Piecewise functions are widely applied in various areas of scientific research. Technical and mathematical disciplines, such as automatic control theory, electrical and radio engineering, information and signal transmission theory, equations of mathematical physics, theory of vibrations, and differential equations are traditional fields of application [1–3].

Systems with piecewise parameters and functions are considered highly nonlinear structures to emphasize the complexity of obtaining solutions for such structures. Despite the simplicity of piecewise functions in segments, the construction of solutions in problems with piecewise functions on the whole domain of definition requires using special mathematical methods, such as the alignment method [4] with the coordination of the solution by segments and switching surfaces. Generally, application of the alignment method requires overcoming substantial mathematical difficulties, and intricate solutions represented by complex expressions are obtained rather often.

In many cases, researchers rely upon approximation methods using Fourier series , where  is an orthogonal system in functional Hilbert space  of measurable functions with Lebesgue integrable squares, . The trigonometric system of  periodic functions  is often taken as an orthogonal system. In this case, the following is fulfilled in the vicinity of discontinuity points  , where  is the partial sum of the Fourier series. It is how Gibbs’ phenomenon shows itself [5]. Thus, in the case of a function



the point , where  is the integral part of the number, is the maximum point of the partial sum  of the trigonometric Fourier series [5] with , i.e., the absolute error value is  . It should be noted that .

The graph of the partial sum  of the trigonometric series on the interval , which illustrates the presence of the Gibbs phenomenon is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Presence of the Gibbs phenomenon


What is unpleasant in this case is that the Gibbs effect is generic and is present for any function , which has limited variation on the interval , with isolated discontinuity point . The presence of the Gibbs phenomenon leads to extremely negative consequences of the use of the partial sum of a trigonometric series as an approximating function in fields such as radio engineering and signal transmission.

In order to eliminate the mentioned disadvantages, new methods of approximation of piecewise functions based on the use of trigonometric expressions represented by recursive functions were suggested in the paper [6] and developed in this report.

For example, consider the piecewise function (1) in more detail. This function is often used as an example of the application of Fourier series, and, therefore, it is convenient to take this function for comparative analysis of a traditional Fourier series expansion and the suggested method. Expansion of (1) into Fourier series has all the above mentioned disadvantages. In order to eliminate them, it is proposed to approximate the initial step function by a sequence of recursive periodic functions


Graphs of the initial function (a thickened line) and its five successive approximations for this case are presented in Fig. 2. It can be seen that, even when n values are relatively small in the iterative procedure (2), the graph of the approximating functions approximates the initial function (1) rather well. In addition, approximating functions obtained using the suggested methods do not have any of the disadvantages of Fourier series expansion. There is absolutely no sign of the Gibbs phenomenon.

Fig. 2. Graphs of the initial function and its five successive approximations


The number  was used in the sequence of approximating functions (2) as a constant factor; however, it is possible to take another factor, which may be variable as well. Cosine and other trigonometric functions and their combinations may be used instead of sine in the suggested method of approximation. For example, if we use the sequence of recursive functions


we may approximate short-term impulses. The graph of one function from such sequence is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Graph of the analytical function that approximates short-term pulses


In some cases for more precise approximation of the initial function by means of the suggested methods it does not make sense to bring the approximating function to the position close to the limit. It may appear that the optimal approximation occupies an intermediate position between the two neighboring approximation members  and  of the sequence of recursive functions (2). In such cases, the approximating function can be written as , where . As an illustration for such cases it may serve graphs in Fig. 4. Here curve 1 corresponds to the function , curve 2 the function . Dashed line 3 corresponds to an intermediate function .


Fig. 4.






Construction of an intermediate approximation functions


The suggested methods of approximation by a sequence of recursive functions (2) can be used not only for the step functions, but for piecewise linear functions in general, which greatly expands the scope of the considered approximate procedures.

For example, let us consider the following piecewise linear function


Here we have  

Taking the continuity of the function in into consideration, we can find .

Let , then the frequency factor  for the approximating function can be calculated by the formula , where .

Let us introduce some notations . Then the approximating function for piecewise linear function (3) can be constructed by such way



For the function  the approximation function will be . Graphs of these functions, constructed with the help of a computer program, are shown in Fig. 5. The graph of the initial function is built using the logical operator , which in our case takes the form . We can see that the graphics of  the initial piecewise function and its approximation in a given scale are completely fused.

Moreover, by using the suggested procedure not only piecewise linear continuous functions, but piecewise linear function with non-removable discontinuities of the first kind can be approximated. For example, in Fig. 6 the graph of the function  (the thick line) and its approximation  (the thin line), where , are given.


Fig. 5. Graphs of the piecewise function and its approximations


Fig. 6. The example of approximation of a discontinuous piecewise

linear function


The approximation error can be arbitrarily small by increasing the number of nested trigonometric functions in the approximating function. Besides, note that the number of points of discontinuities of a piecewise linear functions has essentially no effect on the possibility of approximating these functions by suggested methods.





1. A. V. Nikitin and V. F. Shishlakov, Parametric Synthesis of Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems, (SPbGUAP, St. Petersburg, 2003) [in Russian].

2. D. Meltzer, “On the Expressibility of Piecewise Linear Continuous Functions as the Difference of Two Piecewise Linear Convex Functions,” Math. Program., Study 29, 118–134 (1986).

3. S. I. Baskakov, Radio Engineering Chains and Signals: Textbook for Higher_Education Institutions., 3rd ed. Vysshaya shkola, Moscow, 2000) [in Russian].

4. E. P. Popov, Theory of Nonlinear Automatic Regulation and Control Systems: Textbook, 2nd ed. (Nauka. Gl. red. fiz.-mat. lit, Moscow, 1988) [in Russian].

5. G. Helmberg, “The Gibbs Phenomenon for Fourier Interpolation,” J. Approx. Theory 78, 41–63 (1994).

6. S. V. Alyukov, “Approximation of Step Functions in Problems of Mathematical Modeling,”  Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 661–669. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011. Original Russian Text © S.V. Alyukov, 2011, published in Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie, 2011, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 75–88.