Denisenko Andrey
postgraduate student Donetsk National University of Economic and Trade
named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky
Logistics as instrument of production efficiency increase
At the modern stage of Ukrainian economics development, under uncertain and
unstable conditions
of the market environment, modern commercial relations
are being formed
between the agents of management. Under such
the enterprises should constantly increase the
efficiency of their activity in order to remain competitive and make
progress in their business.
Subjects of business
do not
exist mediately: in the process of their activity they
constantly interact with other agent
of management
and environment. The main kinds of relations between
different subjects of business are
with the moving of resources, goods,
finished commodity
and information in space and time. One of the most progressive and high-performance areas of data
flow process organization
and control is logistics.
Logistics is
the management process of sufficient and efficient
(from the point of
flow of expenses and spent time) flow
of raw material inventory, material, incomplete production, finished commodity, service, finances and attendant
information from the place of its consumption (including
reception, sending, internal and external motion) with the view
of complete satisfaction of users needs [1, p. 9].
The main point of logistics is
most exactly expressed by the so-called 8-R complex (from English «right» - meaning
the necessary product in the necessary quantity of corresponding
quality should be delivered to the
necessary place at the right time to the certain consumer
on the cheap at the appropriate price, providing the necessary
reduction; inventory
balance reduction;
product flow acceleration; increase of customer support
level, which in turn leads to the internal economy
of material and financial resources at the enterprise, all these items belong to the general purpose of logistics.
The idea of forming of logistic unification in business is quite often connected with the necessity of
logistics foundations at the concordance usage of principles of policy
decisions by market subjects. Diversity of goals
which certain entrepreneurs have according to every data
process causes plenty of forms of these processes logistic integration. Logistic
approach to management allows to examine the material and
informative flows of different level with
same attitude. Thus, depending on
the chosen level and stage of detailed
elaboration of logistic operations it
is appropriate
to distinguish several levels: the micrologistics
and macrologistics (which in its turn includes meta,
мезо- and mega- levels).
integration at the microlevel is the combination of data flow process within a
certain entrepreneurial structure among its functional sections (subsections)
for the purpose of regulation of micrologistic flows efficient by volume, to
time and space. Micrologistics decides the issues of material and informative
flows management with the view of economic activity optimization within the
limits of one enterprise. Thus, the issues decided by micrologistics are local.
Logistic integration on
the macrolevel consists in combination of separate processes or all functions
of several independent enterprises for the purpose of increase of logistic
flows efficiency both inside and outside a region or a country. This, as a
rule, is a large-scale executive system of material and information flows. To
achieve the assigned common objective it combines different production,
commercial, transport and intermediate firms, which differ by their specialty,
scales, patterns of ownership, belonging to industry, geographic location, and
they can also be placed in different state.
the main integration stimuli of both separate activity directions and business
structures, one should distinguish:
efficiency increase at the expense
of general system of advertising and purchases, marketing organization and
realization of commodities, integrated brands and quality marks of goods
facilitation of overcoming of
barriers in international markets entry;
better access to technological
innovations of production ("know-how") and realization of commodities
and service, etc [2, p. 56].
Logistic processes are
considered to be optimal, if they provide moving or finding of the necessary
resource of goods in the necessary quantity, of proper quality at the right
time. Above by terms the condition of minimal cost in case of logistic processes
execution gives to such processes new quality of efficiency.
system of activities which depends on the analysis purpose, is used to estimate
the economic efficiency of logistic integration process of enterprises. It
provides the ability to determine overall indices, which are the minimum of
total expenses and maximum of integrated structures income. Efficiency of
separate kinds integration or enterprises activity in general is based on
determination of index of the specific total expenses if the enterprise
functions independently and the same
expenses after integration.
on the type of integration, the systems of account and estimation of expenses,
expenses after integration imply the total expenses of integrated structure,
determined from a joint accounting or sum of expenses of legally independent
enterprises, which created an integrated structure. It is clear, that the
positive value of specific economic efficiency of integration of a certain
enterprise confirms expediency of selected variant of its collaboration with
other enterprises and creation of integrated structure. In the case of other
values of this index, integration is not rational.
positive value of specific economic efficiency of integration of one or a few
types of enterprises activity is often related to reduction of expenses and
shows up in such indices:
an increase of specific income of
enterprise, which is determined by a sum
exceeded by the integration of separate or all types of enterprise
activity, on the assumption of comparable prices;
the cost saving of consumption, if
commodities are bought at low prices under the influence of the total expenses
economy of integrated structures by comparison with the prices before the
enterprises integration;
the sum total of income increase of
businessmen and consumption economy got from the integration of separate sort
of activity or all functions of the enterprise [2, p. 69].
of logistic processes can show up not only in diminishing of material cost to
maintain the process, but also in diminishing of amount of expenses: volume of
resource (raw material or energy resource) during the moving of over normative expenses or natural loss; amounts
of place - on commodity storages due to optimal organization of movement
commodity in a transport during organization of rout transportations and
complete loading; time - due to the optimal loading of production, optimal
organization of schedule, motion and loading-unloading operations transport,
etc. Control of quality of raw material (commodity), got before motion at the
early stages allows to save at the cost material losses from the overturn of
off-grade raw material (goods) absence.
positive factor of logistic integration is realization of synergistic effect,
that can show up at first, in the general acceleration of material flow, what
corresponds to the increase reaction on the wishes of clients; secondly, in
diminishing of the total expenses due a voiding the conflicts of partial
expenses; thirdly, in the increase of level of logistic service. Integration of
separate functions or all types of activity and transformation on its basis of
functioning mechanisms of enterprises make sense only, when providing such
effect which is impossible to attain without integration transformations.
Results of comparison of actual indices of enterprises activity efficiency
before the integration and predicted indices taking into account integration,
are the ground for the acceptance of final decision according to the
integration expediency.
socio-economic effect of logistic integration shows up in reduction of expenses
of consumption, increase of competitiveness of commodities and enterprises, in
more complete and timely satisfaction of customers demand for goods and
services of high quality, and also in providing of economic independence of
country and consumer safety of its people.
Thus, introduction of
logistical and logical management at an enterprise opens new possibilities of
activity efficiency increase, without attracting new resources, and only due to
the economy of resources and usage of enterprise internal reserves, and also
synergistic effect from the use of logistic systems.
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