Dmitrienko Yu.N., corresponding member of
the International academy of sciences of ecology and safety of vital functions,
Ph.D., professor (KhDUKhT, Kharkiv)
In modern transformations of the
Ukrainian right for forming of new
legal socially - the valued paradigm in posttotality
societies and states, for example in Ukrainian and Russian what is
happend and
traditions of through of principle
substituting of world view valuestotality of type
by natural , mentally
mediated. In this connection, the posttotality aclimatization paradigm of world view legal thought and legislative measuring of
social changes causes destructurual
changes On the whole , thus , operating totalitarian experience of legislative perception, understanding and
analysis of world legal traditions,
norms and values,
transformed in the of long duration sociallegal phenomena pathologies which presents|represent|
the and phenomena in the system of modern
rightlegislative destructive
traditions, built on the walk of life of totalitarian experience of their creation .methodological absence the public mechanism of their decision, and|but| together with it absence of the adapted
national methodology of the operative
reacting on the extreme cases
of crisis lawcreate and lawrealization. We on principle bind
modern sociallegal and legislative pathologies to of conceptually|concept-based| principle violation in the days of
totalitarianism of natural
logic of development irrationally homogeneous eastslamentality of
legal tradition as specific legal nature
in the structure of ethnotradition (national
consciousness) as family legal nature, and also with violation of natural sequence of its forming,
which was historically
produced in the process
of world social, legal and legislative
evolution [1]. Odzhe, in this plan boundless value for the invention of
model of mechanism of decision of sociallegal and lawny pathologies , presented in
deviations of legal consciousness ,
and different lawrefxection crisis phenomena , othersource experimental models of transgressive
orientations ,
related to forming of high
cycle of social
activity of ukranianmentality of legal consciousness , acquire . Using àxiomatization basic of the renewed transcendental studies about constant essence of right and causal source of origin and
functioning of certain
things (legal facts) of this essence, it is needed to probe|explore| akmeology episystem of devialent sense of justice as functionally functional-leology methodologies positively
sinergistical lawunderstanding| of transcendent analysis of deviations of legal due. For
this purpose up a
question: world view nature of contradictions of it
is needed properly to lightrigthlaw move
as ideological foundation of crisis cycle of linear (positive ) sense of justice (devialent sense of justice);
sinergistical-interpretation model of functional
of constantsdevialent sense of
justice; mode with
sharpening as a
criterion of evolutional, ontological theology of devialent | sense of justice; a change|changing| of types (modes of linear-non-linearity) is a determinant as methodological problem them rigthorientation deviations in
transitional rigthlawtranfirmation of evolutional type|business| model of theoretical awareness of
stochastic rotary press of the modes
of firmness-instability
of . Dodama: creating after
ideological - by the ideal chart of sinergistical evolution of any thingsrigthunderstanding
imprints legal pure as a
sinergistical dynamics of devivant sense of justice - functionally instrumental methodology of theoretical rigthunderstanding of
transcendental synthesis of deviations legal pure, it is needed to outline
othersource proportions of constituents of legal idiom and legal
methodological coefficients of correlative corrections of modern theory of management.
1. Dmitrienko Yu.N.
Modern methodology of transcendental synthetically philosophic : prospect of synergetic of sense of
justice as posttolality
methodology of deviantrigthrefflection
//New paradigm. Almanac of scientific
labours. Vip. 33. - Zaporozhzhya, 2002. – P. 79-99