UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008
Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University
of ideas (Kharkov-Kyiv)
Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of
scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievs National research
university the name of T. Shevchenko ( Kyiv)
Among all functional descriptions of deviantaly of functional
processes of legal awareness of
transitional posttotalitary reality of attributive values are acquired by the structurally system parameters of their definition. Sense of justice, as
integral structural part to the
phenomenon of consciousness, is, can
legitimately consider, by the specific phenomenon of social nature, by a
dominant, system sinergistical by a determinational model
it svitoglyadno-aksiologichnogo reflection and space
time legal measuring in the days of transitional development of the Ukrainian
right [1]. In this connection, it is,
at the same time, "always" generalized result of development of attributive qualities of
social nature and "always"
permanent processal becoming of the
different, mentally structured (more mediated) properties of different types
(models, cycles) of measuring of legal life of social nature through the mental
norms of the nationally legislative
measuring of this legal life (social nature), in his concrete historical legal displays and forms. But
character of historical forms of legal life,
as known, determine, forms, determines and ideological legitimines (together with their
ideological legalization) but whether other world (as a rule ideological bar) legal tradition, idiom, or them
sanctioned or unauthorized devivtion, or deviation of different types.
In such
understanding natural sense of justice mentally combines and historically imitates in the reproductions forms functionally dominant lines separately to
the phenomenon of right (as forms) for the world view phenomenon (legal zmistu) and separately
phenomenon of isomorphous consciousness, derivative from mental maintenance of right as national phenomenon. Phenomenon of consciousness in forms sense of justice
appears by us as a mobile create process of the socialogy measuring of legal reality
of certain sociumu in its legal
certain forms. As well as socially
reflected in quarantinable
retrospective maintenance of
legal traditions and norms of right,
always able to present every natural phenomenon, sense of justice,, after our idea, concrete, adequate socially
world view terms, cycle (level, degree)
of social activity or intensity of
communicative socialogy form of ability
essence of right, and also proper creation, research and use in maintenance of
the legal field and certain separate socially
legal association, and in each socially historical realities separately.
Depending on social-economic, spiritually cultural, ideological, political
and other terms, reasons, necessities and requirements of time every concrete cycle of legal awareness of those
or other social realities, after
researches of author, has the proper form of the world view reflection and aksiologichnogo measuring, that
well-off to appear through the
functional use in modern feasance or formal, or informal succession of legal
tradition [2].
1. Dmitpienko Yu.N.
Some methodological problems of
social policy in the context of deviantnoi sense of justice of //Desyati the Kharkov political
science reading: "Forming of public politiki:teopetichniy, practical and legal aspects
of /zbipnik scientific statey/. – K, 2000. - P.52-53
2. Dmitpieinko Yu.N. Module system of teaching and
estimation of knowledges of students /na example of philosophy and filosofi //Problems of higher legal education. – K, 2000.-
P. 92-95