Философия/2.Социальная философия
Ph D in Social Philosophy Hlushko T.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine
Philosophy of economics and national
economic strategy: modern perspective
integral part of modern researches of social philosophy is the development of
philosophy of economics. The structure of this sphere of cognition is consist
of such branches as metaphysics of economy, economical anthropology, economical
axiology etc.
The purpose
of our research is to state such structural level of philosophy of economics as
philosophy of national economic strategy, which has not been paid much
attention in philosophical researches nowadays, in global and also local
causes necessity of further conceptualization of prevailing in present-day
globalization model, also called westernization [1]. It is also related to neoliberal economic ideology,
which has spread after World War II and made a placebo effect on global cultural, politics
and social-economic life. Moreover, influence of neoliberalism as economic
ideology on world development has trend characteristic of modern society. As a
result, the
classical liberal economic ideas were succeeded to attain such effects in postwar
European countries for the purpose of their decentralization. In the same time,
a practice of state regulation returned into US economics, which gradually
development in centralized economic model with strong centre and periphery
We called
the neoliberalism the “New Middle Age’s economic ideology” [2] and the
phenomenon of neoliberal economic ideology spreading – an economic faith.
However, today we have very specific situation when functional structure of economic
calls world wide financial crisis which affected all the countries which had
trusted the neoliberal economic values. Such analysis of neoliberal economic
ideology leads to the conclusion that European state-nations’ (cultural or geographic)
economical systems are need to be transformed. To rich this goal we need, at
first, to develop special concepts and categories in modern philosophy of
economics as a reliable basis of economic ideology transformation.
to our point of view it is necessary to turn the special attention to I. Wallerstein’s theory and
especially to his futurological analysis of modern civilization. In the I.Wallersteins’s article
“Globalization or The Age of Transition?” we can read: “We do indeed stand at a
moment of transformation. But this is not that of an already established newly
globalized world with clear rules. Rather we are located is an age of
transition, transition not merely of a few backward countries who need to catch
up with the spirit of globalization, but a transition in which the entire
capitalist world-system will be transformed into something else” [3].
In our
opinion, such conclusions require us to definite possible social-economic
strategies in national, but non-neoliberal, context. On the assumption of this
reason we have to realize the national economic values and advantages according
to the national economic mentality. Social-economic cogitations in philosophy
of economics sphere lead us to analysis of the common economic interests and
needs of modern Ukrainian society. In fact, excessive individualism in our
economic culture demands statement of modern philosophical researches of our
society as a function of philosophy of economics.
economic faith of the liberal open market idea makes citizens to disagree to donate
their labor or financial resources to a common cause and each member of the
community tries to fulfill personal interests and needs individually, without
making use of collective forms of action. Therefore we need to find the real
reasons not only to explain the present situation of the social-economic
sphere, but to predict possible variants of such decentralized economic
mentality transformation. Furthermore, we need to use methodological potential
of modern philosophy of economics to format the national economic development
strategies in newly globalized world conditions.
world wide financial crisis has convincingly demonstrated non-efficiency of
neoliberal economic faith which is also called an ideology and, as a result, demonstrated an
extreme need of considerable changes of social-economic structure in our
society. The basic directions of social-economic sphere reforming in such case are,
in our opinion, a simultaneous both global and national conceptions of development,
which must be nonconforming to western economic system. It will give us in such
way a possibility to avail the bifurcation point in modern civilization
development and to improve our national social-economic perspectives with
formation of complete system of social and economic processes regulation.
Иноземцев В.Л.
Вестернизация как глобализация и «глобализация» как американизация // Вопросы
философии, 2004. – № 4. – С. 58-69.
Глушко Т.П. Неолібералізм як економічна ідеологія «Нового Середньовіччя» //
Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова,
2009. –
№ 22 (35). – С. 134-141.
3. Wallerstein I.
Globalization or The Age of Transition? [electronic resource] http://fbc.binghamton.edu/iwtrajws.htm