UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea ( Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko ( Kyiv)




         In the modern world in the process of dynamic political and economic|economical| transformations|transformation|, there is a danger of mass psychological crises of instability|gustiness| of group and individual|first-aid| legal consciousness|intelligent|. Under deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| it is followed to understand the change|changing| of descriptions of face|personality| of lawyer|lawer|,  him professional possibilities|potentialitie| in an asocial side, predefined both the process|Carbro| of forming of person|personality| and features of maintenance, organization and terms of him, professional activity. Actuality of research|work-up| of deformation of professional sense of justice as a system the difficult|complex| sociallegal phenomenon|phenomen| which carries|performs| out negative influence on a person|personality| and on efficiency of legal activity, predefined the row|file| of reason|cause|:  1) crisis socio-economic, political, legal transformations|transformation|. 2) there was socio-economic instability, complicated sharp|hairpin| of basic|main| spheres of public life. However considerable socially antihunt, normatively legal potential of Basic Law of country, especially|in particular case| that its part|portion| which|what|  is devoted rights and freedoms|liberty| of man, | and dignities of person|personality|, can be really incarnate only at the terms of making of effective mechanism of his|its| realization. In the search|detect| of such mechanism, as appears|imagines| us, important place|seat| the problems of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer|, problem of nihilizm, justice must  take the. Professional sense of justice of lawyer|lawer|, as one of forms|shape| of sense of justice presents the system of legal looks, knowledges, feelings|sense|, valued an orientation|orintation|, other structural|structure| elements of legal consciousness|intelligent| of specialists – people which professionally carry on legal activity and which|what| requires the special educational and practical preparation. Deformation of professional sense of justice is|appear| the complex of original associate|interreated| changes|changing| of separate qualities of face|personality| of lawyer|lawer| on the whole|all in all|, which|what| arise up as a result of|because of| implementation professional activity. In connection with that professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| in a general|common| form|shape| can be presented|represent| as a system of elements: legal knowledges, ideas, looks, presentations, options, that will be realized in motion|movement|  of professional activity, then deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| is examined|consider| as a rejection all or a few|a little| components|reductant| of structure from a certain|definite| norm|standard|, social | which determines the mechanism of formation of this social phenomena |. Deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| in a present tense appears|shown| in different|diverse| forms|shape|. On the example of such categories of lawyers|lawer| as judges is the phenomenon  of «accusatory slope» («presumption of guilt|guiltliness|») which consists in a look to the defendant|cognizable|, whosesoever guilt|fault| is yet well-proven a court, as on a man which did|accomplishes| this crime sure. The «syndrome of own infallibility|inerrability|» is also selected at the decision of professional questions. The psychical constituent of this display professional deformation consists in the overpriced self-appraisal|self-rating|, to the confidence in infallibility of the opinions, looks and acts, and|but| sometimes in uncritical  attitude toward|to| illegal actions. Basic|main| directions of neutralization of reasons|cause| and  terms of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| is|appear|: legal education and legal studies|teaching|, prophylaxis and correction|compencation| of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer|, in problem perspective|long-range| and concretely practical to the plane|flatness| [1].


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N.  Problem of wrong legal reflection by sense of justice of reality as a white spot of Ukrainian jurisprudence: theory of legal ideology as the perverted sense of justice (sources, history, reality). Part is 3 // Forum of right. – 2006. – N 2. – P. 34-52 [Electronic resource]. - It is access Mode: http // www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2006-2/06dumdir.pdf