Modern researchers, passing from an analysis richly in
content identification nominal
descriptions of transgressivemaintenance of legal consciousness to
right –
confession reflexs subjectively – maintenance form and right – confession and to definitions formal (moral, ideological) or from and their registration from philosovski - evristuchna and informal (mental)
socialization of right as consepta in a law as his|correlative|, correlate
aksiologichna adapt the thesis of Yu. Stepanova that
by true f o r m s
legislatively sign reflection of legal idea as natural informatively, -
power form of s p i r i t
u a l culture
and socially active sphere of
spiritual life on the
whole (after general and
there etnotradition
(= national consciousness) is
the true forms (models,
markers ) of social life of
spiritual culture,
presented in
spiritual and financial artefaktach .
Think that transgressive, universally
cross-correlation, nature of these impulses and
will be able radically to explain onlymethodical and
going near an analysis and
synthesis of right and sense of justice, are inplane international
–discipline, suntezno of
the inherited understanding of both fundamental and applied ,
rightlegislative cognition ,
knowledge, requirements
and necessities of legal
life, on the whole , requiring history
not reverse Mark that for this purpose|for this reason|, as well as for an ordinary language functionally inherent two global evolutional
motion .culture
character :
1) legal and rightcultural
structuralness and 2)
time is maximum outlined are spatial co-ordinates by it|her| concept
legislative (structural )
and and as «middle (right – law ) », that exists in the
field of legal ( rightcultural
Think that at the certain anomichnux
reflection of right in a law as him
concretely historical and role of function mechanism, formative those and the terms of creation of legislative
realities able to execute
philosophical-legal work ,
which as the phenomenon,
at the same time ,
also will become an
initial condition
socializations of transitional right and law, sense of justice, and right
– confession [1-4].
Under legal and rightcultural or right –law system rightlinguistic , law- language of
type then understand existence of archetepy
of resident law – confession both
in a language and in a culture on the whole , transforming history – sestems constant of deviantonoi sense
of justice, identification certain
ininheritance | and inherited of the traditional understanding of
old and new aksiologia
cognition and knowledge, legal
in particular. Last can, consider , to nose after the
transgressive forming of domestic
legal tradition as to belonging of specific legal nature in the structure of
Ukrainian etnotradition
( = national consciousness). structuralness
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