Economic sciences /2. Financial relations

Ivanenko O.I.

Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv

Task and informative providing of analysis of active operations of credit unions


The purpose of analysis of active operations is, from one side estimation of rationality of actual structure of assets from the point of view providing of profitability and stability of work of credit union, and from other determination of ways of its optimization and summarizing estimation, prognosis of future results of activity and financial potential of credit union.

The purpose of analysis of active operations of credit union is specified in such tasks: 1) research and estimation of dynamics of composition, volumes and structure of assets; 2) research and estimation of dynamics of composition, volumes and structure of profitable and unprofitable assets; 3) research and estimation of quality of assets; research and estimation of quality of credit brief-case is after  the classification types of credits; 4) research and estimation of immobilel assets is in an account receivable, capital investments et al; 5) summarizing estimation of assets and determination of ways of optimization of their structure.

There are certain requirements in relation to quality of information. For the lead through of analysis of active operations of credit union it is necessary to have analytical materials which allow getting reliable, complete and comprehensive information about a credit union.

The informative providing of analysis of active operations consists of:

- legal information, which is contained in laws which regulate economic activity of credit union;

 - directive information which contains in positions of the State commission on adjusting of markets of financial services of Ukraine;

- information of record-keeping and financial reporting, in particular: forms ¹1 «Balance», forms ¹ 2 «Reports are on financial results», forms ¹3 «A report is on a cash flow»; additions to Order of drafting and presentation of accounting by credit unions and incorporated credit unions to the State commission on adjusting of markets of financial services of Ukraine: addition 2 « Current information about financial activity of credit union», addition 3 «Current information about composition of assets and passive voices of credit union», addition 4 «Current information about profits and charges of credit union», addition 5 «Calculation of necessary sum of reserve of providing of coverage of losses from the unreturned credits», addition 6 «Current information about credit activity of credit union»; given accounts of the analytical  accounting, credit  businesses which allow to go into a detail balance accounts.

Introduction of the offered form of current information it can be utillized also, as an informative base for the lead through of analytical calculations.

As a result of substantial changes at the financial market the value of analysis of activity grows both for a credit union and for its business partners, clients, and the state, on the whole. Regular lead through of analysis of activity allows effectively managing a credit union by active and passive operations that is instrumental in maximization of income and providing of the stable financial state.

This is important especially in modern terms, when the rivalry of unbank financial -credit establishments and banks which execute different operations on bringing in of free money resources of enterprises and population was sharpened . The important elements of analysis of active operations are determination of objects of analysis and system of indexes by which each will be study of objects of analysis. The article of analysis of active operations of credit union is copulas of the economic phenomena and processes, which influence on the productive assets of credit union.

Research of assets of credit union consists in the use of analytical receptions, directed on determination of general volume of facilities what are in its order, their structures and dynamics in an analytical period. For the lead through of analysis of active operations of credit union by us the followings methods were utillized :

1. A method of comparison. Comparison of the unknown (probed) phenomenon, objects, assumes with known, studied before, with the purpose of determination of them general lines or divergences.

2. A method of bringing indexes over is in a comparative kind.

3. A method of the use of absolute and relative indexes. Absolute indexes characterize quantitative sizes allotted a credit, capital of credit union,, attracted facilities and others like that, and the relative represent correlation of any absolute indexes by one on other. Relative  indexes are expressed in the form of coefficients or percents.

4. A method of groupings. Allows by systematization of information of balance to understand essence of the phenomena and processes which are analyze.

5. Balance method. Serves as a main method for the reflection of correlations, proportions of two groups of interdependent and balanced economic indicators results of which must be identical.

6. Graphic method.

7. Method of tabular reflection of analytical information.

8. Korelyaciyno-regresiniy analysis of models which describe copulas between the ball estimation of activity of credit unions and them by factor economic descriptions.

9. A method of the linear programming, the use of which enables to define the optimum financial program of the use of active operations, which provides maximum profitability at minimum financial risks.

The financial state of credit union is characterized a size and capital and obligations and their placing structure  in his assets. It shows up in the level of liquidity, solvency, and financial firmness and determines activity of credit union in a short-term and long-term prospect. Financial potential of credit union is characterized a size and structure of his assets which are formed due to available financial resources (as own, such attracted and  loan). The optimum placing of financial resources ground one of major principles of providing  of financial stability, solvency and liquidity of credit union.

The analysis of active operations of credit unions assumes the analysis of structure of him active operations and estimation of economic activity and risks of separate operations. Analysis directions of the use of facilities, compare obtained information to analogical information of other credit unions, and also mark  change during the probed interval of time. Not because of general tendencies in composition and structure of assets, every credit union must aspire to  creation  the rational structure of assets, which depends above all things on quality of assets. Quality of assets is determined  their liquidity, volume  of risk  assets, specific  gravity of critical and inferior assets, volume of assets which give a profit.

It is necessary to know the fate of the given  out loans in all of attracted a credit union facilities, correctly to estimate the credit policy of union. One of the important stages of analysis of active operations there is an estimation of their risks. It is necessary to estimate the methods of management active operations and find out, whether created enough backlogs of providing of coverage of losses from the unreturned credits. There fore the assets of credit union can be classified from point of degree of risk. Necessary also and high-quality analysis of credit investments of credit union which assumes the detailed consideration of every credit agreement separately, terms, sums, objects of crediting, possible risks. The analysis of such data allows drawing a conclusion about quality of credit briefcase.

For providing of daily possibility of credit union to answer after the obligations, the structure of its assets must  answer the high-quality requirements of liquidity. After this purpose, all of assets of credit union divided into groups after the degree of liquidity, depending on the term of redemption. The assets of credit union are dividing into high liquidity assets (those assets, liquid assets, assets of long-term liquidity.

The purpose of analysis of quality of assets is determination of their viability and rightness of reflection of their cost in a credit union.

High-quality composition of assets is characterized correlation of productive and idle operations and charges on own necessities Character of credit policy influences on  profitability and liquidity of credit union. The increase of specific gravity of credit investments in general assets testifies that a credit union tries to promote profitability of assets, ignoring their liquidity.

For the estimation of quality of assets, it follows to weigh on their risks, which depends on the volume of placing of facilities in assets. To that end assets it follows to expect, because of coefficients of their risks, that possibility of loss of part of their cost be because of that or other active operation. For minimization of risks, related to ability of credit union to pay a shot after the obligations the norm of coefficient of solvency is set. The coefficient of solvency is determined as correlation of regulative capital (personal funds) of credit union to the total assets, to self-weight after the degree of risk.

Assets, self-weighted on a risk - total assets, self-weighted after the degree of risk of separate balance sheet items. For the calculation of coefficient of solvency assets, divide into five groups after the degree of risk and summarized taking into account the proper weighing coefficients :

- I group of assets with the degree of risk 0 percents: money facilities by cash on a hand and on current accounts in jars; state securities;

- ²² group of assets with the degree of risk 20 percents: money facilities are on a holdings deposit) accounts in jars; payments (holdings) are on savings accounts in the incorporated credit union;

- ²²² group of assets with the degree of risk 50 percents: payments are to the capital of the incorporated credit union; payments are to the capital of cooperative bank; money facilities, borne on reverse basis to the general financial funds of associations of credit unions; remaining cost of the fixed assets, immaterial assets and other irreversible assets;

- ²V group of assets with the degree of risk 100 percents: credits, given the members of credit union (except for unreturned and hopeless); credits, given credit unions (except for unreturned and hopeless); other account receivable;

- V group of assets with the degree of risk 150 percents: credits, given the members of credit union. Ac know ledged unreturned or hopeless.

A normative value of coefficient of solvency cannot be less than, than 8 percents.

Analyze influence of every article, it is possible to draw a conclusion - than greater specific gravity in composition of balance is made by the unreturned and hopeless credits, the credit union must have a greater capital.

Position is set requirements to the credit unions on the observance of indexes in relation to quality of assets:

1. The lump sum of debt after the overdue, hopeless and prolonged credits unreturned, must not exceed 100 percents from the sum of regular capital (personal funds) except for a capital, formed due to ration payments;

2. The lump sum of debt after the overdue, hopeless and prolonged credits unreturned,, not recovered the formed reserve of providing of coverage of losses from the unreturned loans, must not exceed 10 percents from the lump sum of debt after allotted a credit;

3. The lump sum of the attracted payments (holdings) of members of credit union on savings accounts and other obligations of credit union, which percents counted after, must not exceed the sum of active operations;

4. The lump sum of payments of credit union to the capital of the incorporated credit union, payments, to the capital of cooperative bank and money facilities, placed in state securities, must not exceed 50 percents from the capital of credit union;

5. Sum allotted a credit must not be the members of credit union and temporally free facilities of members of credit union less than amount of monies, which belong to the members of credit union, credits of banks, credits of the incorporated credit union and facilities of other establishments and organizations attracted on contractual terms.

To our opinion, the method of calculation of indexes of quality of assets is resulted, allows the beginners of credit business to have orienteer for providing of certain level of financial firmness at the market of credit services. However, this method reduces the level of maneuverability of credit union in the circumstances of crediting. There fore suggest perfecting this method by the correction of point 3. Namely, suggest enter the coefficient of increase (diminishing) of fate of active operations depending on the current results of monitoring of credit market. If a credit market of certain segment of crediting is in the phase of stabilizing, then the fate of active operations for him can be biggest. And if the analysis of tendencies of unconcern of crediting specifies on instability, the fate of active operations must diminish.


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