PhD by specialty, juridical
Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Kanatov Tanat Kanatovich
Studies about subjective author's
right in the theory of right of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Germany: heritage and modernity
The first ideas about author’s right came on at the time when spiritual
creative work itself was formed into independent activity. For example, taking
another person’s creation, and also its
wrench was criticized even at the time of ancientry. In ancient
Greece there was a rule, according to which tragedy manuscripts were to store
in official archive, in order it would be possible to control sacrosanctity of
the text during staging[1].
1440 I. Guttenberg invented book printing, and printing industry came into existence.
Although it should be noticed that method of book printing was invented even
earlier in China and Korea and was unfamiliar to Europeans. During several
decades there were published more than 30 thousands titles of books. Mass
reprinting of earlier published books was a common thing. Those, who reprinted books, were called
bookish pirates, capers, filibuster, corsair, Vikings, etc. The problems for
publisher were that reprinters could fix low prices, thus leading to reduction
of profit and income of the main publisher. In order to protect their rights, publishers
began to appeal to the State. As a result in countries, where printing industry
reached the high level, the legal protection of publishers’ interests came into
first author’s rights were given to Petr Ravenskiy by Venetian Republic on 3th of
January 1491 concerning the work on canon law named «Phonix»: «it is ordered, that
no one could print or sell printed exemplar of the mentioned essay … under the
fear of confiscation of those exemplars
and paying of twenty-five ëèâðîâ per each one. And those, who sell in the mentioned lovely tenancies
the same books, printed on other places, excluding that printer, who is given
allowance by the mentioned doctor».[2] [the first privilege
was given in XVI century to English company «The Charter af the stationers Company»,
managing book publishing up to the present day. The law concerning author’s right was fist passed in England in
1710, which had the title «Status of Queen Anna», it mainly protected the
authors of the books, drawings, and geographical maps. Registration of rights was
carried out by the judge, after this procedure it was carried out by the
author, and after 14 years he had the sole rights on his own work. In the beginning of XIX century the authors
were allowed to protect all issued works, and later this right was given to
composers, translators, script writers, photographers, film directors. Prussia,
Sardinia, France, Austria, was the first to recognize the author’s rights of
the authors. In 1878 international literature association was established, which
in 6 years was renamed into international literature and art association. This organization
developed the first the world history international convention concerning
author’s right (Bern convention concerning literature and art works in 1886). From
this moment the new era of author’s right development began, which continues
until the present day.
Author’s right in its basis is a legal expression of recognition
by the State of the importance of culture saving for preserving and development
of the society. Maintenance and protection of the results of intellectual activity
are directly connected the protection of the human’s freedom, rights. Thus, according
to Korosteleva S.V. regardless peculiarities of national legislation in the sphere
of author’s right, systems of author’s right are recognized as having two-target
assignment, that’s a kind of «two-way reality»: on one hand assistance of the
right to people, engaged in the sphere of creation of literature and art and on
the other fulfillment of the public needs in the way of maximal availability of
works, protected by author’s right. [3] whereby
it should be kept the fragile balance between author’s interests, (his work should
not become the source of income for third persons or be the object of plagiarism),
and also excessive limit of access to the author’s works, including limits of
economical character, it restrains the development of society, suppresses
economical activity of the country, which is not always in the interests of the
country and the author himself.[4]
right as a system of legal norms regulates relations, connected with creation
and usage of works of science, literature and art. Word-group «author’s right» is often used for indication of subjective
powers of authors and other persons (author’s right in the subjective meaning).[5]
In the studies of theory
of right under subjective author’s rights are understood a whole right (competence)
, given to the author, necessary for protection of his interests, which occur
in connection with work creation and
its usage by the society.[6]
The question on
understanding and studies of subjective law as a whole is discussed in
juridical law during many years. For instance, Rafiyeva L.K. offers the
following classification of subjective rights, which are offered by
1) Authors, considering
the subjective law as a pretension;
2) As a mean of
providing of definite behavior of definite persons;
3) Authors, who see in the
subjective law the degree of possible or allowed behavior of authorized person;
4) Authors, who include in
it the permissibility of their own actions of authorized person, and also the
possibility to demand the definite behavior from responsible persons.[7]
interesting point of view concerning the subjective law belongs to Motovilovker
E.Y, according to his opinion, the subjective law does not represent the
measure of possible behavior, it represents determined by the law the
possibility of subjective interest fulfillment. Not each interest connected
with juridical subjective right. But each subjective law in the juridical
meaning is connected with legal interest. Otherwise possibility (allowance), which
subjective law opens, gets empty, senseless.[8]
According to Bratus S.N.
the subjective law is «the measure of possible behavior, provided by the law,
and thus, by corresponding behavior of responsible persons».[9] «Measure of possible
behavior» determines juridical form of subjective right, whereas «usage of
social benefit» makes its positive content.[10]
According to Halfina R.O.
the subjective law forms two kinds of possibilities: «to determine own behavior
and to demand the proper behavior from responsible persons. Herewith the unity of
these two sides is emphasized, but the point of view of priority of one of
those is not opposed».[11]
The bother authors consider that the subjective
law is some legal measure of possible behavior of authorized person.[12]
Meyer D.N. is one of the significant civilest
in the period until bourgeois reforms of XIX century, pointed out the right is
the measure of freedom of the person, who lives in society, measure, in the
limits of which the person can make known activities.[13]
Gambarov Y. S. understood,
that the right in its subjective meaning is everything that is given to us, or
also provided by the activity of one or another objective right.[14]
Shershenevich G.F. understood, that under the
name of right in the subjective law is understood the conditioned by objective
right the possibility of interest carrying out.[15]
Ioffe O.S. confirmed that the State has
meaning of giving the rights to different subjects, because it provides such
behavior of responsible persons, which is stated by the State as an obligation
under these circumstances. For authorized person giving the rights is important
because it provides such behavior of other persons, which are necessary for
authorized one under these conditions.[16] Also Ioffe
O.S. gives understanding of subjective obligation, he considers, that the subjective
obligation is legal mean of providing of such behavior, which is needed by
authorized person and which the state recognize as obligatory one.
In two-way civil-legal relations’
carrying out of obligation by one of the subject is directly connected with carrying
out of the rights of responsible persons, leading him to fulfillment of his own
According to Ihsanov
E.U. subjective author’s right is judicially provided possibility of the
person, who created the work by his own creative labour, is recognized as an
author of this work, to choose the method of detecting of his own authorship,
to protect creative individuality in his work, and also to use the work with
the mentioned in the law ways.[18] French
scientist Leon Dugi denied subjective rights as thereof. But afterwards it showed
itself as mistaken. Denial of subjective laws leads to denial of private right
taken as a whole. Subjective right unlike objective one occurs only at a
definite person and only under having of definite factors, particular in the case
of work creation. This possibility, fixed by objective right. Subjective author’s
rights have exceptional character. Under exceptional character of subjective
author’s rights is understood that their owners (author and his cessionaries)
can solve the question, connected with the usage of work.
it should be noticed, that in scientific literature of Germany subjective author’s
right has been paid a big attention. Its essence is in that the author’s right provided
rational benefit to the author from one side, and from another upon considerations
of practicability and justice of the freedom of third persons to commit the actions,
which are allowed for the author.[19] In Germany
such studies about author’s right were best developed as: «Theory of privileges»,
«Theory of person’s right and studies of intellectual property». These studies
were fundament of developing of subjective author’s rights taken as a whole in
the whole world and operate until the present day.
In the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan author’s right is
clearly divided on private property and private non property rights, as a whole
it gives subjective author’s right. Author’s competence in its content can be shared
on two considerable categories: property and non property private rights.[20] Depending on relation of participants of author’s
legal relations – on absolute and comparative, depending on peculiarities of
carrying out – on item and executor ones.[21]
Private non property rights
includes creative interests of the author, connected with public estimation of
the work, and do not have property content. Property rights on the contrary
have economical value and are due to money estimation. They can be given to
third persons on the basis of author’s contracts. These rights in the juridical literature were given names as
exceptional rights. Although the content of this idea has been causing debates
in scientific literature.[22]
We think that subjective author’s right has the character of exclusiveness
in profound explaining in that meaning that it includes both private property
rights and private non property rights. This conclusion was formed from the idea
that if the author gives his property rights he continues to be the author, keeping
private non property rights. But there are opponents of this theory, particular
Popova I.V., who thinks that private non property rights are not exclusive because
they cannot be given from the author to another holder of rights due to their inalienability
from the author.[23]
On the basis of explanation of the law of RK «Concerning author’s right
and allied rights» property rights are recognized as exclusive in view of this
law, but not of other considerations.
leading role in the content of copyright was given and is still given to property rights in Western Europe and USA, whereas larger attention is paid to the personal
non-property rights in Kazakhstan
Republic. This is related to the Soviet ideology, which surrounded us for the elongation of 70 years and left deep imprint on our state
and even on all states of the former
union republics.
In the countries of the Roman-German legal
system of right the division of copyrights into the personal (moral) and the property rights is traditional and found
reflection in the special standards of law.
The theory of the united essence of
copyright “monistic theory” obtained detailed development in the doctrine of
these countries. This theory proceeds from the fact that the connection between
the protection of personal and property interests is closer than is considered
according to the dualistic concept of copyright. Here the discussion deals not
with two component parts, which are expedient to be combined under one name as
a result of the general starting point - the personality of the author, but
about the common right with the dual function. Austrian law about the copyright
was accepted in 1936 and was
named “The Ministerial official Carl Lisbauer’s monistic theory ”, it
was based on the works of 1900, Rabel’s E, Alfred X. Mitays’ and
subsequently moved into the German law
of 1965 about the copyright. This theory was descriptively described by Oygen
Ulmer. He compares both groups of interests, which are protected by the
copyright, with the roots of the tree, which united stem is copyright. The
authorities, which are given by the copyright, are large and small branches,
drawing their forces, first of both roots simultaneously, then of one root. In
the correspondence with this image he emphasizes that the rights of use also
have personal- legal element and, on the contrary, property- legal
requirements can appear during the
disturbance of personal competences. The unity of copyright is manifested not
only at the moment of its appearance and curtailment, but also with the
inheritance, since personal rights appear and disappear simultaneously with the
rights to the use of work and they are inherited with them. Copyright - is the
mixture of personal rights and property rights. One will not be able to exist without
another but together in the union they are - symbiosis which generates the new
juridicial relationships, named subjective copyrights. At present time Monistic
theory is used not only in the copyright, but also to explain legal nature of
the commercialization of personal rights. For example, the use of a name,
image, voice of famous people brings enormous profits. For example “the campaign
identities” of many well-known companies are celebrities, the stars of the show
of business. After the showing of Hollywood film, based on Ian Fleming’s story
“Agent 007. The whole world is not enough” “Omega” company’s sales of
hours rose for 900%. Secret is simple - the main hero of picture Pierce Brosnan
had them. Personal rights play important role in the property juridicial
relationships. The role of personal rights in their commercialization is shown
on this example. For the first time the study about the copyright as personal
right was developed by German philosopher I. Kant in the work of 1785 named:
“The illegality of the republication of the books”.
Emmanuel Kant makes the distinction between
the book as mechanical work, relating it to the estate right and its content,
which he perceives as the author’s appeal to nation and which, in his opinion, is
a part of extended personal right. The republication of the book without the
permission of the author disrupts his personal right, and also causes damage to
publisher, who appears in the role “controlling” author. In 1844 this thought
was developed by Johann Caspar Bluntshli, after defining “the right of the
author” first of all as personal right,25 and only in
the second turn as property right. Then there were Georg Bezeler (1855),
Max Lange (1858), Felix Dan (1871),
Carl Garyays(1877) and Otto von Gierke.
He considered that only personal component of copyright is basic. Contemporary
German doctrine (Fraytag, Getting, Zeman) adhere to the same opinion and
moreover they assert that the personal-
legal protection of individual is possible only in the context of the
interlacing of nonmaterial and property interests.26
issue about the relationship of the personal non-property and property
elements in the subjective copyrights is also questionable in this doctrine
.The need of the protection of the personal non-property interests of the author within the framework
of civil liberty was either generally denied or the leading role of property
copyright was acknowledged in the
pre-revolutionary doctrine. In the opinion of Miroshnikova M.A., most logical resolution of this question is
the guarantee of every possible and equal protection both of personal non-property and property interests of the author and their reasonable balance
with the interests of the third persons.27
Personal non-property rights of the author (moral rights). At
the end of the 19th century, in the spirit of the theory of natural right
copyrights were proposed to understand
as the personal rights (Bluntschli, Bezeler, Garum, Gareys).28 This theory
assumed to the beginning of the development of the personal non-property rights of the author.
M. Urheberrecht: ein Studienbush. - Muenchen: Beck, 1996. S. 30.
26 Miroshnikova M.A Singulyarnoe pravopreemstvo
v avtorskih pravah.Sankt-Peterburg.Izd-vo Asslanova R Uridicheskii centr
Press.2005.C6427 Tabashnikov I.G.Muzykalnaya,literaturnaya I hudozhestvennaya
28Sm.:Mezhdunarodnye konvencii ob avtorskom prave.Kommentarii.Pod red.Gavrilova
E.P-M.:progress 1982.C.25-179
The author’s non property rights are protected by the Bern convention about
the protection of literary and artistic works dated September 9, 1886 in
revision of 1971 (st.6 of bis, 15). 29
Author’s personal non- property rights were
acknowledged by Bern’s convention only in 1928. For the first time it was established on the international level
that besides property rights the author has the personal non property rights.
The personal non-property rights are united
by the fact that they serve to acknowledge that person has moral value. The
important sign of the personal non-property
copyrights –is their directivity to discover and develop the
individuality of the author as a person. The institute of the personal
non-property rights makes possible to distinguish one legal person from another,
guards its originality and uniqueness. Certainly, each citizen possesses his
own complex of the property rights, which also makes possible “to separate” him
from others, but nevertheless non-property rights have priority during the
personal non-property rights appear apropos the nonmaterial goods, which do not
have the economic content (independently of their connection with the property
relations) and not separated from the personality (inalienable and not
transmitted by other methods). In the content the personal non-property rights
are absolute. In other words, the carrier of the personal non-property right
resists the indeterminate circle of the persons, obligated to abstain from any disturbances
of its personal non-property rights. The property and non-property rights exist
not in isolation, but being tightly interwoven with each other. Thus,
non-joinder of the name of one of the co-authors can lead to the fact that he
will be deprived of rights to obtain the reward for the use of the work (for
example, the alteration of narrative work into the dramatic and vice versa)31
29 Gadzhiev T.
Neposredstvennoe primenenie sudami konstitucionnyh
sobstvennost Grishaev C.P.Moskva.Urist 2009. C. 57
31Economicheskii analiz
doktriny avtorskogo; Gorman R.A., Ginsburg J.C. Copyright for the
Nineties. Cases and materials.- Charlottesville, Virginia, 1993. P.20-22.
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[7] Rafiyeva L.K. Chest i
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[8] Refer to
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[10] Refer to
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[11] Halfina R.O. Obscheye ucheniye
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[12] Gribanov V.P. Otvetstvennost
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[13] Meyer D.N.
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[14] Gambarov Y.S. Grazhdanskoye
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[15] Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik
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[16] Ioffe O.S. Grazhdanskoye
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[17] Ihsanov E.U.
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[18] Refer to
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[19] Refer to
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[20] Refer to Pezner A.G.
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[21] Refer to
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[22] Popova I.V.
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[23] Kant. I. Von
der Unrechtmaessigkeit des Buechernachdrucks // Berliner Monatsschrift. 1785.