UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko ( Kyiv)




After the conclusions|inference| of the last researches|work-up|, unlike other forms|shape| of public consciousness|intelligent|, the specific  article of reflection of sociallegal reality and direct|immediate| object of influence the law| has sense of justice as a system of obligatory norms|standard| (rules of social conduct) and principles, legal relationships, legislation, legal conduct and, finally, legal system, on the whole|all in all|. Already I.Il’in underlined that the specific line|vinculum| of the sense of justice concerted|agreed-upon| in a civilized manner consisted in that the last “knows”, the object “realizes”  after the essence is|appear| “knowing will to|by| the right which acknowledges  him in his|its| objective value|importance| and obligatoryness, and acknowledges him because it|her| acknowledges his|its| purpose” That, after I.Il’in , sense of “normal” sense of justice consists in a fight|wrestling| for|after| a law and order. In our view, legal consciousness|intelligent|, except for self-reflection representation|| in the certain|definite| legal ideas of sociallegal reality, well-off|able| to send|direct| legal subjects to adequate transformations in a sociallegal environment|Wed|, and also to forecast and design them.

Sense of justice, removing|reflects| the different|diverse| types of public relations, the general|common| phenomenon of public consciousness|intelligent| represents also prologs| by it, after the supervisions of many researchers, the influence on all industries|branch| of processes|Carbro| of national rightcreation| and lawrealization [1]|.

It is needed to mark|note| that definitions, which|what| uses|utillize| different|diverse| authors at interpretation of phenomen| sense of justice, on the whole|all in all|, presumably|perhaps|, coincide|gather|, but there are some|certain| features. However|yet| needed it is to accede  to that, without regard to|in spite of| substantial achievements in industry|branch| of creation|making|  functionally|function| concept|notion| terminology vehicle of research|work-up| of phenomen|| sense of justice, there is a requirement|need| in the subsequent|consequent| approaching of maintenance of these concepts|notion| and terms|term| to|by| their modern lawfilling| and lawrealization|.

It is possible argued (though|though and| in classic soviet style) enough to name|call| determination|definition| of sense of justice of V.O. Chefranovim - as aggregates of legal ideas and proper them   psychological forms|shape|, which|what| reflects public life through the prism of class relations and those which are incarnated|embody| in the norm|standard| of right.

P.M.Rabinovich diffuses|widens| and something modifies afore-mentioned determination|definition|, adding|adds| attitude of people toward|to| the desired|desirable| right  and | sense of justice as a system to him. Similar|like| determination|definition| offers O.F.Skakun: “Pravosvidomist' is the system of ideas, presentations, emotions and senses|feeling|, which express|signify| attitude of individual, group, society, toward|to| operating, the pas and desired|desirable| right, and also to|by| activity, related|ties| to the right”.

V.V.Kopeychikov et al suitable|appropriate| spare attention|attn.| a place|seat| and role of sense of justice in providing|ADM| of freedom|liberty| of person|personality| and other common to all mankind values.. Thus rightunderstanding|on this grow|| is|appear| basic|foundation| of social development and management.




1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Problem of wrong legal reflection by sense of justice of reality as a white spot of Ukrainian jurisprudence: theory of legal ideology as the perverted sense of justice (sources, history, reality). Part is 3 // Forum of right. – 2006. – N 2. – ¹. 34-52 [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http // www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2006-2/06dumdir.pdf