Fedorov D.E.

The Kemerovo technological institute of the food industry

Application of the dried up blood of lethal animals in the food-processing industry and medicine

Blood of lethal animals represents secondary raw materials with high biological value that is at the bottom of its wide circulation by manufacture of various foodstuff, semifinished products, and also medical products.

For the purpose of prolongation of periods of storage by traditional way of conservation of blood and its fractions is a frost, however high cost and complexity of the given method limits application of such way. Alternative low-temperature to storage is the drying of blood which is carried out mainly in spraying and sublimation dryers. To drying subject both integral and defibrinated blood, and its fractions (erythrocytes). Special value blood plasma as represents a rich source of fibers – albumine, globulin and fibrinogen, its chemical compound is resulted in tab. 1 [1].


Table 1

Chemical compound of plasma of blood of lethal animals


The maintenance of components in 1 kg of blood










The dry rest




















Lipids components





The general phosphorus






The inorganic





Mineral substances






Application of dry blood in the food-processing industry is caused by the high maintenance of albuminous and biologically active substances – enzymes, hormones etc. Dry blood with success is applied in the meat industry by manufacture of boiled sausages, canned meat, headcheeses, puddings, has been thus established that such products on flavoring properties don't concede similar, made on a traditional compounding and are thus characterized by the smaller cost price. Dried up erythrocytes are used as additives in dairy and canned meat and also as a source of fibers by manufacture of bakery products, soups, puddings etc. High food value of erythrocytes is connected with good digestibility of fibers and easy comprehensibility of hemoglobin an organism.

The dried up plasma of blood can be applied with success as a substitute of a fish flour in the fodder industry, thus the maintenance of its fibers makes 70-78 % [1]. In the confectionery industry blood plasma is applied as an egg white substitute, and also by manufacture of the sugary shaken up confectionery to reception of dry phytoextracts. Blood plasma has found distribution by manufacture of the functional foodstuff similar on properties sour-milk and characterized high biological value, safety and high quality indicators. Such products positively influence functions of separate bodies and all organism as a whole and is good preventive maintenance of many diseases [2].

 Food albumin, gained the big distribution to the confectionery industry it is made by drying of the stabilized or defibrinated blood or uniform elements – ýðèòðîöèòîâ (dark food albumin), or by dehydration of plasma or blood whey (light food albumin) (fig. 1 a). It is necessary to notice that dark albumin it is capable to be stored longer time in comparison with the light.

The medical preparations received from dry blood of lethal animals, include the wide nomenclature which growth is observed and to this day. The hematogen (fig. 1 b) made in a dry and liquid kind concerns one of the most widespread such preparations. For hematogen manufacture the defibrinated blood of pigs and a horned cattle is used. Medical action of the given preparation is based on mastering by an organism of iron and stimulation of processes hematopoiesis. The similar effect is observed at use gemostimulin into which structure enters dark food albumin.

Fibrinogen, allocated from blood of lethal animals, is a manufacture basis fibrin the films applied at bleedings, burns and operations. They I represent long strips like the bandage, imposed on wound a surface. Researches have shown that such films are effective at surgical operations on a brain, their application warns formation of the hems which are at the bottom of some nervous breakdowns.

The preparations applied to a parenteral food (albuminous hydrolysates) are made by hydrolysis of fibers of blood of lethal animals, thus depending on type of hydrolysis and a kind of an animal various preparations are made: ð-ð a hydrolysine, aminopeptid, fibrinosol etc. Such preparations contain irreplaceable amino acids and low-molecular peptides. Some of them include glucose.

a                                    b                                    c

Fig. 1. The preparations received from dried up blood of lethal animals:

 a - light food albumin, b – hematogen, c - blood flour


The blood flour (fig. 1 c) which is a widespread fodder product, represents the dried up blood of lethal animals. The given protein-vitamin additive contains about 80 % of fiber, and also such amino acids as a histidine, threonine, the lysine, etc. Should be noticed that by manufacture of a blood flour the great attention is given to technological modes of drying of blood – their optimum selection allows to receive a product with high quality indicators. From a blood flour receive such medical preparation as the activated coal which is an effective remedy at various gastroenteric diseases.

The products of the food and medical industry made from dry blood of lethal animals considered above, represent far not the full list of the given nomenclature. Recently find a wide circulation biologically active additives on the basis of dry blood of animals in which the daily dose of all nutrients contains. Thus, application of the dried up blood of animals allows not only to raise quality and to increase release of food and medical products, but also to expand their assortment.


The list of references:

1. Petrushenko, J. Plazma of blood instead of a fish flour / J. Petrushenko, S. Gusejnov//Animal industries of Russia. - 2010. - ¹ 2. - P. 35-36.

2. Salomakhina U.I. New of prospect of application of by-products of slaughter of agricultural animals in manufacture of albuminous forages and functional foodstuff / U.I. Salomahina, I.V. Voronina, S.A. Perederiev, L.V. Antipova, M.E. Uspensky, A.V .Grebenshchikov // Successes of modern natural sciences. - 2011. - ¹ 7. - P. 186-187.