UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




           Large|great| influence on the state|figure| of law-enforcement activity of investigators,                         workers of OVS, carries|performs| out them professional sense of justice, which|what|, after the conducted researches|work-up| [1], considerably|signficantly| deformed|destort|. Selection and consideration of sense of justice of investigators as the specific legal phenomenon|phenomen|, in our view,                         predetermined two basic|main| moments. At first|firstly|, sense of justice of investigator represents the features of preliminary investigation|result| as in relation to|in regard to| the independent|self-maintained| type of government activity, secondly, specific of the legal state|figure| of investigator in                         a criminal process|Carbro|. After ideas In. "Professional sense of justice of consequence|investigator| workers of organs|viscus| of internal affairs is|appear| the m of Dining-room, which was engaged in the study                         of this problem, the specialized form|shape| of sense of justice, maintenance of which|what| is formed by legal looks, presentations, ideas, and also judicial procedure|proc| of warning of offences» [1].   Deformation of professional sense of justice of investigators of OVS is|appear| the system difficult|complex| sociallegal phenomenon|phenomen|, which owns|possesses| the row|file| of concrete signs and characterized|describe| the distorted|disfigures|  deviation from a norm|standard| all or a few|a little| components|reductant| the structures of professional legal reflections, which|what| causes|call| negative changes|changing|, negatively influence on the face|personality| of investigator, and also on the law-use|  activity — investigation of crimes carried out by them. The substantial signs of deformation of professional sense of justice of investigators of OVS is|appear|: a|but|) negativity; b|) mass character; c) to carry|perform| out ability|power| influence on the contiguous spheres of life of society; d) development and mobility|vagility| (dynamic); e) presence of degree of public danger.           

          The mechanism of formation of deformation of professional sense of justice of investigators of OVS is|appear| violation, negative rejection, all or a few|a little| components|reductant| of structure of sense of justice from certain|definite| legal or other regulation| norm|standard|. Thus deformation of professional sense of justice of investigators of OVS would not acquire|buy| a substantial negative value|importance|, if it|her| was not related|ties| to deformation of the valued orientations|orintation|. Intercommunication|relationship| of deformation of legal culture with forming of negative, nihilistic legal looks, presentations, ideas, legal feelings|sense|, options, legal knowledges, forms the mechanism of deformation of professional sense of justice of investigators of OVS. Deformation of professional sense of justice of consequence|investigator| workers of OVS accepts|take| the most various manners and  matter, and together with the permanent|withstand| forms|shape| of deformation — legal infantilism, legal nihilizm and regeneration, forms new|firsttime|, before|earlier| the not known forms|shape| of deformation, which is not investigational. In their number – ethics-law| conformism, speculatively legal populism|, negatively legal radicalism.

       Basic|main| directions of warning and prophylaxis of deformation of sense of justice of consequence|investigator| workers of OVS  can be: 1. A high-quality|quality| professional selection|off-take| of candidates is on investigation|investigator| work|wrk|. 2. Etiko is legal education. 3. High-quality|quality| professional preparation, retraining, in-plant training. 4. Leadthrough of different|diverse| sort of scientific|science| conferences. 5. Making healthy of inside| relations is in an investigation|investigator| collective, removal|sublation| of authoritarian style of guidance and use|utillizing|  here of ruling methods. 6. Adequate application is in activity of consequence|investigator| workers of financial and moral forms|shape| of encouragement|encouragingly|. 7. Rational partition|division| of regular load on each  of investigator.


1.     Baranov P.P. Professional rights-creation| collaborator in inside business ||. - M.: Yurist, 2008