R.M.Seilgumarov (11-NBM-1)




            Kazakhstan has the largest ground resources. The total area of ground fund makes 272 million hectare.

  The earth estimation became most actual in connection with private property introduction on the earth.

            The earth estimation is for today is a little inconvenient. The Earth is one of the most difficult objects of an economic estimation as a part of real estate because of specificity of the given object, backwardness of the ground market in the country.

            The purpose of an economic estimation of the ground areas is the taxation, insurance, tenancy, purchase and sale, the repayment of the earths in a private property, granting of the earths or the right of land tenure as pledge etc.

            There are some approaches and methods of an estimation of the earth.

  The main ones are - it's profitable, cost and comparative. The cost approach is considered the leading approach in assessing the land.

  In Republic Kazakhstan the standard estimation of the ground areas is applied. The Kazakhstan technique of definition of estimated cost is imperfect and demands completion in this connection, also, applicable only other specific methods now are developed for the Kazakhstan conditions.

  But they yet haven't received wide application in our country.
            The ground area estimation in essence represents definition of its rent cost. Components of cost of the earth is utility, deficiency and desirability.

  In itself utility and deficiency of the earth don't create its cost. It is formed only at occurrence of solvent demand, i.e. desire of the user to have the earth, supported with its ability to pay a rent.

  Thereupon there is a necessity to consider factors and the properties influencing cost of the earth which are considered through correction factors to standard price. The influence of these factors expressed as is independent, and in interrelation, helps appraisers to define earth cost.

            Economically well-founded cost estimation of the earths is difficult procedure as should consider possibility of their simultaneous use as natural resources, bases of a living environment of the population and object of real estate, and without legal intervention is impossible.

 The developed base rate (standard price) of payments for the ground areas is based on general-theoretical positions about the price of the earth and considers the stored world experience of its estimation.

 Market cost of the earth as real estate, always pays off on one of three approaches, or on their combination and updating that defines a standard technique of pricing in the earth market which attribute is standard price (the base rate).

 The role of base rates is carried out thus by initial indicators: the price of sale, an expense for the object creation, the capitalized income.

 At definition of market cost it is necessary to have accurate definition of criteria of an estimation of ground real estate which come to light on the basis of the analysis of market condition of real estate.

 Besides it the real estate price influence technical and economic, economic-legal and microbusiness factors of updating of the prices by means of application of corresponding correction factors.

 Difficulty of application of methods of a cadastral estimation on the basis of the market data consists not only in an information lack, but also of non-uniform distribution of transactions on territory of certain area. In separate areas complementarity or incompatibility of character of use of sites can be the defining factor of cost of the earth.

 There are a number of the features complicating use of the basic approaches to an estimation of the earth in territory of Kazakhstan.

 In the country only separate segments of the ground market are developed. The basic measure of transformation of ground relations of Republic Kazakhstan is private property introduction on the earths of agricultural purpose which should be supported by introduction of responsibility for inefficient use of the earth, improved methods of determining the appraised value, conducting activities for grading land in accordance with today's realities, as well as the development of effective mechanisms for mortgage lending.

The estimation of the city earths is less labor-consuming and is easy in calculations.

The estimation of the earths of agricultural purpose is inconvenient that knowledge in the field of soil science as cost of the ground areas depends on type of soils, a surface bias is necessary for the appraiser.

And also skills of the reference with on duty and soil cards are necessary.

Owing to all aforesaid it is possible to notice that creation of the perfect mechanism of the rights of land tenure is necessary, i.e.: development of the mechanism of mortgage lending on the security of the earth; considerable decrease in a payment for manufacturing and official registration of papers on the earth; creation of an order of land management in Republic Kazakhstan; perfection of the mechanism of the rights of rent; working off of measures of punishment for barbarous operation of the earth and a privilege at use of the polluted and broken earths.

Summarizing the above-stated, it is possible to tell that in Kazakhstan the stable and effective standard document regulating an estimation of such kind of real estate, as the ground areas doesn't function.