal| consciousness|. - ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio||», 2008. – P. 42-54

2. Dmitrienko| Y|. N. Transformation| of| valued-semantic| in| Ukrainian|  legal| consciousness|. – ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio|», 2008. – P. 94-107

3. Dmitrienko| Y|. N.  Problem| of| legal| reform| in |Ukraine| in| aspect| of| legal| consciousness|. – ¹| 2 (7) 2008. Economic science||. Rights|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 83-96

4. Dmitrienko| Y|. N.  From| Members| to| lawfulness the| languid| creation| of| legal| consciousness| in|  Ukraina|. - ¹2 (7) 2008. Economic science||. Rights |. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 97-102

5.  Dmitrienko Y.N. Going near|to| the study of manipulation|manipulatory| of victims|sacrifice| legal consciousness|intelligent| at the swindle|swintling| of // Issues of the day of right: theory and practices. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labors. ¹ 9. - Lugansk: To SLEEP the name  Dalya, 2007. - P. 59-65