welding by PRESSURE OF
heavy model 34Crm01a forgings
Semyonov V,1 Jartovski, 0 2, Yrmonova3 M
1Donbass state engineering academy
2Donbass state engineering
3 Priazovskiy state technical university
Producing of huge welding parts is always difficulties process. It is required verge much,
consumption of ener
getic and materials recourses.
The aim of this work is to work
out the technology, which give possibility to redirect consumption of materials
and geminating of welding of construction. To
fulfillment of this aim for fugue maul of this aim fur fuggier
month of this aim there was working out
technology of pressing welding.
On the basis of laboratory researches of the
welding by pressure there was studied experimentally – industrial assay of this
process at welding model of disk weighing about 11 t. There was used the bar of
electro – slag melt from 34CrM01A steel. The bar was forged on a
diameter 880mm and cut on three parts long 570, 290 and 860mm. Joints disposed so that one of them was the
in the middle collected block (in the area of maximal deformations at welding),
and second — on the one-third of his length (out of this area), that
identically to placing of joints at making of disk from three identical parts
(fig. 1).
Figure 1: Scheme of assembling of block from three parts
The present work
included the next investigations
-select of heating and pressing parameters,, studding of hardness
-studding mechanical properties of base metal and welding joint
electronicfraktography research.
After heat treatment
the butt ends of parts were machined for welding of pressure-sealing seam. The
parts metal quality was controlled ultrasonic. Pressure sealing was welded by
electrodes of prelatic class using preheating up to 200-250°C. Welded block was heated up to 1200°C
and pressed down the rivet by 3000 t effort press. To get a shale grain
structure the block was subjected to diffusive annealing and then it is was
again heated and pressed down the rivet up to required disk, sizes.
got block was tempered and machined up to draft sizes, then its flat end were
controlled by ultrasonic. Which is was not found out defects. To get the
required properties a welded block was hardened by heating up to 850-870°C, cooling in to oil and stress relieved at 660°C.
welded block investigate programmed supposed mechanical and chemical testing
and also metallographic research. For this purpose from the middle part of
block (fig.2) cut out 43 templates 220mm width.
Figure 2:
Location of seams (1, 2) in the model of disk and its laying out on areas
the ordinary etch in 5% HNO3 o the lines of joints on a
macrostructure did not become known. Them it was hardly succeeded to discover
at the etch in a 20% - solution of HNO3. On results, measurements
the lines joints were built (fig.2). It should be noted considerable curvature
of these lines, especially in a regional area: there is the sharply expressed
unevenness of deformation in different parts of disk model, that most nakedly
at its right edge, where relative deformation turned out almost in 4 times
less, than in rests of model.
showed the considerable vibrations of hardness (ÍÂ) in the
different of model (fig. 3).
Figure 3:
Distributing of hardness on the section of disk model
maximal hardness looked after in regional areas (2090—2230 MPa) did not
exceed maximum possible according to technical requirements (2500 MPa). However
in central part of model hardness fell to 1540—1650 MPa, that,
presumably, it is related to insufficient plenitude of hardening (by small
speed of cooling of disk middle).
led, as the tests showed, to the substantial lowering of mechanical properties
of parent metal and, as a result, the welded joints in this area. Results of
tests on tension at 20°C (table. 1) and 350°C (table. 2), conducted on samples
cut out from the different areas of model, showed the following.
Table 1
Mechanical properties of the welded joints and parent metal of disk model at
the temperature of 20°C
Disk area |
of sample cutting |
properties of the welded joints and parent metal of disk model at the
temperature of 20°C |
σs MPa |
σ MPa |
δ % |
ψ % |
ÍÂ MPa |
Extreme |
metal, axial |
472 |
653 |
22,8 |
58,9 |
2000-2100 |
Tangential |
496 |
673 |
24,2 |
66,3 |
2050-2200 |
Joint 1 |
476 |
657 |
22,3 |
57,9 |
— |
Joint 2
471 |
653 |
23,7 |
58,1 |
2000-2100 |
Intermediate |
Parent metal, axial |
482 |
662 |
— |
58,4 |
— |
Tangential |
451 |
641 |
25,2 |
63,3 |
1700-2000 |
Joint 1 |
363 |
579 |
17,1 |
50,6 |
— |
Joint 2
354 |
583 |
18,2 |
54,2 |
1650-1700 |
Central |
Parent metal, axial |
411 |
625 |
24,6 |
63,1 |
— |
Tangential |
455 |
656 |
24,5 |
63,2 |
1700-1800 |
Joint 1 |
375 |
591 |
22,8 |
59,0 |
— |
Joint 2
352 |
547 |
14,6 |
45,4 |
1540-1600 |
Table. 2
Mechanical properties of the welded joints and parent metal of disk
model at the temperature of 350°C
Area of disk model |
of sample cutting |
properties of the welded joints and parent metal of disk model at the
temperature of 350°C |
σs MPa |
σ MPa |
δ, % |
Ψ, % |
Extreme |
Parent metal |
327 |
597 |
21,0 |
59,3 |
1 |
345 |
605 |
19,9 |
61,6 |
2 |
347 |
601 |
20,8 |
60,3 |
Intermediate |
metal |
254 |
549 |
23,3 |
58,6 |
1 |
285 |
565 |
21,0 |
56,8 |
2 |
293 |
575 |
23,0 |
58,5 |
Central |
metal |
318 |
594 |
20,3 |
59,1 |
Joint 1 |
334 |
572 |
24,2 |
57,5 |
2 |
306 |
573 |
20,4 |
61,3 |
The strength of properties of parent metal and welded joints substantially change on the areas of model; they achieve most values at its edge and the least in a center.
Thus, there is clear
correlation of these properties with hardness, indicative on decision influence
of heat treatment on properties of parent metal and welded connection in the
different areas of model. The strength of properties of
parent metal does not almost depend on position of samples (axial or
tangential), and plastic properties of parent metal and welded joint little
differ and have the least values in a central area with low hardness, that
confirms their direct connection with the condition of heat treatment.
The tests on a bend
conducted on sample by the size of 10x20x160 mm on mounting by a
diameter 20 mm in place of (according to requirements). On samples from a parent, metal
and welded joint at angle of bend of 180° it was not discovered not only some
damages, but even the local deformations related to welding. These tests
confirmed exceptional homogeneity of mechanical properties of metal in the zone
of connection.
on a impact, most expressly reflecting quality of the welded joints, showed
that strength of joints approached to the proper indexes of parent metal,
except for a narrow area about 50 mm width at the right edge of seam
(fig. 4). It notedly changes on the section of disk, thus most its values
correspond to the zones with maximal hardness (>2000 MPa). In the
fractures of sample with the lowered impact, strength it is not exposed some
specific defects of joint. Pays on itself attention connection between impact strength
of regional area of joint 2 with its plastic deformations. Wherein this
deformation characterized by distance between seams is relatively small, there
is the decline of impact strength.
Figure 4:
Distributing of impact strength on the section of disk model: light circles are
the maximal and minimum values for the welded joint; dark circles are the mean
values for a parent metal
5. study of impact toughness of welded joints under the
temperature from - 40 C0 up
to + 40 C0
lowering of impact strength on the separate areas of joints is related not to
the specific defects of welding (cracks
Both parent metal and welded
joint in the range of temperatures from -40 to 40°C does not have the obviously
expressed threshold of cold brittleness (fig. 5). At T<20°C impact strength
goes down gradually, thus more noticeable at a parent metal.
For the estimation of propensity to fragile destruction tested samples
with the initiated crack. Work of increasing of crack for the parent metal all
welded joints was practically identical. In the interval of temperatures from
-40 to -20°C it in both cases is small (05—1,5 J/cm2)
a- is the left extreme area (template
¹2, seam 1)
b- is the right intermediate area (template ¹31,
seam 2) of Denotation is see of fig. 4.
Figure 5: Dependence of impact strength on the
temperature of tests
For fatigue testing the smooth
cantilever type samples from welded joints, and axial and tangential of a
parent metal were used. One of welded
joints was located in the critical section. Testing were done at the symmetric
changeable ladening on base 106 cycles (fig.6).
a- is the welded joint (seam 1, template
b- is parent metal (template ¹39)
Figure 6: Results of tests on a
equal hardness of critical section metal, the fatigue strength of welded joints
and a parent metal did not differ practically, here with hardness increasing
the fatigue strength rises appropriately.
At micro-examination of the welded samples the line of joints does not
come to light. In areas with the best thermal working of metal grain (.>2000
MPa) there is a sorbite structure with the martensite orientation at a shallow
corn (fig. 7, a), on areas with low hardness (1540—1660 MPa) a structure is
ferrate-pearlitic (fig. 7, b). No welding defects was noticed
- extreme area, b – central area
Figure 8: Mikrostructure of disk model welded
joints (x300)
The carried out researches show
that at the accepted degree of press down rivet of distinction in the
conditions of deformation of central and displaced seams did not influence on
quality of joints.
In connection with large influence of heat
treatment conditions on quality of the welded joints separate samples with low
hardness (1560-1660 MPa) exposed to the repeated heat treatment (tempering with
860°C in oil, stress relieving at 660°C),
whereupon their hardness attained 2350—2500 MPa. Mechanical properties
of the welded joints and parent metal considerably increase and little differed
from each other.
At the auto vacuuming welding by pressure of disk model from steel of 34XMIA
equal strength welded joints and a parent metal are got, both at the symmetric
location of welding plane and at its displacement, proper to the simultaneous
welding of three parts equal on a height.
2. At welding it was not exposed direct influencing of sizes of parts on
quality of joints, that is mean of the even heating of parts on all volume and
stability of deformation condition in the process of press down rivet.
3. Mechanical tests, and also micro- and electronic fractography in parent metal.
4. Distinction in mechanical properties and structure of separate areas
of disk and his welded connections is related mainly with the different terms
of their heat treatment.