UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008 

Dmitrienko I., senior teacher of University of ideas (Kharkov-Kyiv), Dmitrienko Yu., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievs National research university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)




      Picture of literature as about the special form of personality, individual of creative consciousness, national consciousness and legal consciousness of man - primary its subject - based on confession of it  dynamic nature which combines the mechanisms of evolutional development and revolutionary jumps. For this reason study of poetic features of separate creators of legal awareness of republic of letters, remains one of the most perspective directions of modern literary criticism, jurisprudence and theory and history of the state and right. Interesting and meaningful it appears in relation to creators undeservedly of forgotten, that actively formed legal spirituality of the last quarter of a XIX century. One of such creators was there, for example, K. M. of Fofanov, which entered in literature as a representative of poetry of epoch of «likholittya», with typically transitional (deviantal) sense of justice.  Becoming of creative method and legal world view of K.M. Fofanova is on 1880-1890th - «transitional» period in a domestic poetry, «when soil was not not only for creation of integral life-asserting attitude but also for force and depth of tragic objection. A weakness,  sorrow, confusion, breaking up, chaoticness, is basic lines of legal and poetic atmosphere...» [1].

        Exactly after sense of justice of poets it is possible to classify the different forms (types, models, displace) of domestic sense of justice and culture - democratic, liberal, modernistic, that emotionally formed new legal ideas and ideals. By the table of contents of these consciousness and cultures there are nekrasivs themes, reasons of fight of civil protest and exploit, calling to the change of framework of society (L.N. Trefolev, F.F. Filimonov, P.F. Yakubovich, D.L. Mikhaylovskiy, S.D. Drozhzhin, S.G. Supersleep, A.A. Apukhtina, A.A. Golenischev-Kutuzov, K. L'dov but other). The representatives of modernistic sense (D.S. Merezhkovskiy, In. Solovyov, M. of Lokhvickaya, K.D. Bal'mont, V.Ya. Bryusov) of justice, mastering new artistic forms, sserting in poetic ideas spiritual essence of concretely historical understanding, making and application, form spirituality in a right, realized and interpreting it in the new forms of domestic sense of justice  [2-8].


1. Ermilova E.V. lyric Poetry of «likholittya» (End of XIX age) of // Of Kozhinov V. Kniga about the lyrical poetry of a 19 item  Development of style and genre. - K: Right, 2008. - P. 218-219

2. Govorov K. Sovremennye of poeti. Kriticheskie of zametki. -  Spb., 1889. - P. 2-5

3. Krasnov P.N. Poeziya razuma of // Book of «Nedeli» - 1897. -  N 10. -  P. 181

4.  Krasnov P.N. Melancholy for to the people of // Knizhki of «Nedeli».- 1897.- N   12.- P. 155

5. Dmitrienko Y. Positive jurisprudence: forming of spirituality in Ukrainian legal consciousness. - Nr 3 (8) 2008. Pedagogicze science. Filologicze science. Right. - Przemysl: Sp. z.o.o «Nauka i studia», 2008. – P. 42-54

6. Dmitrienko Y. Transformation of valued-semantic of Ukrainian legal consciousness. - Nr 3 (8) 2008. Pedagogicze nauki. Filologicze nauki. Pravo. - Przemysl: Sp. z.o.o «Nauka i studia», 2008. – P. 94-107

7. Dmitrienko Y. Problem of legal reform in Ukraine in aspect of legal consciousness. - Nr 2 (7) 2008. Ekonomicze science. Right. - Przemysl: Sp. z.o.o «Nauka i studia», 2008. – P. 83-96

8. Dmitrienko Y. From party membership to legality: the languid creation of legal consciousness in Ukraina. - Nr 2 (7) 2008. Ekonomicze science. Right. - Przemysl: Sp. z.o.o «Nauka i studia», 2008. – P. 97-102