Mazhitova A. D.


Mechanical-Mathematical Department, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty 050038, Kazakhstan;



Sub-Riemannian problem on the three-dimensional

Lie group SOLV


In this paper we study geodesics of a left-invariant sub-Riemannian metric on the three-dimensional solvable Lie group. A system of differential equations for geodesics fined by Pontryagin maximum principle and by using Hamiltonian structure. In a generic case the normal geodesics are described by elliptic functions.

Let us consider the three-dimensional Lie group SOLV− formed by all matrices

of the form

,  x, y, z R.                  (1)

Its Lie algebra is spanned by the vectors



meeting the following commutation relations: . We take a new basis  in which the commutation relations take the form  . Let us consider a left-invariant metric on  SOLV−, which is defined by its values in the unit of the group: .  The Lie group  SOLV− is diffeomorphic to the space .  Indeed,   are the global coordinates on  SOLV− and they also may be considered as global coordinates on . The tangent space at each point of  SOLV− is spanned by matrices of the form


which are the left translations of the basic vectors:


For the basis  we have



The inner product takes the form

=                            (2)


In this paper we study the sub-Riemannian problem on the three-dimensional Lie group SOLV− defined by the two-dimensional left-invariant distribution   with left-invariant Riemannian metric (2). Geodesics of sub-Riemannian metrics satisfy the Pontryagin maximum  principle (see, for instance, [5])


                   .         (3)


The Hamiltonian equations take the form




The system (3) has three first integrals:



which are functionally independent almost everywhere, and therefore the system is completely integrable. Since the flow is left-invariant as well as the distribution   and the metric, without loss of generality we assume, that all geodesics originate at

the unit of group, that is, we have the following initial conditions for the

system (3):




In the sequel, we put




By substituting these expressions into (3), we fine a expression for  pz  and by this from third equation of  (4) we obtain


,   where                        (6)


The last expression is not integrated in terms of elementary functions and defines an elliptic integrals, except of special cases, when this elliptic integral degenerates.


Theorem.  In a generic case the normal geodesics (with the initial condition (5)) are described by the formulas (for pz > 0):



In the degenerated cases the normal geodesics (with the initial condition (5)) are described in terms of elementary functions by the formulas




 where  is discriminant  of subradical expression in (6)




The qualitative behavior of generic normal geodesic is quite complicated.





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