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Candidate of Pedagogics Kakhnovich S. V.


Department of the Evsevieva Mordvinian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia


Art and creativity as a means of sensory education of preschool children


Traditionally in pre-school pedagogy by creative artistic activity the following forms are implied: depictive (drawing, modelling, application), construction, musical, recreation area, kulturno-dosugovaya (artistic- vocal, adapted to stage). One should emphasize that they are divided into the productive: depictive activity, construction and to the processual on presence and absence of the material product of activity. Processual activity is that, in which important for the formation of mental functions in child, is not the result, but process as in the recreation area, the kulturno-dosugovoy and partly the musical. The specific character of productive activity consists in the fact that in its process the children create figure, plastic image, application, distribution, T. e. material product (result, which can be preserved, to again to it return, to add in it some components, to change it, to alter and differently to use for any purposes: as the gift or for adorning the interior. Another special feature of productive activity is the fact that in its process the child can appear as special creative individuality.

In the order of the ministry of formation and science of the Russian Federation (Minobrnauki of Russia) dated November 23, 2009. ¹ 665 about the assertion and the introduction into the action of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program of pre-school formation are indicated the educational regions: «Physical culture», «Health», «Safety», «Socialization», «Labor», «Knowledge», «Communication», «Reading artistic literature», «Artistic creation», «Music»; is designated also their integration in the pedagogical process of pre-school educational establishment. Further in point 3.3.9. it is noted that the content of educational region «Artistic creation» should be considered as directed toward the achievement of the objective of shaping of interest in the aesthetical side of the surrounding reality, satisfaction of the need of children for self expression through the solution of the following problems: the development of the productive activity of children (drawing, modelling, application, artistic labor); the development of children's creation; familiarizing with the depictive skill. Therefore to the creative artistic activity we carry, first of all, depictive, which makes it possible to make an accent in a study precisely on the drawing, the modelling, the application, the artistic labor; the development of children's creation and familiarizing of children with the depictive skill.

By sensory training we understand formation in the preschool children of the sensual experience, expressed in the sensory ideas and the standards about the objects of the surrounding reality. At the beginning of instruction the children master the sensory standards: color, size, form, structure, the texture of object. Then children begin to create artistic means in the drawing, the modelling, the application on the memory, introducing in them its own aesthetical ideas. Because of the sensory training, are developed practically all mental cognitive processes of the child: memory is thinking, speech, imagination. Naturally, sensations and perceptions - the initial component of sensory training allow for the direct by means with the aid of the sensory organs: sight, rumor, touch and sense of smell, and also tactile sensations to get to know the surrounding peace. Sensory or sensual experience is the basis of the aesthetical training of preschool childs. Not by chance word «aesthetics» it occurs from the Creek word «feeling», «sensual».

All numerous special features, characteristic and the signs of objects, phenomena, which be in the surrounding peace can be attributed to the aesthetical means of expressiveness this color, line, coloring, proportion, sound, volume, texture, structure and other similar. They exist their objectively and independent of receiving person.  Specifically, it makes personal relation to these special features of objects and phenomena with their subjective, appropriates them, allots by aesthetical characteristics, the interrelation of man with the object, the phenomenon, other people is established. Such special features of objects and phenomena as tone, measure, accordion, style, which more greatly relate to the man, than to the inanimate object, also acquire aesthetical characteristics in the process of the cooperation of people with each other and in accordance with the internal persuasions, the views. When child receives his surrounding peace, he exists, as it is objective, independent of it, so also subjectively in the form the artistic means, perenosya which into the figure or the distribution, it shares its internal subjective aesthetical relation to the objectively existing object, the phenomenon or another person. Moreover, the aesthetical relation expressed in the artistic means to the objectively existing object, the phenomenon or the man is manifested brighter than that that can express the child verbal, through the words.

It is regular, that for explaining the urgent mental condition of child and even completely adult person are used the graphic (projective) methods. The psychological mechanism of this of the experiment of the urgent mental condition of child or adult person is based on, so called, the projection of its feelings, experiences and phobias on the figure on the assigned theme: my family, tree, man, the nonexistent animal, star and wave and other or nonthematic creative task, for example, the drawing of fears, desires. Child expresses in the figures, the distributions his internal experiences through the artistic means, which was formed in his consciousness. The graphic (projective) methods of the study of the mental condition of children are widely represented in the scientific work of the domestic and foreign authors Y. Ave-Lallemant [1], RSBern [2], I. B. Grinshpyn [3], N. A. Kyrsheva [4] and others.

Initial level of sensory training this development in the child of the pre-school age of emotional response to the perception of the aesthetical means of expressiveness. In child personal relation to the object, the phenomenon, the man appears.

Moral interpersonal relations also can be expressed through the artistic means, which assimilates the mental activity of consciousness, subconsciousness and unconscious, if we examine the solution of the problem of the creation of the artistic means within the framework of deep psychology of unconscious, psychoanalysis (founder Z. Freud). Without going deeply into theory and practice of psychoanalysis, and within the framework domestic psychology, the artistic means, created by child (this is fruit of his imagination, memory and thinking, T. e. it reflects the subjective internal peace of its creator.

The creation of the artistic means of man tightly comes into contact with the problem of moral training because this means can be both positive and negative. Taking into account the special features of preschool children dependent on age, we frequently noted in the practice that the moral ideas about the man frequently are correlated with the aesthetical. Thus, if tsarevna in the fairy tale is good, then she and beautiful, and if evil, then very plain. Appear the more developed from the point of view of aesthetical training means of good heroes, outwardly not entirely attractive, for example, famous troll of Shrek from the American fairy tales. So that this means would arise, were necessary pedagogical explanations, the correspondences between the aesthetical beauty and the positive moral appearance of fairytale hero otherwise appear.

The artistic means of another person, created by child, is always oriented toward the prototype itself. Child analyzes his means and he transfers him to the means of another person. This partly explains the desire of children to sketch people of its floor and to decorate the means of fairytale heroes, perenosya its desires to imitate to them in behavior and purely outwardly, in the clothing. We can evaluate and appropriate only, the aesthetical relation to the peace surrounding us, which to us is understandable and within the framework our ideology and sensation.


1.     Ave-Lallemant, Y. Graphic test «stars and waves»  / Y. Ave-Lallemant SPb. :  Speech, 2002. 240 p.

2.     BernsRS. Kinetic family drwings (KFD) An lntroduction to Understanding Chidren Through Kinetic Drawings / RSBårns, SHKaufman // An lntroduction to Understanding Chidren Through Kinetic Drawings. N. Y., 1970. 146 ð.

3.     Grinshpyn, I. B.  Introduction into psychology: the teaching aid / I. B. Grinshpyn. M. : Institute of practical psychology, 1996. 152 p.

4.     Kyrsheva, N. A.  Method of projective drawing in the deep- psychological correction and the therapy: personality and interpersonal relations in the family and [sotsiume / N. A. Kyrsheva. M. : MAKS PRESS, 2007. 76 p.